W.Religions: Final Flashcards
Jews of Germany, France, and Europe
Jews of Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and the Middle East
The Jewish people are descendants of the ancient Hebrews. The name “Hebrew” is generally traced to Eber or Heber, their traditional ancestor.
Orthodox Judaism
Only kind until 18th century. Strictly observe all traditions and use only Hebrew in worship.
Reformed Judaism
Sought to free Jews from tradition. The Torah is replaced with scientific thinking, can choose what traditions they follow, dietary laws are optional, don’t wear the typical dress, services not tin Hebrew, and women are active in the services.
Conservative Judaism
Middle ground of Orthodox and Reform. Law and tradition are authoritative, observe dietary and sabbath laws, sexes are not segregated, services are held both in English and Hebrew
Secular Jews
Do not practice Judaism. Hold atheistic viewpoints, but are considered Jews by birth and descent
“Hear” or summary of the Jewish religion. Repeated in all Sabbath and festival services.
The Law. Consists of the Pentateuch.
Jewish oral law
“Dispersion” Many Jews of the Diaspora forgot Hebrew. They know speak modern Hebrew, their official language.
“The Seventy” Produced by 72 Jewish scholars
Food that meets the standards.
Bar Mitzvah
“Son of the Law” When boys become full, responsible members of the community at 13
Jewish house of worship. Ten male Jews are required to establish a synagogue.
The Festival of Lights. 8 day candle lighting holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The feast of dedication celebrating the Maccabean victory in 167 BC
Messianic Synagogues
Tries to blend Jews with non-Jews.
The Tetragrammaton “Word with four letters” is the usual reference to the Hebrew name for the God of Israel.
derives from “Persia” the Faith’s (Zoroastrianism) homeland.
“Persians” the name of most Zoroastrians who live in India and Pakistan
Zarathustra Spitama was born around 650 BC in Persia. “Possessor of camels” Possibly indicates a nomadic lifestyle
Sacred scripture of Zoroastrians. It was originally written in an old IRanian language called Avestan
“Wise Lord” According to Zarathustra, there is one true deity to be worshiped.
In Zoroastrianism he is the “destructive spirit”. Co-equal and co-eternal with the Ahura-Mazda
Towers of Silence
A special circular building with an open top (Dakhma) where a dead body is carried to be devoured by vultures.
A magus was a member of the Magi tribe of priestly specialists from ancient Media. Zoroastrian priests were called magi
Fire temple
The place where fire worship is carried on. An important practice in present-day Zoroastrianism.
The first temple to the one God, built by Abraham and Ishmael. (Islam)
“A series of migrations” to Yathrib. Muhammad followed them shortly after.
Holy War. Means by which Muslims began a wave of religious expansion
Compilations of revelations that Allah sent through Gabriel to Muhammad
Chapters of the Qur’an. Arrange by longest to shortest besides the first short Surah
One of the two major sects of Islam. Insisted that Muhammad’s successor should be elected. They are traditionalists.
One of the major sects of Islam. Believe that Muhammad’s successor should come through his bloodline.
The esoteric, a scenic, and mystical third wing of Islam.
Bottom of the hierarchy of angels in Islam. In English, it is Genie
Jibreel. The archangel Jibreel is the highest ranking, succeeded but the rest of the angels. Transmitter of the revelations of Allah. (In Islam)
“Testimony” or “witness” The profession of faith that “there is no god but God, and Muhammad is the prophet of God” which is the only requirement for joining the Muslim community. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, it must be spoken aloud with full understanding and faith at least once in one’s lifetime. It is also included in the call to prayer, most ritual prayers, and is recited at death.
In commemoration of Muhammad’s receiving the Qur,an during the ninth lunar month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast during the daylight hours that month.
The pilgrimage. Every Muslim must make the trip to Mecca at least once during their lifetime.
Place of worship for the Muslims and also a center for Muslim cultural life.
“After Hejira” Islamic dating of years, beginning with Muhammad’s flight to Medina in 622. The year 2000 A.D. Corresponds with the year A.H. 1420
The Arabic word for “God” Allah is not God’s name. Allah is the one true God.
Five pillars
The 5 primary duties of every Muslim: profession of faith (shahada), ritual prayer (salat), fasting during Ramadan (sawm), pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), and charity (zakat). Fulfillment of these duties brings rewards on earth and in the afterlife.
“To surrender” To surrender to the will of God; the name of the religion founded by Muhammad.
“Tradition” Record of the words and deeds of the Prophet. While not the Word of God on a level with the “Qur’an, the Sunnah is regarded as inspired and authoritative.
Has a position roughly similar (but not identical) t that of the pastor in a Christian church
“Contextualization Spectrum” measures on a scale from 1-6 the level of contextualization among “Christ-centered Communities” found in the Muslim context.
Sayyid ‘Ali Muhammad proclaimed himself to be the Bab “The Gate,” the intermediary between the Hidden Twelfth Imam and the Shi’i faithful.
