Night of the Twister Flashcards
Who wrote the book Night of the Twisters?
Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC learn that a red letter day was when something terrific happens?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB was the MC;s job on Saturday to change the cat litter and his mom reminded him every week?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC win a bike in a raffle along with underwear that he gave to his best friend?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the story take place in Grand Island Nebraska?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC’s best friend break a light bulb in crafts class?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC go swimming at the Mormon State Park?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did greenish clouds mean a big storm was coming?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC remember every detail of a black letter Tuesday?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB does the MC have a baby brother that he resented?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC’s mom use to work at a beauty salon?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB was the MC’s dad a mechanic and loved to work on his ‘52 Corvette?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC’s best friend take a used screen door because he said it was a work of art?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC think it sounded like someone could be up on the roof playing a xylophone when there was a storm?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did a siren go off just as the MC was coming up the basement stairs?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC hear the bathroom and kitchen drains sucking?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC’s baby brother get tangled up in a mobile?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the C’s get hailed on in the basement?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB were the chapters not numbered, but in a time sequence?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did a C refer to the home wreckage as pick up sticks?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did one of the C’s get sucked out of a window and land in the neighbor’s bushes?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC stand on the toilet tank to hand off his baby brother?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC refer to seeing his Grandma’s unfinished dress as “like seeing unfinished dreams”?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC decide to be the best brother ever?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB where homeless families being bused to either K-Mart of the Armory?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did 3 kids go off to rescue an elderly neighbor?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did 3 kids turn a ding room table into a ramp to get downstairs?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the C’s use spring coils to make a way to climb out of a window?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did C’s get to ride in the back of a police car?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB were a lot of the C’s crying after they saw what happened to their neighborhood?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did C’s get to spend a night in the jail?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did C’s quote scriptures to help them fall asleep in a strange place?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB was the MC jolted awake by the sound of helicopters?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did the MC smell coffee and that smell gave him hope?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did an operator tell a C that the town was sealed off to the outside world?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
IWB did a neighbor set 2 round tables outside and begin feeding people who needed to eat?
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman