Wounds (treating P ulcers, types of drsgs, dressing wounds) Flashcards
what is most serious complication of P ulcer
The RYB Colour Code of p ulcers Universal classification of wounds by colours = red, yellow, black (RYB) Red = what kind of tissue Yellow =? Black = ?
which colour do you Want to:
what if there is a mixd wound with all 3 colours, what do you treat first?
protect (cover) red, cleanse yellow, and debrideblack
tx aimed at black first, then yellow, then red
what do you want to do to red P ulcer?
how can you do this?
what stage of healing is it likely in?
Need to cover + keep moist
o Gentle cleansing
o Protect periwound skin w alcohol-free barrier cream
o Filling dead space w hydrogel or alginate
o Cover w approp dressing
o ∆ drsg as infrequently as possible
Pale pink to beefy red – indicates depth of granulation tissue
Can be in inflammatory or proliferative stage of healing
you have a yellow p ulcer and the slough isnt being removed by cleansing. do you leave it or do you debride?
what colours indiate slough
what is slough
Pale ivory to shaes of yellow, green, and brown – indicate presence of slough (dead but moist tissue)
how do you treat yellow P ulcer
Need to be debrided to remove slough + reduce bacteria
Methods of cleansing: wet-to-damp drsg, irrigation, absorbent drsgs
Consult dr about need for topical antimicrobial
Slough not removed by cleansing needs debridement
you have black wound with eschar is this viable tissue?
what should be done and what is the exception to this rule?
Black/brown or tan – indicates dead tissue that is dehydrated to some degree
Covered with eschar (thick, hard, leathery necrotic tissue) – when present, cannot assess depth of wound
Eschar = breeding ground for bacteria, devitalized tissue that impairs wound healing
If DM with inadequate blood supply, dry eschar kept intact until thorough vascular exam done
when is sharp debridement used and who can do this
only specially trained can perform sharp debridement. It can be used when there is urgent need of debridement (advancing cellulitis and sepsis)
what are the risks of sharp debridement
what tools are used
serious risk of bleeding + damage to underlying nerves and tissue
scalpel or scissors
what is mechanical debridement
what is it used for
and what are its disadvantages
Mechanical debridement: uses physical forces to remove foreign material and contaminated tissue
Use whirlpool baths, dextranomers, and wound irrigations; may be used as prep for sharp debride;
is slow + painful. pain mgmt is key!!
what is chemical debridement?
who is it used for
Chemical or enzymatic debridement: topical application of proteolytic substances (enzymes); collagenase enzymes such as papain-urea often used;
relatively slow;
is good for those not able to use sharp, in long term facilities, and when infection not present
what is the most selective method of debridement
autolytic (it causes the least damage to surrounding and healing tissues
what is the slowest method of debridement
what is autolytic debridement
synthetic drsg used to cover wound + allow eschar to self digest by enzymes in wound fluids; slowest but most selective so doesn’t harm surrounding tissues
should an occlusive drsg be used in pt with infection
Occlusive drsg not be used with infection (b/c create anaerobic enviro)
why are maggot larvae used for wounds
Maggots received inc attention lately as option as they sevrete Es that break down necrotic tissue hile leaving the remaining tissue untouched, ingest bacteria and dec bact growth d/t them causing inc in pH
which colour wounds need to be kept moist
black and yellow
what is the drawback of the RYB system
it doesnt address the underlying pathology and tx of certain wounds like venous or art ulcers (compression for V and revascularization for art)