Unfair Dismissal Flashcards
Range of reasonable responses
** Subjectivity
Cannot substitute own opinion, there is a range
But using own subjective knowledge.
** Must be real reason which they had at the time (Abernethy v Anderson)
** Case specific
Consider size and resources of business and also consider equity and substantial merits of case (more individual based, better)
Four steps
1) dismissed for one of the reasons under s95(1)
2) Potentially fair reason / automatically unfair? S98(1)-(3)
3) substantial fairness - within RORR (Post Office v Foley)
4) Procedural fairness (Polkey)
Considerations of procedural unfairness
Fair and proper pre-dismissal procedure under the code
Can adjust damages for non-compliance by 25%
Polkey principle
Remedies - why just normally compensation?
Can’t enforce employment contract
MT+C battered to seat band irreparable
Physically possible, stigma, could be treated badly again etc.
Often career ending - just want compensation