Writing a Position Paper Flashcards
Outlines a writer’s stance or viewpoint on a particular issue. Outlines arguments and proposes possible course(s) of action.
Position Paper
Parts of a Position Paper include:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
Part of a Position Paper wherein it grabs the attention of readers.
Part of a Position Paper wherein the issue is defined and its background is discussed.
Part of a Position Paper wherein it provides a general statement of your position via the thesis statement.
Part of a Position Paper wherein the main arguments of the paper are found.
Part of a Position Paper wherein sufficient evidence for each argument is provided.
Part of a Position Paper wherein counterarguments against the possible weaknesses of a presented argument can be found.
Part of a Position Paper wherein you restate your position and main arguments.
Part of a Position Paper wherein you suggest a course of action.
Part of a Position Paper wherein you state what makes your position superior and more acceptable.
Part of a Position Paper wherein you end with a powerful closing statement, such as a quotation, challenge, or question.
The types of Fallacies include:
- Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc
- Secundum Quid
- Ad Hominem
- Lubricus Clivus
- Argumentum ad Verecundiam
- Argumentum ad Ignorantiam
- Argumentum ad Misericordiam
- Ad Populum
Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc in English means:
After this, therefore, because of this
Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc is a fallacy wherein the argument is:
Event B happened after Event A, therefore Event A caused Event B