Wrap up questions Flashcards
Questions to commit to actions in coaching session
Wrap 1. In terms of that option, what are…
What are you most excited about doing?
Wrap 2. What might…
What might get in the way?
Wrap 3. What do..
What do you need to do to overcome that?
Wrap 4. Who or what..
Who or what do you need to support you?
Wrap 5. How will..
How will you gain that support?
Wrap 6. What are..
What are the next steps?
Wrap 7. Precisely…
Precisely when will you take them?
Wrap 8. How will..
How will you measure your progress?
Wrap 9. What is..
What is it that you are going to do?
Wrap 10. How will…
How will I know that you’ve done it?
Wrap 11. Who else..
Who else will hold you accountable?
Wrap 12. So,..
So, what do you think of that action now?
Wrap 13. Based on..
Based on what we’ve discussed, how are you thinking/feeling now?
Wrap 14. What…
What will you do?