World History Midterm flash cards
Near __________ somebody was once digging a pit when they came across a bone, deep down under the ground. It was a human bone. A lower jaw.
Heidelberg, in Germany
How did the skull discovered in Germany differ from our human skulls?
Instead of a forehead like ours, it just had two thick ridges above the eyebrows.
What gives “prehistory” its name?
It comes before history.
Which examples of materials did scientists find that change slowly but regularly over a very long period of time?
woods and plants and volcanic rocks
Why do historians call it the “Stone Age”?
because of these stone tools we call this time the Stone Age
About how long did the Neanderthal people inhabit the earth?
two hundred thousand years.
About how long ago did the Neanderthal people appear in prehistory before our ancestors?
Seventy thousand years earlier
What was the climate like during The Stone Age?
Winters were longer and summers shorter.
Do you know what __________ invented? … They invented talking.
Which of the following were not invented or developed by prehistoric people
clothes, houses and tools, plows to plow with, grains to make bread with, cows for milking, sheep for shearing, dogs for hunting and for company, bows and arrows for shooting and helmets and shields for protection
How long did The Ice Age last?
Many tens of thousands of years!
What reasoning did the writer give for why cavemen drew and painted in caves?
To summon creatures like a magic spell
Because forests were dangerous places in those days, home to large numbers of wild animals, such as wolves and bears, prehistoric people built
Pile dwellings
What were “pile dwellings”?
Huts on stilts rammed deep in the mud in the middle of lakes
What did prehistoric people invent and decorate with patterns and fire in ovens?
Clay pots
What did the cavemen learn to do in the warmth once the ice retreated to the high mountains?
To plant grasses and then grind the seeds to make a paste to bake in the fire: bread
Around 4000 BC, prehistoric people discovered a more convenient way of making tools:
They discovered metals
Which metal did prehistoric people use that “has a nice shine” but is “soft and gets blunt more quickly than stone
Prehistoric people “discovered that if you add just a little of another, very rare, metal, it makes the copper stronger. That metal is
Prehistoric people mixed __________ and __________ together to make
Tin, copper, bronze
Near __________ somebody was once digging a pit when they came across a bone, deep down under the ground. It was a human bone.
Heidelberg, in Germany
How did the skull discovered in Germany differ from our human skulls?
Instead of a forehead like ours, it just had two thick ridges above the eyebrows.
What gives “prehistory” its name?
It comes before history.
Which examples of materials did scientists find that change slowly but regularly over a very long period of time?
Answer not listed