wrist/hand Flashcards
acute management principles of loose hand/wrist
protect injury
control pain and inflammation
control/eliminate edema
restore full painfree ROM in entire kinetic chain
prevent ms atrophy
minimize detrimental effects of immob
scar management
maintain fitness
Loose: midcarpal instability
insufficiency of the intercarpal ligaments, may not be symptomatic, and pt may be able to sublux and reduce the joint at will
clunk can be felt as distal row of carpals jumps back into place at end of ulnar deviation
Scapholunate instability –(DISI –lunate migrates dorsally)
FOOSH, with forces transmitted through the wrist in extension and ulnar deviation
Weakness with grasping objects,
chronic vague wrist pain
+ tenderness over scaphoid and/or lunate
+ laxity between the scaphoid and lunate
+ scaphoid shear test
+ Scaphoid (Watsons) shift test
Second most common instability (VISI- lunate tilts ventrally)
Similar signs and symptoms to scapho-lunate instability, except for location
+ Ballotment test (lunotriquetral instability) Reagan’s Test
Loose: acute management
swelling following acute sprain, with degee of swelling corresponding to severity of injury
immob the joint - custom or off the shelf splint that allows fingers to move, holds wrist in 10 degrees of extension
mild sprain splint for 3-5 days, longer for moderate to severe sprain ice thru out the day
after splint d/c: AROM, taping to provide support, decrease pain, strengthen
exercise considerations for hypermobility/instability
functional oblique motion: from radial extenion to ulnar flexion
dart throwing motion: less scaphoid and lunate motion than during pure flex, ext
end range supination stressess the TFCC
secondary consequence of instability
transient neuro (median n) symptoms due to compromise of carpal tunnel
- loss of the transverse carpal arch
Loose: UCL sprain
skier’s thumb, gamekeeper’s thumb, break-dancer’s thumb
- apply force to stress UCL: tested at 0- and 30- degrees flexion
+ test is pain and extreme laxity
angulation 15 dg greater than uninvoluved side + 30-35 dg of motion - need surgery
risk of STENER lesion (torn UCL gets entraped beneath adductor pollicus aponeurosis)
CMC OA: loose
distinguishing feature = loss of retroposition
splinting, stretch adductor pollicus, avoid adduction positions
rheumatoid diseases/ family RA
chronic, progressive (flare-remitting), systemic, autoimmune
affects entire body; bilateral, symmetrical
acute stage: pain, swelling, warmth, limited motion (commonly: MCP, PIP, wrist jt)
Jt inflammation –> soft tissue damage –> ms weakness and imbalance –> pain, stiffness, jt damage, instability, deformity
- ulnar deviation of the MCP joints
- Boutonniere deformity
- swan-neck deformities of digits
ulnar drift
happens in the MCP first then wrist
ulnar drift and palmar subluxation (pronation) due to damge to collateral ligaments and extensor mechanisms
ulnar deviation of hand due to weakening of capsuligamentous structures of the MCP and “bowstring effect” of extensor communis tendon
causes of ulnar drift
synovitis, weakening of radial collateral ligament, ulnar displacement of extensor tendons, contracture of ulnar side intrinsics, dysfunction of radial side intrinsics, ulnar displacement of flexor tendonds
boutonniere deformity (button hole)
extended MCP and DIP
flexed PIP
rupture of central tendinous slip of the extensor hood
common extensor tendon that inserts on the base of the middle phalanx is damaged (can also happen in sports: severe flexion of PIP or trauma to dorsal PIP –> damage to common extensor tendon)
intervention for boutonniere deformity due to sports trauma*
4 weeks in a splint that holds PIP jt in full ext, while allowing the DIP to flex
gentle AROM exercises can begin for flexion and extension of the PIP joint at 4-8 weeks, w the splint being reapplied b/w exercises
general strengthening usually begins at 10-12 weeks. for a return to competition an additional 2 months is required
swan neck (recurvatum) deformity
flexed MCP and DIP
extended PIP
least functional of ALL deformities
contracture of instrinsics or tearing of volar plate
destruction of the oblique retinacular ligament of the extensor mechanism leads to posterior (dorsal) displacement of the lateral bands of the extensor mech