Wrist Flashcards
Active Range of Motion - Wrist and Hand
- Flexion (85-90)
- extension (70-90)
- ulnar deviation (30-45)
- radial deviation (15)
- pronation (90)
- supination (90)
- Flexion (MCP 85-90, PIP 100-115, DIP 80-90)
- Extension (MCP 30-45, PIP 0, DIP 20)
- abduction (20-30) and adduction (0)
- Flexion (CMC 45-50, MCP 50-55, IP 85-90)
- Extension (MCP 0, IP 0-5)
- abduction (60-70) and adduction (30)
- opposition of the little finger and thumb

Fanning and Folding of the Hand
(rotation of hand)
- assess the conjuction rotation of the hand
- examiner hold the scaphoid and trapezium with index and middle finger and pisiform and hamate with the other hand
- hold the capitate and trapezoid
- fold and fan the hand, feeling the movement while montioring and feeling for crepitus and joint motion
- symptom reproduction or abnormal movement is a positive result
- test is used as general screening examination

Finkelstein Test
(EPB and APL tendons)
- assess irritationm of the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendon as they pass deep to the extensor retinaculum in the first dorsal compartment in the wrist
- pt makes a fist with the thumb inside the fingers
- stablize forearm and passive ulanr deviation
- pain or reproduction of symptoms over the EPB and APLT, indicates paratendonitis or tendinosis
- compare both sides as pain can be discomforting normally
- only if pain on affected siode is greater

Tinel’s Sign - Wrist
(median nerve)
- assess for median nerve involvement at the carpel tunnel of the wrist
- supinate the pt’s hand and wrist and stablizes the forearm with the secondary
- primary hand is used to tap along the median nerve pathway
- tap over the carpel tunnel at the wrist with the index and muddle finger, working up the arm and following the path of the median nerve
- postive test is indicated by tingling or paraesthesia into the thumb, index finger (forefinger) and the middle and lateral half of the ring finger (median nerve distribution)
- may feel numb distal to tapping
- test indicates the rate of renegeration of sensory fibres of the median nerve
- distal point at where normal sensation is felt represtns the limit o nerve regenration
- can be applied at many entrapment sites

Phalen’s (wrist flexion) Test
(median nerve)
- assess for median nerve involvement through carpel tunnel of the wrist
- pt is sitting or standing and flexes the wrist maximally and pushes the dorsum of the hands together
- hold for 1 minute
- tingling in the thumb, index, middle and lateral half of the ring finger
- carpel tunnel syndrome caused by pressure (compression) in the carpal tunnel
neuro dysfunction are suggestive of a nerve lesion but not all the time, best way to conclude is with electrodiagnostic

Reverse Phalen’s Test
(median nerve)
- assess for median nerve involvement at carpel tunnel of the wrist
- pt is sitting or standing
- asked to place their palms together towards waist while keeping the palms in full contact, causing extension of the wrist
- hold for one minute
- positive test result is indicated by tingling in the thumb, index, middle, lateral half of the ring finger
- indicates carpal tunnel sybdrome caused by stretching the median nerve

Carpal Compression Test
(median nerve and ulnar nerve)
- Part 1 - pressure provocation test over the carpal tunnel assess median nerve
- Part 2 - pressure provocation test over the tunnel of guyon to asses ulnar nerve
- Part 1 - apply direct thumb pressure over the carpal up to 30 seconds
- Part 2 - apply direct thumb pressure over the tunnel of guyon for up to 30 seconds
- reproduction of symptoms, combned with releift when pressure is released
- numbness around nerve distribution

Allen Test
(ulnar and radial artery)
- assess the patency of the ulnar and radial arteries and to determine which artery is providing the main blood supply to the hand
- asked ot open and close hands quicky and then squeeze hand tight to force blood out
- thumbs are placed over the radial and ulnar arteies and pressed
- asked to open hand
- open one thumb while keeping pressure on the other
- repeat
- normal - hand should flush with release of one
- slow flush mayb indicate a partial or full block
- Test both ahnds
- can be done in abduction to maximise block

Digital Blood Flow (perfusion) Test
- determine patency of digital arteries in the fingers
- comrpess nail bed and release, note for time it takes for colour to return
- compare both sides
- colour should return to the nail bed 3 secs
- if takes longer it can mean arterial insufficicy

Fovea Sign
(distal ulnar ligaments)
- provocation of disassociation of the distal radio-ulnar ligaments from the fovea region of the ulnar head or injury to the ulanr ligaments
- Ulnatriquetral lig
- ulnalunate lig
- ulnacapitate lig
- tfcc tear
- pt sits with elbow on table and arm is flexed to 90-100 and forearm is neutral
- push thumb inot soft spot between ulnar styloid and flexor carpi ulnaris tenson, volar surface of the ulna head and the pisiform
- tenderness compared to the other side
- replication fo complaints
- grimacing
- dysfucntion of the distal radio ulnar ligament or the ulnar carpal ligaments or the TFCC

TFCC Load Test
- assess the integrity of the TFCC in the wrist
- stabiliser the pt’s wrist by contacting hand in a handshake position
- stablise elbow
- passive ulnar deviate and applies an axial load through pt’s wrist
- the wrist may also be rolled from flexion to extension while maintain ulnar deviation which is referred to as grinding or scouring
- pain, clicking, crepitus in the area of the TFCC
disruption of the TFCC

