Wrist Flashcards
PA projection of Wrist
Pt position
Conventional lateral seating/comfort position-edge RT
PA projection of Wrist
Affected limb-top RT-flex elbow 90 degrees-hand pronated
Arch hand-MCPJ-place wrist-in contact-IR
RP: mid carpal area
PA projection of Wrist
IR: 8x10/10x12-top-RT-longitudinal/CW-MP-RP
CRD: Perp-36-40”-SID-RP-MP-IR
(1) gives a slightly oblique rotation to the ulna - if ulna is under examination, (2) should be taken.
- PA projection
- AP projection
To demonstrate
▪ Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of metacarpals
▪ No rotation in carpals, metacarpals, or radius
▪ Soft tissue and bony trabeculation
▪ No excessive flexion to overlap and obscure metacarpals with digits
PA projection of Wrist
PA projection of Wrist modification
Daffner, Emmerling, and Buterbaugh
Daffner, Emmerling, and Buterbaugh all the same with PA of Wrist-EXCEPT
CRD: 30 deg towards elbow
Obj: elongates the scaphoid and capitate
CRD: 30 deg towards fingertips
Obj: elongates only the capitate
Added: AP projection of Wrist
Affected limb-top -hand and arm supinated
Elevate digits – support – wrist - IR
RP: mid carpal area
Added: AP projection of Wrist
CRD: Perp-36-40”-SID-RP-MP-IR
Carpal interspaces are better demonstrated
Added: AP projection of Wrist
To demonstrate
▪ Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of the metacarpals
▪ No rotation of the carpals, metacarpals, radius, and ulna
▪ Well-demonstrated soft tissue and bony trabeculation
▪ No overlapping or obscuring of the metacarpals as a result of excessive flexion
Added: AP projection of Wrist
Lat projection (Lateromedial) of Wrist
Affected limb-top RT-flex elbow 90 degrees-hand lateral and wrist in true lateral
RP: mid carpal area
Lat projection (Lateromedial) of Wrist
CRD: Perp-36-40”-SID-RP-MP-IR
This position can also be used to demonstrate anterior or posterior displacement in fractures.
Lat projection (Lateromedial) of Wrist
To demonstrate
▪ Distal radius and ulna, carpals, and proximal half of metacarpals
▪ Superimposed distal radius and ulna
▪ Superimposed metacarpals
▪ Radiographic density similar to PA or AP and oblique radiographs, which requires increased exposure factors to compensate for greater part thickness
Lat projection (Lateromedial) of Wrist
Lateral projection of Wrist
Radiographic density similar to PA or AP and oblique radiographs, which requires (1) to compensate for (2)
- increased exposure factors
- greater part thickness
Added: Lateral projection
(Mediolateral) of Wrist
Radial surgace against IR
Pt should lean forward to assume the position
Lateral projection of Wrist modification
- Burman et. al.
- Fiolle
If the lateral position of the scaphoid should be obtained, wrist should be in palmar flexion
Burman et. al.
(Lateral projection modification)
This action rotates the bone anteriorly into a dorso-volar position.
Wrist in palmar flexion
- Burman et. al.
(Lateral projection modification)
This is valuable only when sufficient flexion is permitted.
Burman et. al.
(Lateral projection modification)
First to describe a small bony growth occurring on the dorsal surface of the 3rd CMCJ ‘carpe bossu’ (carpal boss) and found that it is demonstrated best in a lateral position with the wrist in palmar flexion
(Lateral projection modification)
Added: PA Oblique projection: Lateral rotation (Wrist)
Affected limb-top RT-flex elbow 90 degrees-axilla in contact – RT –place wrist-in contact-IR
Prone – rotate laterally – 45 deg with IR plane
Note: use foam wedge – If ff-up will be done
RP: scaphoid
If POI is scaphoid, with ulnar deviation
Added: PA Oblique projection: Lateral rotation (Wrist)
CRD: Perp midcarpal-36-40”-SID-just distal to radius
Demonstrates the carpals on the lateral side of the wrist, particularly the trapezium and the scaphoid.
Added: PA Oblique projection: Lateral rotation (Wrist)
To demonstrate
▪ A well demonstrated scaphoid and trapezium
▪ Distal radius and ulna, carpal and proximal half of metacarpals
▪ Usually, adequate amount of obliquity in the following circumstances:
✓ Slight interosseus space between the 3rd-4th and 4th-5th metacarpal shafts
✓ Slight overlap of the distal radius and ulna
▪ Soft tissue and bony trabeculation
Added: PA Oblique projection: Lateral rotation (Wrist)
Added: AP Oblique projection: Medial
rotation (Wrist)
Affected limb-top RT- FA rest on RT - place wrist-in contact-IR
Supine – rotate medially –semi-supinated - 450 with IR plane
Note: use foam wedge – If ff-up will be done
RP: midway medial and lateral borders – midcarpal area
Added: AP Oblique projection: Medial
rotation (Wrist)
CRD: Perp midcarpal-36-40”-SID-RP
Separates the pisiform from the adjacent carpal bones.
Added: AP Oblique projection: Medial
rotation (Wrist)