FAUNA Flashcards
The praying mantis is a type of insect that looks like a grasshopper. They differ from the common grasshopper in their front two legs. What is special about them, that gives them their name?
A) They sit on their back and rub their legs together like praying
B) The front two legs are held together to catch prey, like praying
C) They use the front two legs to scratch their bodies
D) They use the legs in mating
Elephants can do many things, except one thing. What CAN’T they do? A) Swim B) Walk C) Jump D) Purr
Which of these is true?
A) Asian Elephants have two ‘lips’ on their trunks while African has one
B) Asian Elephants have one ‘lips’ on their trunks while African has two
C) Asian Elephants and African elephants have two ‘lips’ on their trunks
D) Asian Elephants and African elephants have one ‘lip’ on their trunks
Which is correct order of size for these three wild species in the dog family?
A) Wolf is bigger than the jackal, jackal is bigger than the fox
B) Wolf is bigger than the fox, which is bigger than the jackal
C) Jackal bigger than the fox, which is bigger than the wolf D) Jackal bigger than the wolf, which is bigger than the fox
Ornithology is the study of? A) Insects B) Tigers C) Birds D) Fish
Elephants rumble sometimes, as if the sound is coming from their belly. Why? A) They are clearing their stomach B) They are talking to each other C) They are clearing their throat D) They are scaring away carnivores
A certain animal found in North America warns its enemies by making a noise from a growth on its tail. This growth is very similar to a children’s toy. What is this animal? A) Coral Snake B) Rattlesnake C) Black Mamba D) Skink
Which is the smallest bird in the world? A) Barbet B) Sparrow C) Hummingbird D) Kiwi
Which of the following senses is the weakest in birds? A) Hearing B) Sight C) Smell D) Taste
Which bamboo-eating bear has a baby that weighs less than an apple?
A) Grizzly Bear B) Polar Bear C) Panda
D) Sloth Bear
Find the odd one out: A) Koel B) Vulture C) Woodpecker D) Bat
What will you feed rock pigeons? A) Fruits B) Grains C) Worms D) Meat
Arrange in the correct order of growth: pupa, egg, butterfly, larva (caterpillar). A) Pupa – Egg – Larva – Butterfly B) Egg – Pupa – Larva – Butterfly C) Pupa – Larva – Egg – Butterfly D) Egg – Larva – Pupa – Butterfly
Spiders are not found in which continent? A) Asia B) Europe C) Australia D) Antarctica
On which of the following types of habitats do most of the 15 species of cranes nest? A) Wetland B) Grassland C) Tropical Forest D) Temperate Forest
What are the young ones of an ant called? A) Antling B) Larvae C) Caterpillar D) Mite
Which is a carnivorous animal? A) Giant Panda B) Elephant C) Lion D) Giraffe
Why do butterflies eat so much? A) To stay warm B) To attract a mate C) To grow and gain energy D) All of the above
The Asian Elephant is larger than the African Bush Elephant. True or False?
A) True
B) False
C) Males are bigger, but females are smaller D) They both are of the same size
Which is the easiest way to tell a male from a female in a mating pair of swans?
A) By size: males are bigger
B) By calls: females are mute
C) By colour: males have a cleaner white
D) By the length of their tail feathers: females have longer tail feathers
Which is the most diverse, species - rich group among terrestrial organisms? A) Butterflies & Moths B) Beetles C) Flies D) Stick Insects
Like most other beetles, fireflies can fly. But only the male is capable of flight. What are the flightless females commonly called? A) Ladybugs B) Glow worms C) Lady luck D) Moth
What is another name for a caterpillar? A) Worm B) Larva C) Pupa D) Nymph
What is the young of a rhinoceros called? A) Calf B) Cygnet C) Raul D) Piglet
What is a male elephant called? A) Bull B) Hind C) Boy D) Buck
People with keen eyesight say their eyesight is as good as mine. I am commonly seen on many flags around the world. Who am I? A) Eagle B) Raven C) Turkey D) Loon
Which of the following animals lives in a herd? A) Elephant B) Tiger C) Squirrel D) Leopard
What is the young one of an elephant called? A) Calf B) Fawn C) Leveret D) Elepe