Finger Extension (shuck) test
instability, inflammation and keinbocks disease
- General screening tool for wrist
- instablity
- inflammation
- keinbocks diease - lunate
- hold pronated wrist at 45 flexion
- examiner contacts the pt’s metacarpals and asks the pt to activrly extend the wrist and hand against resistance
- pain
- instability
- inflammation
- keinbocks disease

Watson (scaphoid shift) test
(scapholunate joint)
- assess rhe integrity and stability of scapholunate joint
- scapholunate lig tear, joint instability, joint subluxtion
- pt elbow on table witrh elbow flexed ands palm facing practitioner
- contact metacarpals with secondary and create ulnar deviation and slight wrist extension
- then contact scaphoid with primary using a pincher grip with thumb over the volar scaphoid
- a-p pressure to volar scaphoid with radial deviation and flexin over pt’s hand and thumb
dorsal scaphoid shift on flexion and clunk on relase of thumb contact
scapholunate instablity

Lunotriquetral Ballottement Test
(lunotriquentral joint)
- assess the integrity and stability of the lunotriquetral joint
- sprain, instablity, subluxation
- grasp the triquetrium with the thumb and index finger of the primary and grasp lunate with thumb and index of secondary
- move the lunate P-A and A-P
- laxity, crepitus and pain
- instablity
- distal radio ulnar joint instability

Dorsal Capitate Displacement Apprehension Test
(capitate bone)
- test stablity of the capitate bone
- hold distal forearm in neutral with secondary
- pincher grip over capitate (thumb on palm)
- push thumb posterily
- reproduction of symptoms pain and apprehensin
- clicking
- instablity

Thumb: Valgus/Varus Stress Test
(ulnar and radial collateral ligament)
- assess the integrity of the ulnar and radial ligaments of the MCP joint of the thumb
- part 1 -pincher grip the first Metacarpal joint with secondary
- hold 1st MCP joint in 0 extension and applies valgus stress with primary
- repeat test with 30 degree flexion
- part 2 -pincher grip the first Metacarpal joint with secondary
- hold 1st MCP joint in 0 extension and applies varus stress with primary
- repeat test with 30 degree flexion
- laxity with or without pain
- empty end feel
- laxity greater than 30-35 = complete tear
- laxity less than 30-35 = partial tear
- testing in extenion test the joint capsule and collateral ligaments
- flexion localises the colatteral ligament

Finger: Valgus/Varus Stress Test
(collateral ligaments of MP and IP joints)
- assess the ccollateral ligaments of the MCP and IP joints of fingers
- colatteral lig sprain and avulsion fracture
- stablise finger proximal to joint with 2nd
- should be in flexion when assessing IP joint
- apply valgus force while joint is held in a fully extended position
- stablise finger proximal to joint with 2nd
- should be in flexion when assessing IP joint
- apply varus force while joint is held in a fully extended position
- laxity with or without pain
- empty end feel
- collateral lig injury
- avulasion fracture
- should perform in varying degrees of flexion to test different aspects
- test at 0 and 30

Profundus Test
(flexor digitorum profundus)
- disassociation of flexor digitorium profundus from distal phalax
- holds affected finger in extension
- all other fingers are held in extension
- asked to flex only the DIP joint of afffected finger
- inability to flex the affected DIP joint
- rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus

Sweater Finger Sign
(flexor digitorum profundus)
- assess the disassiciation of the flexor digitorum profundus from distal phalax
- ask patient o make a fist
- observe for inablity to flex affected finger into a fist shape
- inability of the patient to flex the distal interphalangeal joint
- rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon fromt he distal phalax

Superficialis Test
(flexor digitorum superficialis)
- assess disassociatipn of the flexor digitorium superficialis from middle phalax
- hold pt’s unaffected fingers in extension
- ask pt to flex the affected finger
- inablity to flex the affected PIP joint
- rupture of the flexor digitorum superficialis

test for extensor hood rupture
(extensor hood)
- test integrity of the extensor hood
- pt is sitting with pronated forearm sitting over a an edge of a book or examinting surface.
- PIP jopint is flexed over the edge
- apply pressure and ask patient to extend against resistance
- unable to feel extension
- distal phalax may extend as pt tries to extend at PIP joint
- complete rupture of the central slip of the extensor mechanism
- boutonieere deformity

Bunnel-Littler Test
- assess for potential causes of limited PIP joint flexion
- can be used to examine swan neck deformity
- affected MCP joint is held in extension
- passive flexion of the PIP joint
- if cannot flex then flex the MCP joint then reattempt the PIP flexion
- pt to remain passive
- inability to flex PIP with extended MCP joint indicates contracture of the PIP joint or tight muscles
- Inablity to flex the PIP with flex MCP indicates PIP joint contracture

Test for Trigger Finger
(nodules and thick regions of flexor tendons)
- assess the noduiles or thickening of regions of the flexor tendons in the hand
- grasp the affected finger with pincher gripwith index finger or thumb over location of the proximal pulley
- ask pt to flex the finger over contact
- examiner may feel small nodule pass underneath thri fingers and complaing of pain
- stenosing tenosynovitis (trigger finger)
- early stage dupuytren’s contracture