Worth Flashcards
Who wrote the book Worth?
A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s mom think she could hear lightning in the grass before the storm?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s family need to get the hay in before the storm?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC get his leg stuck in between the wagon wheels during a storm?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB was the MC’s leg hanging in the air like a side a beef?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the family live by mostly by trade money- they use a barter system?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did “tinkering” by the MC’s mom keep the family going?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s dad go to town and pick up an orphan boy?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s sister die when she choked on a piece of bread?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C sleep in the lean to where the family stored wood?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC have the nickname “wood”?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s dad get upset because he was folding napkins and that’s a woman’s job?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s school have bugs crawling all over?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s dad feel responsible for the MC’s accident?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C lose his family in a fire?
Worth by A. LaFaye
iWB did the family move to Nebraska to become homesteaders?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s father tell him to keep sharp in school so he could run a real farm?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C say he saw a boy hanged for stealing a steak?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the family only have 3 chairs at the dining table and had to bring in the milking stool for another C to join them for meals?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC find an orange on his bench at school?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC make a friend with a girl from Greece?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C get caught up in a stampede?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC drop cinnamon water into the lap of a C?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB were farmers and ranchers in a war with each other and the people cutting fence lines?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC borrow a book about myths to read?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC have to read a book out loud at night to keep his place and another C got to hear the story as well?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C say “you can’t take the city out of the boy to put the country in”?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC wish he had wings and strength like the myths he had been reading, and he could knock down the fence cutters?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB does a C remember his sisters calling him “Johnny Cakes”?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C have to explain to the MC about “king of the hill”?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC get in trouble for hitting another C from both his mom and dad?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C open up his heart and tell the MC’s mom about his own family?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC’s family get cattle in return for the stampede that ruined their crops?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC read a story out loud in class and for once they all listened?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did a C invite the MC’s mom over to bake bread with her?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB was a C pitching nickels when his family died in a fire?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did 2 C’s catch some fence cutters and was able to warn the men at a town meeting?
Worth by A. LaFaye
IWB did the MC finally get to help out on the farm after his accident?
Worth by A. LaFaye