Written responses Flashcards
First step in written response type 1
step 2 in written response type 1
Issue: topic, message, concept. What is being shown, discussed or explained? relation to course
step 3 in written response type 1
Ideology being presented
step 1 in written response type 2
Analyse, can do same steps as written type 1
step 2 in written response type 2
Thesis: We should embrace/reject the perspective of the source because..
We should embrace the perspective to a certain extent bc…
+ 3 arguments
step 4 in written response type 1
Perspective of the source:
rooted (fully supports)
embracing (supports to an extent)
reaction against (somewhat against)
rejection (completely against)
illiberal (violation of liberal values)
step 1 in written response type 2, body
Argument: short & to the point. broad and general statements. must be logical, reasonable and be proven/supported by ur case study.
ex: Although government growth often happens w/ good intentions, it compromises the efficiency and effectiveness of the economy.
step 5 in written response type 1
Philosopher/person of interest linked to the source
step 2 in written response type 2, body
case study: provide a specific case study. It should be accurate, relevant and to the point.
ex: The US economy suffered from high levels of government spending in the 1960s & 1970s, resulting in stagflation.
step 3 in written response type 2, body
Evidence: should prove how/why ur argument is true. avoid tangents and history lessons. Evidence must prove why ur position/argument is correct.
step 6 in written response type 1
Values: values associated w/ perspective. What would someone who holds that perspective believe in, hope for and work towards? How do they believe the world should work? What is important to them? What values of liberalism would they support/reject?
End goal: what they want it to look like.
step 7 in written response type 1
Evidence: case study, examples, facts, figures. Actions and policies & consequences. what relates to the ideology, issue & perspective.
step 8 in written response type 1
Link: between source & liberalism. Sentence tying it together.
step 4 in written response type 2, body
-How/why ur case study example supports argument.
-How/why ur evidence proves argument is true
-How/why ur argument supports ur position
restatement of thesis(don’t write the same way), brief overview of arguments, brief overview of case studies/key evidence. My perspective (rooted,embrace,etc) based on my position. finish w/ a prediction, question, recommendation, or statement related to source, my position, one of my arguments, one of my case studies or evidence.