WHAT is written representation?
it is a written statement by management given to the auditor to confirm certain matters or to support other audit evidence
purpose is to make management confirm that:
what written representations are necessary/ required?
required by IAS:
written representations from management that:
-it has fulfilled the responsibility of preparation for FS
-to support audit evidence relevant to FS, or specific assertions if deemed necessary by the auditor, or required by specific ISAs
-that the auditor has been provided with all relevant info
-that all transactions have been recorded and reflected in FS
what are the matters on which written representations are commonly obtained but not compulsory?
reps may be used when more reliable forms of evidence are not available, particularly in relation to matters requiring managements judgement or knowledge, eg:
-whether selection and application of accounting policies is appropriate
-whether the following have been measured, disclosed , presented in accordance with financial reporting framework:
1) plans or intentions that may affect carrying value or classifications of assets or liabilities
2) liabilities, both contingent and actual
3) title to or control over assets
4) aspects of laws or contracts that may affect FS, including non compliance
-that the directors have communicated all deficiencies in internal control to auditor
-specific assertions about classes of transactions, accounts, balances and disclosures requiring management judgement.
what is the process for obtaining a written rep from management??
in practice, auditor will draft the wording of the written representation letter but it must be printed on clients headed paper, addressed to auditor and signed by senior management member of client
signer must have appt responsibilities of FS and knowledge of matters concerned (normally CEO AND CFO)
-date of letter shud be same as the date FS are authorised, it must be obtained and signed before auditor report is finalised
how reliable are written representations?
they are client generated so may be subject to bias.so it is potentially an unreliable form of evidence.
auditor must consider the reliability in terms of:
-inconsistencies with other forms of evidence
-concerns about the competence, integrity, ethical values, or diligence of management
what steps must auditor take if management refuses to provide written evidences
-discuss why they are refusing
-re evaluate their integrity and reliability of other evidence
-consider impact on auditor’s report
what steps must auditor take if written rep is inconsistent with other audit evidence?
-consider reliability of representations in general
-reconsider the initial risk assessment
-consider the need to perform further audit procedures
if there are concerns about management integrity:
-consider if engagement can be conducted effectively
-if they conclude that it cannot, withdraw from engagement, where permitted by law
-if not permitted to withdraw, consider impact on auditor’s report, it is likely this wud lead to a disclaimer of opinion
why is it important for auditor to do an overall review to ensure SAE has been obtained?
before forming opinion and deciding wording of auditor’s report, the .auditor should conduct an overall review
it is important to ensure that the auditor’s work is up to the mark, and meets quality standards
as part of the review, auditor shud assess that:
-audit work was performed in accordance with professional standards
-significant matters have been raised for further consideration and appt consultations have taken place
-there is a need to revise the nature, timing and extent of work performed.
-the audit evidence gathered is sufficiently appropriate to support the conclusions reached and provide a basis for the audit opinion.
also ensure that initial assessments made at start of the audit r still valid in light of new info and that audit plan has been flexed to meet new circumstances
what procedures shud auditor perform in overall review of SAE?
-compliance with AC standards and local laws disclosure requirements. this is sometimes performed using a disclosure checklist.
-A/C policies are sufficiently disclosed and they r in accordance with A/C treatment in FS
-they reflect the info and conclusions reached during audit
AND TO ASSIST WHEN FORMING AN OVERALL CONCLUSION, to confirm that the FS are consistent with auditor’s understanding of entity
3) review the aggregate of uncorrected misstatements to assess whether a material misstatement rises. if so, discuss potential adjustment with management.
how can an auditor evaluate uncorrected misstatements?
-reassess materiality to see if still appropriate in the circumstances as the level of risk may be deemed higher as a result of managements refusal
-determine whether uncorrected MS either individually or aggregate are material to FS as a whole. if a MS is individually material, it can not be set off by other MSs.
-communicte uncorrected MS to TCWG and explain the affect this will have on audit opinion
-request written representation from M that they believe effect of uncorrected MS is immaterial
explain the significance of uncorrected misstatements
the auditor must consider the impact of misstatements on audit procedures and FS as a whole.
this must be done by:
-accumulate a record of all identified MS unless clearly trivial
-consider if the existence of such MS tells that others may exist, and when aggregated could be material
-if so consider if audit strategy and plan needs to be revised
-communicate all accumulated MS to management on timely basis and request all misstatements are corrected
-if M refuses to correct some or all MS, consider the reasons and take into account when considering if FS are free from MS.
what is the auditor’s report and what are it’s contents?
prepared by the auditor to express the conclusion.
contents are:
1) title (independent auditors report) and addressee (intended user)
2) auditors opinion
3) basis of opinion para
4) key audit matters section
5) additional communications
6) other information section
7) responsibilities of management and auditors
8) report on other legal and regulatory requirements
9) signature, auditor’s address and date
what are the different types of audit opinion and when are they given?
