Writs Eval & Intervention Flashcards
Load of the radiocarpal joint
Review 3 Major Nerves at the Wrist, Their Innervation, And Deformities
Refer to Nerve Section of the Elbow Eval and Intervention
9 Hole Peg Test
Measures Finger Dexterity & Speed
Perdue Pegboard
Measures Manual Dexterity: May be most appropriate for pts. who have manual labor jobs
Grooved Keyboard
Measures Fine Motor Coordination: May be best for pts. with nerve entrapment.
Jebsen Hand Function Test
Measures Everyday Hand Functions
Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test
Measures Speed of Gross Arm and Hand Movements
Colles Fracture
Complete fracture of the distal radius with dorsal displacement of the distal fragment.
Smiths Fracture
Reverse colles fracture of distal radius w/ palmar displacement.
Bartons Fracture
Dorsal or volar articualr fracture of the distal radius w/ a subluxation of the wrist.
Interventions for Distal Wrist Fractures
Edema Control, Pain Control, ROM of uninvolved joints.
Nerve involvement include desensitization & gliding
Dynamic Splinting
ORIF include scar management
Clinical Signs for Scaphoid Fractures
Pain occurs when the scaphod is palpated.
Often undetected on xrays
Interventions for Scaphoid Fractures
Edema Control Splinting: Must include the thumb Hourly HEP PROM on all pivots for stretching Thumb oppostion Activity adaptation