OT Studies - Final Flashcards
Jeremiah’s Scribe
Jeremiah’s age at prophetic call
Lesson from the potter’s house
As the poster fashioned clay, so the lord shaped the nations according to his sovereign purpose. If God decreed judgement against an evil nation but the nation repented, God might cancel the judgement (same with blessing)
Book of Comfort/Consolation
Jeremiah 30-33
God had not cast aside his people. A glorious future would follow their judgement
Results of Battle of Carchemish
Nebuchadnezzar’s forces won a decisive victory and established Babylon as the world’s dominant power. Jeremiah used that occasion to proclaim Egypt’s impending judgement. Egypt would survive, but God’s wrath would come first.
Alphabetical poem in which the first letter of each line is the next successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Hence, there are 22 lines or verses, one for each of the 22 letters of the alphabet
Day of the Lord
Concept frequently occurring in both the Prophets and the NT. It includes three elements: the judgement of God against sin, the cleansing and purging of God’s people, and the salvation of God’ people
Mesopotamian agricultural god, husband of the goddess Ishtar, whose followers believed that every year at harvest time, Tammuz died; the women Ezekiel saw in his vision weeping not at the Jerusalem temple were joining Ishtar in the mourning of Tammuz’s death. Tammuz returned to life in the spring when crops rejuvenated themselves and buds appeared on the trees
Mesopotamian goddess of love and the heroine of war depicted as a harlot, part of the Babylonian pantheon. Ishtar was the wife of Tammuz.
Factors that suggest the book of Ezekiel came from one hand
The books smooth flow
Consistent autobiographical style
Symbolic actions of Ezekiel
- Take a brick and write on it “Jerusalem” and then lay siege to it
- Lie on his left side for 390 days to bear the iniquity of Israel and 40 days for Judah
- Cook his bread making small rations and using human dung for fuel
- Divide his hair into three parts. Burn a third of it in fire, chop a third of it to bits with a sword, and toss a third into the wind and let it blow away. He was also to take a few pieces and bind them into his garment
Meaning of “take a brick and write on it “Jerusalem” and then lay siege to it
“I’m laying siege to Jerusalem” God, through Nebuchadnezzar’s armies, was about to lay siege to Jerusalem one last, terrible time
Meaning of “lie on his side for 390 days to bear the iniquity of Israel and 40 d Amy’s for Judah
The symbolic action illustrated the depth of sin to which God’s people had sunk. Only deep repentance could save them from drowning in their evil
Meaning of “cook his bread making small rations and using human dung (later cow dung) for fuel
The people would have small rations in the day of their captivity. The Babylonians would surround the city and cut off the food supply
Meaning of “Ezekiel dividing his hair into three parts. Burn a third of it in fire, chop a third off it to bits with a sword, and toss a third into the wind Ned let it I blow away”
The hair’s division represented the different fates the people would suffer. Some would die in the fire the Babylonians set in the city. Others would die by the sword, while still others would experience exile to a distant land. But God would protect his purposes for his people would continue through them.
Elements included in the Day of the Lord
The judgements of God against sin
The cleansing and purging of God’s people
The salvation of God’s people
Suggested meaning of Gog and Magog
The term appears to describe the ultimate foe of God’s people
Different views of how to interpret Ezekiel 40-48
- Ezekiel’s prophecy found its fulfillment in the return and rebuilding of Jerusalem under Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah
- Take Ezekiel’s words as literally as possible but understands them to describe God’s future kingdom
- Prophetically referring to the church
- Combines 1st and 3rd. Proposes that Ezekiel’s words were partially fulfilled in the Second Temple period. The rest will be fulfilled completely in the church age or in the millennial kingdom
- Understand Ezekiel’s language symbolically, apocalyptic literature
Basic contents of Ezra and Nehemiah
Record the events of the return from exile and the restoration of Judah
Basic contents of Esther
Illustrates how the faithfulness and courage of a single Jew made a difference in the world in which she lived
Relationship of Zerubbabel to Sheshbazzar
Uncertain. While some have concluded that they were the same individual with two names, it is better to assumed that Sheshbazzar was the first Persian governor of Judah and began the work on the temple’s foundation. At some later unknown date, Zerubbabel replaced him as governor and finished the work.
Who the Samaritans were
The Samaritans in the north were descendants of various groups that were moved into Samaria by the Assyrians after Israel fell in 722 BC. They offered to help in the rebuilding efforts, were excluded, and the proved themselves to be true “enemies of Judah and Benjamin” by opposing the work of the Jews
Who was Ezra
The towering figure of the restoration community
Who was Nehemiah
An exiled Jew who had risen to high office in the Persian Empire