WRB Flashcards
higher clay contents in subsoil, 5
luvisols, alisols, lixisols, acrisols, albeluvisols
limited soil formation, 4
fluvisols, leptosols, regosols, cambisols
oxygen deficiency, 3
gleysols, stagnosols, planosols
concentrated in Tropics with year round rain, 2
ferralsols, plinthosols
Thick dark Ah horizons, 4
Kastanozems,Chernozems, Phaeozems, Umbrisols
anthropogenic soils WS, 2
anthrosols, Technosols
physical characteristics, 4
andosols, vertisols, nitisols, arenosols
Boreal and Polar zone, 3
Cryosols, Histosols, Podzols
dry areas except steppe climates, 5
durisols, calcisols, gypsisols, solonchaks, solonetz
L. leto- thin; fine, limited soil formation
very shallow, over hard rock or highly calcareous material or deeper extremely gravelly soil
G. rego- blanket, limited soil formation
very weakly developed mineral soil in unconsolidated materials, extensive in eroding lands
L. Fluvi, river, limited soil formation
weakly developed, Sedimentary stratification, water borne sediments, flood plains rivers, and the shorelines of lakes and seas.
L. Cambiare, to change, limited soil formation
brownish discoloration below the surface horizon, to mark the beginning of pedogenesis.
R. clay, oxygen deficiency wetland soil (hydric soil), saturated with groundwater, reduction of Fe and Mn leads predominantly to grayish hues
L. stagnare, to flood, oxygen deficiency
Stagnosols have mottles in the topsoil and subsoil, accompanied in some cases by concretions and/or bleaching.