wound care week 1 Flashcards
what influneces skin fx and integrity
• Influenced by factors intrinsic to individual eg genetics age, general health. Also extrinsic factors eg hygiene, mechanical forces, living conditions
what type of wound is the result of therapy eg Sx, venipuncture
intentional wound
what is an unintentionl wound the result of
unplanned and not part of therapeutic intervention. Eg MVA
how are closed and open wounds different
If tissues traumatized without a break in skin=CLOSED
Wound is OPEN when the skin or mucous membrane surface is broken
char of clean wound
Clean wounds= o Uninfected o Minimal inflm o Resp, GI, urinary tracts not entered o Primariy closed wounds
char of dirty or infected wound
Dirty or infected wounds
o Old traumatic wounds w retained dead tissue
o Wounds that involve existing clinical infection or perforated viscera
char of clean contaminated wound
Clean contaminated wounds=
o Surgical wounds in which GI, resp, genital or urinary tract has been entered under controlled conditions
o No evidence of infection
how are wounds classified
Wounds can be classified by intentional/unintentional, how theyre acquired, likelihood and degree of contamination, or depth (not including pressure ulcers and burns). Depth is classed by the tissue layers involved in the wound
how are acute and chronic wounds different
Acute wound=heals within an expected timeframe
Chronic wound=any break or alteration in the skin thats of long duration (often 3 months or longer or recurs frequently
how would you classify a wound by depth
what tissues are included
how does it heal
Partial thickness wound o Confined to dermis and epidermis o Heals by regeneration Full thickness wound o Dermis, epidermis and subcut tissue and possibly muscle and bone o Requires connective tissue repair
is there a sequence to wound healing
yes, it occurs in phases. all wounds heal int he same phases
+what does wound healing depend on
Wound healing depends on type of healing, location and size of wound, health of client
what are the 3 types of wound healing
primary secondary tertiary
describe tertiary healing
Tertiary intention healing aka delayed primary intention healing
o Wounds left open for 3-5 days to allow edema or infection to resolve or exudates to drain
o And are then closed w sutures, staples, adhesive skin
P&P scarring is usually minimal
During the healing process some type of dressing covers a wound
which time of healing has a shorter repair time
primary intention
which type of healing has more scarring
secondary intention
which type of healing has a dec susceptibility to infection
examples of healing by secondary intention
o Eg pressure ulcer, severe laceration, massive surgical intervention
primary intention healing
Primary intention healing aka primary union or first intention healing
o -occurs when the tissue surfaces have been approximated (closed)
o Minimal to no tissue loss has occurred
o Char by formation of minimal granulation tissue and scarring
P&P The wound heals quickly
examples of wounds that heal by primary intention
o Eg closed surgical incision, tissue adhesive use (makes less noticeable scar)
seconary intention healing
Secondary intention healing
o Extensive and involves considerable tissue loss
o Edges cant or shouldn’t be approximated
o Eg pressure ulcer, severe laceration, massive surgical intervention
P&P allowed to heal by scar formation
There is a gap between edges
CT develops
Slow healing (inc risk of infection)
Wound edges are open
Granulation tissue gradually fills in the area of the defect
phases of wound healing
3 overlapping but distinct phases
o Inflammatory
o Proliferative
o Maturation
2 major proc occurring during inflammatory phase of healing
2 major proc occurring:
which phase of wound healing begins right after injury
how long does it last
3-6 days
end result of inflm phase
a clean wound bed in a pt w an uncomplicated wound
other than the clean wound bed what is the benefit of the inflm phase
it controls infection
2 major processes occuring during inflm phase
2 major proc occurring:
major summary of hemostasis
HEMOSTASIS cessation of bleeding dt vasoconstriction of larger blood vessels in affected area, retraction of injured blood vessels, deposition of fibrin and formation of blood clots in area.
what is the framework for cell repair
o The bood clots & fibrin are framework for cell repair
what makes up a scab and whats its use
o Scab (clots and dead and dying tissue) o Scab helps hemostasis and inhibits contamination of wound by microorgs
fx of vascular and cellular responses
Vascular and cellular responses-intended to remove foreign substances and dead or dying tissues. (inc blood supply->red, edematous, exudates of fluid and cell debris is normal and cleanses wound
how do steroids affect healing
they dec healing
when do neutrophils appear for healing
what inc circulation?
o Neutrophils (during cell migration) move into IS first 24hrs. Replaced by macrophages after->phagocytosis o Macrophages rel angiogenesis factor which stim formation of epithelial bud->new vessels->inc circ->inc healing
when does the proliferative phase occur
days 3 or 4 to 21
wht creates the raised healing ridge along a suture
o Fibroblasts (in wound from 24hrs post injury) synthesize collagen and proteoglycan abt day 5 o Collagen adds tensile strength-inc collagen=inc wound strength. If wound is sutured a raised healing ridge appears under the intact suture line. In newly sutured wound collagen is often visible
what is granulation tissue and hen does it occur
during proliferative phase
cpillaries have grown over the wound. fibrin and collagen are present
granulation tissue is fragile new tissue made of the above that is translucent red color. It occurs when skin edges arent sutured
what is epithelialization
if a wound doesnt close by epithelialization it gets covere w dried plasma proteins and dead cells called.
construction of new epidermis
what color is drainage from secondary intention healing
blood tinged
is contraction good. when does it occur
it reduces the size of the wound
the books disagree. either proliferative or maturation
a wound doesnt have a healing ridge. what do? when does the ridge normally ppear
this is cause for concern and you should begin interventions to reduce mechanical strain
day 5-9