Name that Mizra’ Husayn- ‘Ali adopted while in prison. “The Glory of God” and declared that he was the Promised One of all religions, the promised manifestation of God.
Abbas Effendi
Baha’u’llah’s oldest son, became the head of the Baha’i Faith. He adopted the tile ‘Abdu’l-Baha “servant of God”
Shoghi Effendi
‘Abdu’l-Baha’s son who served as the head of the Baha’i Faith after him.
The name Jesus became related to the title “Christ,” which comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “anointed” or “anointed one”
“Christ” means the same as the Hebrew word Messiah
Non-inspired writings that were rejected as Biblical teaching. Such as the Gospel according to Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Gospel of Peter, and the Acts of Paul
First Christian emperor of the Roman world.
Nailed thee 95 thesis to the door. Started the Protestant reformation
Protestants accept the 66 books of the Bible. Roman Catholics and Anglicans added the deuterocanonics (books of a second level or second canon)
An identifiable religious body, organization under a common name, structure, and/or doctrine. An established religious group, which has usually been in existence for many years and has geographically widespread membership.
Believe in the total inerrancy of the Bible, Christ’s literal virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection, and anticipated second coming.
“According to” “the whole” “universal”
A religious term with a number of meanings
Holy See
The holy seat of the Roman Catholic Church in the Vatican
“Right-belief” as apposed to heresy or heterodoxy
Oral transmission of the doctrine revealed by Jesus Christ or they apostles, independent of what is found in the Scriptures
The bloodless repetition of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The change of the substance of bread and wine into that of the body and blood of Christ
The act by which the pope depress that a deceased person has been admitted among the saints and that he or she may be venerated.
Canonization must be preceded by Beatification: the process by which a most searching scrutiny is made on the life, writings, and miracles.
Those who are not Catholics
“The morning star of reformation” because he was a man ahead of his time. He criticized abuses and false teachings of the church.
Led a revolt against the Catholic Church in Switzerland.
Third Wave
Those evangelicals who accept the tenets of “Power Evangelism” Evangelicals in the third wave do not stresses the gift of tongues
Offshoots from a religion or a denomination
New religious movements that sometimes emerge as sects, but with specific characteristics.
A religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of a church; especially, such a belief specifically denounced by the church and regarded as likely to cause schism. It translates to “sect” from Greek.
Doomsday Cults
Religiously based, very high intensity, controlling groups that have caused or are liable to cause loss of life among their membership or the general public
“Thought control” “Mind control” “coercive persuasion” “snapping” Methods of mind manipulation
The process of undoing brainwashing. Deprogrammers claim to “rescue” people from cults by using a variety of techniques to coerce them into renouncing their former allegiances
One who says there is sufficient evidence to show that God does not exist
One who does not know what Christians are talking about, even though they may live in a “Christian” country. “Ignostic” comes from “Ignorance”
One who says there is insufficient evidence to know whether or not God exists
Functional Atheist
One who is apathetic concerning God’s existence
Nominal Christian
One who is somewhat active in church, but their life is not significantly influenced by the Christian faith
Process in which, even though a person or society may not have consciously rejected religion or God, there is an erosion of belief in the supernatural
Consciously-adopted philosophy. A system that rejects all forms of religious faith and accepts only the facts and influences derived from the present life
A ‘missionary’ for secularism.
Designates a multitude of trends that come after, react to, and deviate from the many 20th century movements that constituted modernism
Traditional religion
The body of belief and ritual designed to help humankind cope with the realities of life as seen in many forms in cultures that do not follow any one of the major world religions
The belief that impersonal spiritual forces and personal spiritual beings “have power over human affairs and, consequently, that human beings must discover what beings and forces are influencing them in order to determine future action and manipulate their power
An impersonal and mysterious life force which pervades everything. Mana may concentrate on certain things such as stones, plants, tress, animals, and people with varying degrees of intensity.
The belief in impersonal supernatural power. Usually animation is considered a part of animism. But if animism refers to the belief in spiritual beings, another term was needed for the belief in impersonal powers
The use of rituals and paraphernalia to manipulate supernatural power in order to achieve one’s desired goals.
A member of certain tribal societies who acts to as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world, and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination and control over natural events
Ancestor worship
Common animistic practice among the Far East. It is I based on the assumption that the living and the dead are mutually dependent. The dead depend on the living for sacrifices and remembrance. The living depend on the dead for blessings.
Functional Substitutes
Culturally appropriate elements. Which take the place of rituals or practices which are incompatible with scriptural teachings
“Knowledge of the secret” or “Knowledge of the hidden” or “knowledge of the supernatural” It encompasses several philosophies and religious exercises that include physical and metaphysical energy accessible only to those with the secret wisdom or power
Way of discovering what supernatural beings and forces will do or what they want us to do.
