Precedes and initiates inflammation with the ensuing release of chemotactic factors from the wound site.
The first infiltrating cells to enter the wound site, peaking at 24-48 hours. Primary role of this is phagocytodis of bacteria and tissue. debris
The 2nd population of inflammatory cells that invades the wound. Achieve significant numbers in the wound by 48-96hrs post injury and remain present until wound healing is complete. Central function is activation and recruitment of other cells via mediators such as cytokines and growth factors.
Peak at 1 week post injury and truly bridge the transition from the inflammatory to the proliferative phase of healing. Plays an active role in the modulation of the wound environment.
Next phase to hemostasis and inflammation which spans 4 through 12 days. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells are the last cell populations to infiltrate the healing wound.
TThe strongest chemotactic factor for fibroblasts is
Proliferate extensively or participate in angiogenesis)
Endothelial cells
The most abundant protein in the body
The major component of extracellular matrix of the skin
Type I collagen
Type of collagen becomes more important during the repair process
Comprise a large portion of the “ground substance” that makes up granulation tissue. The major types present in wounds are dermatan and chondroitin sulfate
Begins during the fibroplastic phasae and is characterized by a reorganization of previously synthesized collagen
Maturation and Remodeling
Pattern of desposition of matrix:
- Fobronectin and collagen type III constitute the early matrix scaffolding
- Glycosaminoglycans represent the next significant matrix components
- Collagen type I is the final matrix
The final step in establishing tissue integrity. It is characterized primarily by proliferation and migration of epithelial cells adjacent to the wound.
All wounds undergo some degree of this. For wounds that do not have surgically appx. edged, the area of the wound will be decreased by this action.
Wound Contraction
Postulated as the major cell responsible for contraction. It differs from the normal fibroblast in that it possesses a cytoskeletal structure
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin: thin, translucent, visiblr veins, normal scarring, no hyperentennsibility; no joint hypermobility; arterial, bowel and uterin rupture. Type III collagen defect.
Type IV
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin: sofy, hyperextensible, easily bruising, fragile, atrophic scars; hypermobile joints; varicose veins; premature births
Type I
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Similar to Type II but inheritance is XLR
Type V
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Similar to Type I, but less severe
Type II
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
SKin: soft, not hyperextensible, normal scars; small and large joint hypermobility
Type III
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Hypermobile joints, skin fragility. Absence of tenasein X protein.
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Similar to Type II with abnormal clotting studies. Fibronectin defect.
Type X
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin: soft, ;ax; bladder diverticula and rupture; limited pronation and supination; broad clavicle; occipital horns. Lysyl oxidase defect with abnormal copper use.
Type IX
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin: soft, hyperextensible, easy bruising, abnormal scars with purple discoloration, hypermobile joints; generalized periodontitis
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin: soft, mild hyperextensibility, no increased fragility; extremely lax joints with discolorations. Type I collagen gene defect.
Type VII
Types of Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome:
Skin; hyperextensible, fragile, easy bruising; hypermobile joints; hypotonia, kyphoscoliosis. Lysyl hydroxylase deficiency
Type VI
Tall stature, arachnodactyly, lax ligaments, myopia, scoliosis, pectus excavatum, and aneurysm of the ascending aorta. They are prone to hernias. Hyperextensible skin but shows no delay in wound healing. A mutation in the FBN1 gene
Marfan Sydrome
Type of Osteogenesis Imperfecta:
Mild to moderate bone fragility; normal or gray sclera; mild short stature
Type IV
Type of Osteogenesis Imperfecta:
“Prenatal lethal”; crumpled long bones, thin ribs, dark blue sclera
Type II
Type of Osteogenesis Imperfecta:
Progressively deforming; multiple fractures; early loss of ambulation
Type III
Type of Osteogenesis Imperfecta:
Mild bone fragility, blue sclera
Type I
GI Tract VS Skin
pH: Varies throughout GI tract in accordance with local exocrine secretions
Microorganisms: Aerobic and anaerobic, especially in the colon and rectum; problamatic if they contaminate the peritoneal cavity
Shear stress: Intraluminal bulk transit and peristalsis exert distracting forces on the anastomosis
Tissue Oxygenation: Depedendent on intact vascular supply and neocapillary formation
GI Tract
GI Tract VS Skin
pH: Usually constant except during sepsis or local infection
Microorganisms: Commensals rarely cause problems
Shear stress: Skeletal movements may stress the suture line but pain usually acts as a protective mechanism preventing excess movement
Tissue Oxygenation: Circulatory transport of oxugen as well as diffusion
GI layer with greatest suture holding capacity
GI layer that water tight seal from the luminal side of the bowel
GI layer that imparts the greates tensile strength
Healing Process in Bone
- Accumulation of blood at the fracture site
- Liquefaction and degradation of nonviable products at the fracture site
- Soft callus stage
- Hard callus stage
- Remodelling phase
There is disruption of proteoglycan matrix and injury to the chondrocytes. They are slow to heal and often result in persistent structural defect
Superficial injury
Involve the underlying bone and soft tissue. Exposure of vascular channels of the surrounding damaged tissue that may help in the formation of granulation tissue
Deep injuries
Matrix is characterized by accumulation of Type I and III collagen along with increased water, DNA, and glycosaminoglycan content. Restoration of the mechanical integrity may never be equal to that of tyhe undamaged tendon
Healing in Tendon
Specialized cells, are metabolically very active and retain a large regenerative potential even in the absence of vascularity
Classification of WOund that healing is not achieved after 4 weeks of treatment