Wrist/Hand Flashcards
Distal radioulnar joint: open pack
10 degrees supination
Distal radioulnar joint: closed pack
5 degrees supination
Radiocarpal joint: open pack
Neutral w/ slight ulnar deviation
Radiocarpal joint: closed pack
Full extension w/ radial deviation
What articulates with the TFCC? (4)
Distal ends of ulna and medial radius
Boutonnière Deformity
Bent proximal joint
Tear at PIP extensor hood
Swan neck deformity
Tear at DIP extensor hood:This is wrong
TFCC pathology and presentation
Lesions typically occur after a fall on a supinated wrist or repetitive rotational loading
Medial wrist pain
Pain with end range pronation/supination
Pain w/ forceful gripping
Clicking or snapping w/ wrist movement or mobilization of carpals
TFCC test cluster (6)
TFCC compression test
TFCC stress test
Press Test
Supination Test
Piano key Test
Grind Test
Lunate dislocation tests
Lunotriquetral shear test
Murphy Sign
Watson test
Scaphoid tests
Watson test
Scaphoid shift test
CTS tests
carpal compression test
Tinel’s test
Phalen’s test
Reverse phalen’s test
Finklestein’s Test (condition, performance, positive test)
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Grasp thumb in fist and ulnarly deviate
Reproduction of pain
UCL sprain test (performance & positive test)
Tested in extension and 30* flexion, stabilize hand and apply Valgus stress through thumb
Pain and excessive movement
Boxer’s fracture
Break in shaft of 5th metacarpal
Colles Fracture
Complete fracture of distal radius with posterior displacement of distal fragment
Due to FOOSH
Smith Fracture (description and MOI)
Reverse Colles
Complete fracture of distal radius with ANTERIOR displacement of distal fragment
Due to fall on flexed hand
Barton Fracture
Posterior or Anterior articular fracture of radius resulting in subluxation of wrist
Direct injury to wrist or sudden pronation on flexed wrist
Buckle fracture (description and MOI)
Incomplete non-displaced fracture of distal radius
Seen in children and due to compressive forces
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (description, MOI, presentation)
Progressive dx involving tendon sheaths of the first compartment
Thickening of extensor retinaculum and potential stenosis of the fibroosseous canal
Repetitive ulnar and/or radial deviation, overuse of APL and EPB tendons, over extension of the thumb and repeated gripping
Dull ache over radial aspect of wrist, localized swelling and tenderness near radial styloid process
Borders of anatomical snuffbox
Abductor pollicus longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extensor pollicis longus
Compartment 1 contents
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Compartment 2 contents
Extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus
Compartment 3 contents
Extensor pollicis longus
Compartment 4 contents
Extensor digitorum
Extensor indicis
Compartment 5 contents
Extensor digiti minimi
Pronation/supination ROM
Radial deviation ROM
Ulnar Deviation ROM
Wrist flexion ROM
Wrist extension ROM
MCP flexion ROM
PIP flexion ROM
DIP flexion ROM