Divination from the stars. Most common form of the occult. (Horoscopes)
Divination through the use of tarot cards or regular playing cards. (Gypsies use this technique)
Divination by random figures formed when a handful of earth is cast on the ground, by dots or lines drawn at random, or by reading the shapes of cracks in dried mud.
The practice of telling a person’s character or fortune by the lines and marks on the palm of his hand.
Ouija boards
Most popular game rooted in divination today.
White Magic
Helpful magic for productive and protective purposes
Black Magic
(Shamans) Magic for destructive purposes
New Age
The Age of new beginnings. When it passes from Pisces to Aquarius
Worship of Satan. He will talk with them because God is too busy
Communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the spirit world.
Fox Sisters
Popularized contact with the spirits. The birth of modern spiritualism
“witchcraft” Neopagan religion related to witchcraft.
A modern faith which has been recently reconstructed from beliefs, deities, symbols, practices, and other elements of an ancient religion.
Mother Earth
Feminine deity often associated with Gaea who the Wiccans worship
The practical arts of casting spells, herbalism ,and performing magic.
Knowledge that is possessed or understood only by a few
Tarot Cards
The craft of magic utilizing personal power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, and to her natural objects
4 Major Jewish sects during NT Times
3 Most popular Jewish Festivals
5 Differences between the major sects of Islam
Extension: Sunnis are 80% of Muslims Shi’ites are 16%
Prayers: Sunnis 5x day, Shi’ites 3x day
Source of Authority: Sunnis emphasize written tradition, Shi’ites the Imam
State and religion Relationship: Sunnis believe in separation, Shi’ites believe that religion is authority
Holy Cities: Both recognize Mecca and Medina, but Shi’items add Najaf and Karbala
6 articles of faith
- Oneness of Allah
- Angels
- Holy Books
- Prophets
- Predestination
- Day of Judgement
3 major obstacles to Muslim conversion
- God has a Son who is equal to Him in power and Glory.
- Christ was crucified
- The Bible has been corrupted
5 Factors that precipitated the Protestant Reformation
The rise of literacy brought about by the Renaissance
Invention of the printing press
Decline in the prestige of the pope among the Kings
The Corrupt lives and arrogance of the clergy
People’s desire to reform the church
5 differences between Roman Catholics and Orthodox
Orthodox differs in that they practice by triple immersion of children, offer communion with leavened bread, offer the laymen both the bread and the wine, ordain married priests, use icons but not images, do not believe in purgatory, do not recognize the authority of the bishop in Rome
7 Sacraments
- Baptism washes away the guilt of actual and original sin
- Confirmation strengthens the person to perform the duties of the Christian life
- The Eucharist , or mass, replenishes and nourishes the person with sanctifying grace for daily living
- Penance, or reconciliation, conveys forgiveness of sins committed after baptism
- Ordination empowers men to exercise the role and authority of priests
- Matrimony through the mutual pledges made under the priest’s direction consecrates the marriage union between a man and a woman
- Anointing of the sick, or extreme unction, gives health to and fortifies the soul and the body, especially at the time of death
7 Deuterocanonical books
III Ezra, IV Ezra, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, I and II Maccabees, additions to the book of Esther, Daniel and II Chronicles
5 Reasons for not accepting the Deuterocanonical books
- They were never considered inspired by the Jews, who had been trusted with the Scriptures
- They are never quoted in the NT
- Not included in any list of the early fathers of the Church until after Jerome
- The writers did not pretend to be inspired
- Teach doctrine not in harmony with scripture
- Contain superstitions and historical mistakes, in addition to doctrinal errors
5 Major Protestant reformers
Martin Luther Philip Melancthon Uriah Zwinglii John Calvin King Henry VII
3 waves of supernatural manifestations
“First Wave” is the Pentecostal movement
“Second Wave” was the Charismatic Movement that appeared in the mid 20th century
“Third Wave” Those who accepted the tenets of “power evangelism”
5 Characteristics of a cult
- Charismatic Leader
- Deceitful Practices
- Initiation or conversion process is very rapid
- Great difficulty leaving the group
- Great secrecy concerning the disposition of the money collected by the membership
4 types of secularists
Secular Materialist
Secular Religious Dropout
Secular Hard-hat
Secular Philosopher
6 beliefs of secularism
Denial of God denial of Miracles Fact of Evolution Potential of Humanity Centrality of Science Stress on Relativity
5 Proofs of Thomas Aquinas
Since motion exists, there must be a Prime Mover
Since everything needs a cause, there must be a First Cause
Since that which does not exist begins to exist only through something already existing, a Necessary Being
Since there are degrees of value, there must be an Absolute Value,
Since there is an evident purpose in nature, there must be a Divine Designer
4 Common features of traditional religions
- Hierarchy of spiritual beings
- Existence of an impersonal and mysterious life force which pervades everything
- Belief in Magic
- Presence of the Shaman
3 Types of Satanism
Religious Satanism
Satanic Cults
Self-Styled Satanists