World War I Terms Flashcards
German support for Moroccan indep.; French gov’t. rules over in the end.
Moroccan Crisis
French troops near Moroccan capital; Panther boat; Germany is an idiot
Agadir Crisis
MANIA; need for strong armed forces
be the greatest Navy ever; beat everyone else
German Naval Laws
British and German boats, strength competition
Anglo-German Naval Race
German boats with guns, water, cannons, dread
German strategy; go for France by blazing through neutral Netherlands and Belgium.
Schlieffen Plan
offensive into Alsace-Lorraine; retake
pact between 2+ countries through similar interests (e.g. Russia and Britain)
Great Britain, France, and Russia
Triple Entente
Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy
Triple Alliance
Black Hand victim; disregard for Greater Serbia
Archduke Ferdinand
Serbian group that killed Archduke of A-H
Black Hand
motivation for Greater Serbia; pride in ethnicity
pride in your land; MANIA
Austria-Hungary and Serbia fight; Russia, back me up!; srry man; Austria-Hungary wins! :(
Bosnian Crisis
fight for land in independent nations from Ottoman Empire
Balkan Wars
German foreign policy; show off German strength
Germany’s only source of $$ and happiness
Predecessor of Balkan League; sick man
Ottoman Empire
Big guys already dividing even b4 end of WWI; collected chaos in Europe
Sick Man of Europe
longest battle; bleed France white;
Battle of Verdun
1st use of tanks; British casualties and lost
Battle of the Somme
success of allied offensive; 26 k soldiers in one day
Brusilov Offensive
front lines; cause of stalemate; soldiers stuck
Trench Warfare
fungal infection; gangrene toes; soldiers
Trench foot
trench land; soldiers stuck in this place; no way out; territory between trenches
No man’s land
many jams; shot 400-600 rounds; “say hello to my little friend”
Machine gun
unexpected explosions; burns everywhere; heavy
choking attack; linger; swimming pool
Chlorine gas
almost odorless; internal & external blisters; hot dog
Mustard gas
1st major gas attack; chlorine gas; tear gas grenade
Battle of Ypres
guns on land
1st reallly successful tank deployment; Entente
Battle of Cambrai
german; long-range bomb; blur home and battle fronts; large target
used a lot of planes; wireless transmission; camera; spying on the enemy
early planes; slow; very low
Pusher aircrafts
more innovated planes; faster; faster climb ^
Tractor aircrafts
machine that shot between blades;
Interrupter gear
period where German aircrafts were better
Fokker Scourge
looks at enemy territory; sketches bases and weapons
air recon; faster; morse code with looong antenna
Wireless Telegraph
long-range German bomber plane; attack France
only navy battle b/w Germany and Britain
Battle of Jutland
British breach intl. law; block supplies from Germany; controversial
Hunger Blockade
Germany suffered more; controversial; Italy cheated out of it
Treaty of Versailles
Germany fed up with Britain; Lusitania incident; international waters dangerous; no one’s safe
Unrestricted submarine warfare
royal navy; early sonar system; detect enemy ships
listening device; Britain; before ASDIC; early sonar
merchant ships guided by military escorts; b/c of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
Convoy system
acted as merchant ship; really had guns and weapons
sea trap of nets, mines and searchlights; guarded by aircraft
Dover Barrage
british naval intelligence
Room 40
anti-submarine warfare; exploding near submrine
Depth charge
advanced British pusher airplane
U.K. volunteer army; young and old men
Kitchner’s Army
British conscription; british 18-41
Military Service Act of 1916
gov’t picked and chose who would go to war
British women working in munition factories
called ppl to join; forced books, posters, and guilted fathers/sons/brothers to join
British War Propaganda Bureau
Brit. Minister of Munitions; let women be in workplace
David Lloyd George
U.S. president and creator of League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson
Wilson’s document for peaceful resolution after WWI; Germany had a misunderstanding w/ this.
The 14 Points
gov’t took over ppls’ lives for the war; Britain; huge gov’t intervention; ppl had no say
Defense of Realm Act
British monitor media and censorship
War Office Press Bureau
part of food rationing; couldn’t afford/buy big loaves of bread
Nine-penny loaf
using less to give more to soldiers
British feminist leader for recruitment and suffrage
Emmeline Pankhurst
didn’t actually fight; e.g. code experts, wireless telegraphers, electrician, cook, clerk
Women’s Royal Navy Service
more Brit. women in farm lands, boost food production
Women’s Land Army
Brit. women near front lines; e.g. cooks, telephone clerks, waitresses; “soft” jobs
Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps
more women than men; not a lot would marry
The Surplus Two Million
british husband and wife could marry equally
Law of Property Act
easy to get divorce for husband or wife
Matrimonial Causes Act
meeting of Allied victors to discuss with Central powers what would happen next
Paris Peace Conference
armenians mistreated in A-H; might work with the Russians??
Armenian Genocide
peace treaty b/w Bolshevik in Russia and Central Powers to get out of war; Russians = >:( b/c lost land
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
U.S. pact that said war was bad and not to do it (super useless)
Kellogg-Briand Pact
control and make German debt more reasonable; cycle of financial aid created b/w European countries and U.S.
Dawes Plan
french take over; land is hostage; “Where’s my money?!”; dawes plan; ruhr valley returned to germany
Ruhr Valley
creates the countries within Balkan League
Treaty of Saint Germaine
british to Jewish ppl that they could have land
Balfour Declaration
british had an Arab state under Brit. Mandate
McMahon-Hussein Corresspondence
mistreatment of Germans and Austrian citizens who lived in Britain
Alien Civilian Internment Camps