Conviction concerning particular ideas that affect our reality or the way we perceive reality.
Belief does not solely rely on _______ ?
The unwavering trust to a god or deity, observance or compliance to religious activities, and reverence to a religious persona.
A collection of beliefs that utilizes an intrapersonal process.
Belief System
Beliefs that aim to interpret civilization, history, and reality.
4 types of worldview
Monism, Polytheism, Monotheism, Atheism
The belief that everything is one essence– all is merged into one higher unity of body, soul, matter, and spirit.
The belief in multiple gods or deities.
Where did Polytheism get its roots from?
The Ancient Greeks and Romans
Polytheistic gods often have ______ characteristics
Why did the Romans believe in so many gods and goddesses?
They believed that more gods = more power.
PANTHEON = “All Divinity”
Most popular Polytheistic religion
The adoration of ONE god that is all powerful.
3 most popular monotheistic religions
Christianity, Judaism, Islam
The rejection of supernatural beliefs and gods. They accept reason, and have an ethical outlook that is verifiable by facts or the scientific method.
T or F: Do ALL Atheists share a belief?
All Atheists reject the notion of the supernatural, but, apart from that, they do not share any other specifc belief unique to Atheism.
The religious study of God; it aims to academically scrutinize the existence of God.
The relationship between God and the believer or the believer and nature; often regarded as sacred and important.
5 Elements of Religion
Belief, Organization, Emotions and Values, Sacred Objects and Spaces, and Rituals and Ceremonies
The concrete manifestation of religion; people apply these to their lives.
A structured hierarchy in a religion.
Relates to the believer’s feelings and morals. Often tied to their relationship with God.
Emotions and Values
Specific activities innate to a religion (Pilgrimage to Mecca, Baptism, Matrimony) It gives a sense of community in the religion.
Rituals and Ceremonies
Tangible representations of God, or things symbolic to a religion.
Sacred Objects and Spaces
A discipline that utilizes human reason to discover the principle that giverns all things.
A philosophy that uses reason and faith.
Religious Philosophy
A broad sense of purpose that transcends all religions; balance of mind, body, and soul.
T or F: People can be religious, but not spiritual and vice versa.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are types of ______ religions?
3 Factors that affect religion?
Geography, Culture and Society
The organization of the religion has something to do with the location of where it all began.
Religious beliefs are based on the traditional customs of the religious proponents.
Politics and State– factors that shape modern society came from religion.
The event in which nonbelievers or non catholics were considered as heretics and sinners.
The Spanish Inquisition
When did the Spanish Inquisition end?
July 15, 1834
40 days of mercy– chance to confess to heresy.
Edict of Grace
The religion that paved the way for the renaissance period.
Christians defended Jerusalem from the Turks.
The Crusades
Religious people + Filipinos banded up together to oust the dictator.
The EDSA Revolution
From whom did Judaism start?
Abraham’s Lineage (Isaac)
Prominent place for Judaism?
Mt. Sinai
Prominent figure for Judaism?
People that adhere to the laws and beliefs of Judaism.
The Jews’ collection of MAJOR sacred texts.
Torah/ Pentateuch
The COMPLETE collection of Jewish sacred text.
Commentary or Supplementary knowledge on the text– the fruit of the Rabbi’s reflection.
Out of the first 5 books in the Bible / Torah, which was the first one written?
Exodus (Written by Moses)
What do the Jews believe in?
The 10 Commandments + the other 613 Rules
Why were the Mountains significant to the Jews?
Mountains = elevated/ high = closer to God
The LAST physical remnant of the temple rebuilt by Solomon.
Wailing Wall
Day of Prayer and Rest for the Jews.
Rededication of the temple of Jerusalem
To commemorate their escape from Egypt
The Jewish “New Year”
Rosh Hashannah
Day of atonement for their sins– the Holiest day in which they fast.
Yom Kippur
Who, for the Jews, was the best Prophet ever?
The Jews had a very _______ viewpoint.
Referred to as the “Shield of God.”
The star of David
The MAJOR historical tragedy that the Jews faces (WW2)
The Holocaust
Prominent Figure in Christianity
Enumerate at least three (3) Christian beliefs.
Heaven and Hell, Purgatory, Angels and Demons, Saints, Virtues
The pontiff– the figurehead of the church, the highest in the church hierarchy.
T or F: Since the Pope is the leader of the church, he is NOT the biggest servant.
The lowest in the church hierarchy.
Lay People
The sacraments and the liturgical calendar are examples of christianity’s?
Rituals and Ceremonies
A branch of Christian Theology that guides one’s moral compass.
Christian Ethics
Christ’s core teaching
Define Latnia
Reverence for God
Define Hyperdulia
Reverence/ Adoration for Mary (Hyper = special)
Reverence towards saints
Enumerate at least three (3) Christian celebrations
Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter Sunday, Feast of the Ascension, Pentecost, All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, Feast Days of Saints
Means “submission” in Arabic
Prominent Figure in Islam
Who started the propagation of Islam?
Ishmael (Abraham’s son with Hagar the Servant)
What is the name of Islam’s All powerful God?
Day of Sacrfices commemorates the day event of Allah appearing to Ibraham (Abraham)
Eid’l Adha
Marks the end of Ramadan, which is a month of fasting and prayer
Eid’l Fitr
The first month of the Islamic liturgical
Muhammad’s birthday
Mawlid Al-Nabi
The Muslim’s Word of God
5 duties every muslim must be obligated to perform
the 5 pillars
Shahada is?
The Mulsim testament of faith
What is Salah?
Prayer or the direct link to Allah
Zakat is?
Purification and growth– giving back to communtiy (charity)
The pillar of fasting and self control is?
The pilgrimage to Mecca is called?
What do you call the actions and events that happened during the life of Prophet Muhammad– a guide to the revelations
A collection on the traditions and customs of the Islamic community
Islamic Jurisprudence
The Kaaba is?
A stone building in Mecca– the center of worship.