World Religions Flashcards
5 Fundamental Beliefs of SDA
Sabbath,Second Coming, Sanctuary, Steak, State of the Dead
Dispensation of grace;an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace
Celestial kingdom
Highest kingdom; those in kingdom will dwell forever in the presence of God and Jesus;goal is to inherit celestial glory
Terrestrial kingdom
Will receive presence of the Son but not the fullness of the Father;bodies are terrestrial;honorable people
Telestial kingdom
People who didn’t receive the gospel of Christ or the testimony of Jesus;non Mormons
Angel who told Joseph Smith where golden tablets were
Mormon requirement
Your own blood
Mormon founder
Joseph Smith
Old Mormons
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Mormon events
The Book of Mormon was published
The Mormon Church was established
Why family genealogy is important to Mormons
Person can intercede for their family member to be saved
Methodist founder
John Wesley
Major reason for separation from John Calvin
Reason for Methodist name
First known as Holy Club;they were methodical in how they acted and were named Methodists as an insult
How many people will rule with God according to the Jehovahs Witness
Influential preacher of Jehovahs Witness and SDA
William Miller
How long JWs believe Creation took
7,000 years
Reason for JWs name
Jehovah is a personal name for God; a witness proclaims the truth they believe; they are a group who proclaims the truth about Jesus
Which holiday for JWs
No holiday
JW founder
Charles Taze Russell
Anglican priest of Methodist Reformation
John Wesley
John Wesley’s three precepts
Do no harm
Do good
Stay in love with God
What major issues did Wesleyan Church leave Methodist Church
Hindu trinity gods & roles
Brahma: Creator
Vishnu: preserver
Shiva: destroyer
Release from cycle of rebirth; transcendent state
The Path of Moksha
Knowledge, good works, devotion, meditation
Highest Hindu caste
Brahmin- priests and teachers
Second Hindu caste
Kshatriya- protect the society by fighting in war and governing in peace
Third Hindu caste
Vaishyas- landowners, traders and money lenders
Fourth Hindu caste
Shudra- serves the other three caste
What determines your state of Reincarnation
Sum of persons actions
God’s Acre
Cemetery of the Moravians
Founder of Presbyterian
John Calvin
Predestination according to Presbyterian
Fate determined by God before birth
OG name of Buddha
Siddhartha Gautama