-IF MS or lack of SAE are not material: UNMODIFIED OPINION AND TF VIEW
-IF MS or lack of SAE is material but not pervasive:
-IF MS is material AND pervasive: ADVERSE OPINION (FS dont give TFV)
Describe what is meant by unmodified opinion:
When there is no material MS in FS, and its concluded it is perpared in accordance with framework, auditor gives unmodified opinion.
it means:
-adequate disclosures
-consistently applied policies
-reasonable estimates
-info is relevant, understandable, reliable, comparable
-terminology used is appropriate
what is meant by pervasive?
a matter is pervasive when its effects are not confined to specific items of the FS, if they are, they could represent a substantial part of the FS,
in related to disclosures, it means it is fundamental to users understanding of FS.
What is meant by qualified opinion?
It is given when MS OR LACK OF SAE is material but not PERVASIVE.
it means matter is material to the area affected, but rest of the FS are not affected.
-wording: “except for… FS give a true and fair view”
basically it is an isolated material matter.
What is meant by adverse opinion?
WHEN is material and PERVASIVE, and there is no lack of SAE.
wording: FS dont give a true and fair view.
examples :
-FS prepared on the wrong basis
-material subsidary not consolidated
-MMS of a balance which is a big part of assets/profits (would change profit into loss)
What is meant by a disclaimer of opinion?
disclaimer is issued when:
when the auditor is unable to gather SAE, and the effects could be pervasive.
eg. management refusal for written representation
-no accounting records kept
-failure of client to provide evidence on a single or multiple important balances
what is the impact of disclaimer opinion on audit report?
1) the line that “SAE has been obtained to provide basis for opinion” is NOT INCLUDED
2) The statement that FS have been audited is changed to “we were engaged to audit the FS”
3) the statement that audit has been done in accordance with ISA is moved from basis of opinion section to Auditor responsibilties section
4) KAM section is NOT INCLUDED
if included, it would suggest that some matters are credible, but this would be inconsistent with the disclaimer opinion of FS as a whole.
what is the basis for opinion para?
it refers to the standards followed by auditor, to give confidence to users.
when opinion is modified, it will explain why it is modified: eg. balances were misstated, disclosures are inadequate etc.
title must be changed always:
-if unmodified opinion , title must be basis for opinion
-“basis for qualified opinion”
-“basis for adverse opinion”
-“basis for disclaimer of opinion”
what are key audit matters?
KAM are those matters that in auditors professional judgement were of the most significance in the audit, and are selected from matters communicated to TCWG.
for listed companies -KAM communication is a requirement
-for non listed its voluntary.
purpose of KAM is to help users in understanding and provide a basis to engage with management and TCWG.
*EACH KAM shud tell why it is significant and how it was addressed in audit. in column style.
-risky areas or specific risks identified
-significant auditor judgements relating to areas of subjectivitiy of mgmnt
-effect of signiifcant events that occurred during the yr onthe audit
-fraud risk, goodwill, valuation, revenue recognition, implementation of new systems etc.
is material uncertainty related to going concern a key audit matter?
it is but it will not be included in KAM paragraph.
instead, reference for basis of opinon para or GOING CONCERN section will be made.
book page 467. read.
what if ther e is no Key audit matter to communicate?
-auditor must discuss with engagement quality reviewer, if there is one
-communicate this with TCWG
-write in KAM section that there are no matters to report
what are the 3 types of additional communication that might be required even if FS GIVE A TRUE AND FAIR VIEW?
-material uncertainty relating to going concern
-emphasis of matter paragraph
-other matter paragraph
these dont effect the wording of the opinion
when is material uncertainty related to going concern para included in auditor report?
-when there is a material uncertainty
-directors have disclosed adequately in FS
-this section is used to draw attention of user to disclosure note of client.
what is emphasis of matter para and when is it included?-
-when there is a matter appropriately disclosed by directors in FS,
-auditor thinks it is fundamental for users understanding of FS and shud be emphasised by auditor.
-uncertainty of litigation or regulation
-subsequent events
-new accounting standard
also when
-FS are made on a basis other than GOING CONCERN basis
-restated figures
-FS have been reissued
-there is an amended auditors report.
where is the emphasis of matter para included?
usually after basis of opinion paragraph.
may be before or after KAM section, depends on importance.
heading of emphasis of matter paragraph can be amended for contect
eg: emphasis of matter - legal case
what is the other matter paragraph?
it is included if auditor thinks its necessary to draw attention to a matter which is not presented in FS, but relevant to understand the audit, auditor responsibility and report.
-to say it is for intended users only not to disclose to 3rd parties
-when law requires auditor to further explain responsibilties
-to explain why auditor has not resigned, when mgmgnt is not cooperating, but auditor is unable to leave cuz of laws.
-if an entity made on accounts according to local law, and one according to ifrs.
what is the position of the other matter paragraph?
may be included in the
“REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY requirements” section, or separately after this report.