world view midterm longer questions Flashcards
Identify and briefly explain four of the six functions of a worldview, as explained by Hiebert.
1 WV’s are a plausibility structure providing answers to ultimate questions
2 WV’s give emotional security
3 WV’s validate deepest cultural norms
4 WV’s integrate culture
5 WV’s monitor cultural changes
6 WV’s offer psychological reassurance that we are at home in the world
Identify and briefly explain three of the evaluative themes/counterthemes from the course slides.
1 Hierarchy is Right v. Equality is Right
2 Emotional Expression v. Emotional Control
3 Group-Centered v. Individual Centered
Give Hiebert’s definition of a worldview.
The fundamental cognitive, affective, and evaluative presuppositions a group of people make about the nature of things, and which they use to order their live
**Briefly explain what is meant by saying that Christianity is a synthesis of Athens and Jerusalem.
-christianity is a fusion of greek traditional philosophies and jewish traditions from the Old Testament
-they both have elements in common that sometimes fit and sometimes contradict
With reference to the book of Genesis, explain the Christian doctrine that pride is sinful.
pride in sinful comes from Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. they wanted to be more like god by eating the fruit and this shows pride as they defied gods authority and tried to be above what they were supposed to be
Briefly explain why Plato holds that the divine must be unchanging.
because the divine is supposed to be already perfect. if it where to change for the better, it would imply it wasn’t already perfect before and if he changed for the worse he would not be perfect anymore. plato means that something perfect changing would imply to was imperfect before
Identify and briefly explain the main elements of Plotinus’ neo-Platonism.
philosophical system that builds on Platos ideas
-the one, which is the ultimate source of all reality
-the intellect, which are humans who form the material world and contemplate the one
-the soul, which bridges the spiritual and the material world
Briefly explain the evolution of Augustine’s conception of God
-in his youth, he thought god was material and a dualistic force between good and evil as he was influenced by Manichaeism
-later, he saw god as a transcendent immutable and perfect being after being influenced by neoplatonism which aligns with the christian view. he also integrated biblical teachings after that
Explain how Augustine uses analogy to illuminate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
people are created in the image of god so humans can examine themselves to understand more the nature of god and form a clearer idea of him. example trinity
lover( father)
beloved (son)
love (spirit)
Briefly summarize the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius and its significance.
the original sin is the center of the controversy. Augustine believes in it and thinks we can’t do good anymore until god brings us back
Pelagius says that its a mistake and we are born fresh and new without sin
significant because raises question on goodness of humans and babies
Briefly explain Augustine’s understanding of the contrast between the City of God and the Earthly City.
city of god: city where people have caritas and value god more than themselves
earthly city: people who value material things and life in the moment
example of having a gun to your head and dying or lying earthly city people would lie to live and city of god people would die to because they value the afterlife more
Briefly explain the philosophical problem of future contingents.
Briefly explain how Boethius reconciles divine foreknowledge and human free will.
he reconciles them by saying god does not necessarily decide on what humans do, that is not what is foreknowledge is about. he says that god knows what humans will decide as he is all knowing so humans have the ability to make the choice just that god knows what it will be so this preserve human free will
Briefly explain the doctrine of chance given by Philosophy in Boethius’ Consolation
he says that the world is governed by divine providence . there is not really any such thing as chance but only a result that was unexpected by us and is just the addition of many events we didn’t know would happen
Identify and briefly explain Eriugena’s fourfold division of nature.
-what creates and is not created (god)
-what creates and is created (essence of triangularity built into reality)
-what does not create and is create (everything material, humans)
-what does not create and is not created (god in his capacity at rest)
Briefly explain what Eriugena means by calling God a ‘seer’ and a ‘runner.
seer: everything that exists is within gods knowledge and view because he is omniscient
runner: god is what makes everything happen so he runs the world
greek ethimology of word god gives verb see and run
Briefly explain the sense in which God may be said to be ‘nothing’ in Eriugena’s philosophy.
-things have defined characteristics that give us the ability to describe them
-god does not have any specific characteristics he is one and eternal
-because of that he is said not to be a thing so no thing
Briefly explain Eriugena’s views on the naming or description of God.
there can’t be contrasts to god so we can’t describe him, we must say he is super good and not good