Wrong3 Flashcards
What are the edges of leaves known as? A) Midrib B) Margin C) Leaf Line D) Leaf Border
What are green plants also known as? A) Producers B) Consumers C) Decomposers D) None of the above
Which of these trees has orange-coloured flowers? A) Banyan B) Mango C) Coconut D) Gulmohar
What are the lines seen on leafs called? A) Arteries B) Capillaries C) Veins D) Leaf Lines
What are animals which only eat grass called? A) Herbivores B) Scavengers C) Omnivores D) Carnivores
This flower is available in many different colours, although the most common colour is red. Which flower is this? A) Rose B) Shoe flower C) None of these D) Both A & B
I am brown and I give you a lot of fibre. You can make bread out of me or even rotis. Who am I? A) Rice B) Jowar C) Bajra D) Wheat
Which is correct order of size for these three wild species in the dog family?
A) Wolf is bigger than the jackal, jackal is bigger than the fox
B) Wolf is bigger than the fox, which is bigger than the jackal
C) Jackal bigger than the fox, which is bigger than the wolf
D) Jackal bigger than the wolf, which is bigger than the fox
Ornithology is the study of? A) Insects B) Tigers C) Birds D) Fish
The largest bird on earth also lays the largest egg. Which bird?
A) Cassowary B) Ostrich
C) Hornbill
D) Peacock
Which of the following senses is the weakest in birds? A) Hearing B) Sight C) Smell D) Taste
Which is the largest carnivore on land? A) Tiger B) Jaguar C) Lion D) Polar Bear
What is “metamorphosis”?
A) The process of a butterfly’s change from egg to caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly
B) The butterfly’s “tongue” that helps to suck nectar
C) A means of protection from predators
D) Copying other poisonous butterflies
On which of the following types of habitats do most of the 15 species of cranes nest? A) Wetland B) Grassland C) Tropical Forest D) Temperate Forest
Bats do not have \_\_\_\_. A) Feathers B) Eyes C) Legs D) Hair
The Asian Elephant is larger than the African Bush Elephant. True or False?
A) True
B) False
C) Males are bigger, but females are smaller D) They both are of the same size
Which is the most diverse, species - rich group among terrestrial organisms? A) Butterflies & Moths B) Beetles C) Flies D) Stick Insects
Delhi has always been the capital of India. When the British arrived,
they made a port city their capital, and it remained so even as their empire expanded. Much later however, they changed it back to Delhi. Which city was it?
A) Chennai
B) Pondicherry
C) Kolkata
D) Mumbai
This species of owl is found across the world, including India. They are big, with round white faces and eat a lot of mice. They are named after a part of a farm. Which species of owl? A) Stable owl B) Barn owl C) Yard owl D) Spotted owlet
Wildlife shows can be regularly seen on TV. Which of these channels DOES NOT have wildlife shows regularly?
B) National Geographic
C) Discovery Channel D) Animal Planet
There are 11 boys and 19 girls in a class. 1 boy and 3 girls are absent from school today. How many pupils are present? A) 22 B) 26 C) 28 D) 30
Tom has _____ English lessons every Thursday.
A) Your B) Her C) His D) Him
Do underwater plants require sunlight?
A) Yes
B) No
C) They do, but can survive without it D) Some do, some don’t
Which of the following are mammals, like us, but live in sea? A) Whale B) Dolphin C) Porpoise D) All of the above
This water-loving bird is famous because of the pink colour of its
feathers. What is the name of this bird? A) Kingfisher
B) Duck
C) Tern
D) Flamingo
Green is the colour you will generally associate with me, although several of my kinds are brightly coloured and multi-coloured. I love to eat flies, grasshoppers, and other insects which I can easily gobble up. You will generally find me only during the rainy season as I need to keep my skin wet and moist. Who am I? A) Tortoise B) Crocodile C) Frog D) Turtle
Goldfish are the most common fish kept as pets all around the world. What is the colour commonly found in goldfish? A) Yellow B) Golden C) Red D) Orange
Which of the following is a renewable source of energy? A) Fossil fuel B) Sunlight C) Wind D) B & C
Which of the following birds is a symbol of peace? A) Dove B) Eagle C) Robin D) Cardinal
How long is a mother elephant pregnant with a calf? A) 3 months B) 9 months C) 12 months D) 22 months
In which state was the first white tiger found? A) Gujarat B) Madhya Pradesh C) West Bengal D) Uttarakhand
Cosmetic products are mostly made from \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A) Plants B) Plants & Animals C) Soil D) Water
Farmers are advised not to use excessive fertilizers on crops as it damages the soil. What kind of pollution is this?
A) Soil Pollution
B) Air Pollution
C) Water Pollution D) Crop Pollution