week 8 changing infusion tubing and d/c catheter Flashcards
administration set vs secondary set re their uses
- Administration sets are the primary method to carry a solution or med to a pt
- Secondary sets may be used to admin antibiotics or other additional meds in conjunction w primary soln
if you change the short peripheral set or rotate sites what do w admin set
• When the short peripheral set is rotated the admin set should be changed
should you use reg admin set for blood, blood products and parenteral nutrition
• There are special admin sets for blood, blood products and parenteral nutrition
when could you leave IV tubing for 7 days
• If antiinfective CVAD is being used and if fluids that enhance microbial gowth aren’t admined (less than 10% dextrose solutions then it may be extended to 7 days
for a 2’ or 1’ continuous infusion how often do you change tubing and an exception to this
• Every 72-96hrs for fluids other than lipid blood or blood products
• If secondary set is removed from primary set the 2’ set is considered an intermittent set when should you change it
• If secondary set is removed from primary set the 2’ set is considered an intermittent set and should be changed every 24hrs
considerations for primary intermittent infusions
change how often?
what should be done to promote asepsis?
dont attach the exposed ends to?
Primary intermittent ifusions
• Change every 24hrs d/t in risk of infection w repeatedly disconnecting and reconnecting admin sets
• Aseptically attach a covering device to the end of the admin set after each intermittent use
• Avoid attaching the exposed end of the admin set to port on the same set eg looping
are add on devices encouraged
Use of add on device
• Should be minimized since each is a potential source of contamination and disconnection
• Use of admin sets with devices as part of the set is preferred
• Aseptically change w insertion of new short peripheral catheter or w each administration
how to change IV tubing
note date ad time when IV tubing was last changed (eg every 72-96hrs for most fluids but blood)
-assess tubing
-edu pt
try to coordinate w solution changes (to dec number of times the system is open)
-hand hygiene, open new set, secure all connections
-get pts IV cannula hub in view
-prep infusion tubing w new bag
-turn off roller clamp, slow IV rate to KVO on old tubing
-take out tubing after squeezing out drip chamber
-place insertion spike of new tubing in old bag, prime
-place end of adapter near IV site
-stop EID or turn roller clamp off
-prep tubing w extension set or saline lock if nec
-reestablish infusion by disconnecting old tubing and quickly inseting new tubing
-attach label w date and time of tubing change onto tubing below drip chamber
-may need to apply new drsg
how to d/c IV
• If catheter break off could cause emboli
• Supplies: gloves, sterile 2x2 or 4x4 inh gauze sponge, antiseptic swab, tape
• Observe site for signs and symptoms of IV related complications
• Is pt on anticoagulants or has hx?
• Review order
• Assess pt understanding of the need to remove IV
• Turn IV tubing to off position
• Remove IV site drsg and stabilize IV device then remove tape securing catheter
• W gauze above insetion site withdraw slowly in line w vein. Keep hub parallel to skin
• Apply pressure to site for minimum 30 seconds until bleeding has stopped. IF pt is on anticoagulants apply pressure for 5-10minutes
• Note catheter for intactness after removal
-apply clean folded gauze drsg over site and secure w tape