World Games And Their Impacts On Individuals And The State Flashcards
What growth would the Olympic Games create?
- creation of new green spaces and revived wetlands
- provide new housing
- business opportunities in media, construction and environmental services
- new sporting facilities- velodrome
- inspire the new generation- lead to healthy and active nation
Why do countries bid to become the host city?
- international recognition
- economic investment in infrastructure
- feel good factor for the country
- boost the participation figures
- employment benefits
- legacy of facilities that can be used by the community
What are the social factors that affect a child’s participation?
- tradition
- ideals
- popularity of the sport
- parental influence
- teachers speciality
- accessible facilities
What do TIPs programmes need to consider?
- physiology
- anthropometry
- psychology
- hereditary factors
- sociological factors
Definition of talent identification
A process by which children are encouraged to participate in the sports at which they are most likely to succeed based on testing certain parameters
Characteristics of World Games
- Elite level
- Rewards/trophies
- Media
- Global
- Officials/volunteers
- Top facilities
- team events
The advantages and disadvantages of a systematic talent identification programme?
- helps accelerate an individual’s progress
- helps select a sport that is most suited
- coach can concentrate training methods on most suitable athletes
- allows country to get most from their resources
- large numbers need to be tested to be valid
- substantial funding
- difficult to reliably predict future development
What is UK Sport primary aim?
- help development of Britains elite athletes together trying to prevent and test doping and it is responsible for running major events
UK Sports anatomy of an athlete- requirements of developing world class athletes
1) talent identification
2) performance lifestyle-work/life balance
3) coaching- preparation/peaking
4) research and innovation- facilities
5) sports science and medicine- injury prevention and rehabilitation
6) programme
UK Sport has a remit to
- encourage and develop higher standards
- identify areas of unnecessary complex procedures
- develop and deliver giant programmes
- oversee sports science, medicine and drug control
- coordinate policy for attracting major international events in the UK
- increase UK influence at international level
The World Class Performance Pathway
World Class Podium
- supports sports with realistic medal capabilities
World Class Development
- this is the supporting stage below the podium- sports that have demonstrated potential
World Class talent
- Thai programme identifies and confirms those athletes who have the potential to push through the pathway with help of targeted investment
National Institutes Of Excellence
The aim the United Kingdoms sport institute is to provide elite athletes with pro support needed to compete at the world stage
The English Institute Of Sport
- world class support for elite athletes across the UK
- high performance facilities and venues are provided
- services are delivered by a co ordinated network of regional teams
- sports science and sports medicine is provided
- different coaches are provided
- lifestyle programmes/career advice
NGB aims
- establish rules and regs with the international sport federation
- organise comps
- develop coaching awards
- select teams for country
- liase with organisation such as sport England
Challenges for national governing bodies
- New sports are attracting participants and providing competition for the elder
- decline in school sport has made it harder for talent id
- blur in definition between amateur and pro sport
- due to international standards rising it is needed for more money to be pumped into elite sport- but elite sport requires huge funds
- lottery funding also comes with requirements
- NGBs must produce whole sport plans
What are Whole Sport Plans?
- a plan for sport from grass roots right up to elite sport
- it works out how it will contribute to Sport England’s Start Stay Succeed
- WSP are new ways of directing funding
What will WSP achieve?
- grow, sustain, excel
- they will allow sport England to give focuses investments to NGBs
- measurable results will give us an indication of how well NGBs are performing and whether Sport England is getting value for money
- they will create more links with regions and partners
What is Sport England?
- government agency responsible for developing world class community sports system
Sports England’s targets
- one million more people doing sport
- improve talent development systems
- a measurable increase in people’s satisfaction with their experience of sport
What is Sports Coach UK?
- it provides a range of educational and advisory services for all coaches and works alongside schemes of individual governing bodies
Sports Coach UK aims
- lead and develop the national standards of coaching
- work with organisations to improve national standards
- provide high quality education programmes, products and services
- world class coaching system
- UK coaching certificate
- Works with NGBs
- produce supporting coaching materials
What is Coachwise Ltd?
- Sport Coach UKs wholly owned trading company
What should a high quality coaching programme contain?
- sport specific knowledge
- performance related knowledge- nutrition/mental prep
- ethics and philosophy
- management and vocational skills
- teaching and coaching methodically
- practical coaching experience
What are the objectives of the UK coaching framework?
- help coaches play a role in increasing sport participation
- improve sport performance
- build a career structure for coaches
What are the aims of the British Olympic Association?
- encourage interest in the Olympic Games
- foster the ideals of Olympic movement
- organise and coordinate British participation in terms of travel and equipment of competitors
- advise on PR with press
- organise the Olympic day
- advise of training, nutrition and sports psychology
- provide medical and careers advice
What programmes are run by BOA?
Olympic Medical Institute
Olympic Training Centre
Olympic and Paralympic Employement Network
Performance Lifestyle Olympic Passport Scheme
British Olympic Foundation
What is the role of the International Olympic Committee?
- observe the Olympic charter
- administer the IOC
- attend all internal affairs of the organisation
- manage the finances
- inform the session of any rule changes
Advantages and disadvantages of lottery funding
- UK medal winning have increased
- feel good factor
- role models for the youth
- health benefits
- success helps generate private sector investment
- increased participation and volunteering
- economic- increased spend in local community/ increased tourism
- money could be spent of education and health
- tax payers money means athletes should be accountable
- major events tend to be in specific areas
- people feel they will not be good enough so don’t participate
What is Sports Aid?
- introduced to enable top amateur athletes to train with similar privileges by state sponsored athletes abroad
- outstanding competitors normally receive the money
- they receive grants based on personal needs
- awarded to talented athletes who are still in education on low incomes
What are Sports Aid 3 main objectives?
- further education of young people
- encourage those with a social or physical disadvantage to improve their lives through sport
- to those in poverty to take advantage of the opportunities offered
Identify five characteristics of a World Games
A. Elite performers/international performers
B. Pre-qualification required/selection process
C. Multi-sport and single sport
D. Amateur and professional
E. Able bodied and disabled performers
F. National showpiece/pride/political statement/shop window effect
G. High level of commercialisation/sponsorship
H. Cultural/social benefit/Olympic spirit/ideals/bringing people together
I. Opening/Closing ceremonies
J. High quality facilities
K. Volunteers/Games Makers
L. Worldwide coverage/global media coverage/global audience/equiv
Suggest reasons why not all sports or groups of performers, such as women, will benefit from success at the Olympic Games.
1) Not the same amount of media coverage for all sports/groups
2) Fewer role models/high profile performers
3) Lower status of sport/difficult to compete against traditional sports/more successful sports
4) Different funding levels/less sponsorship/lack of Government funding
5) Lack of access to clubs/facilities
6) Sporting organisations unable to cope with demand
7) Provision in schools/National Curriculum/extra-curricular activities/poor club-school links
8) Cultural barriers/discrimination/stereotyping/sexism
9) Lack of control/decision making by other groups
Discuss the suggestion that funding should be equal for all sports and not based on performance at major championships.
1) All sports need funding for development/increase chance of success/ fair funding
2) Helps to promote less familiar/popular sports
3) Widens the foundation/participation pyramid/increase grass roots
4) Provides alternative options for participation/everyone has the right to
develop their potential in chosen sport
5) London Olympic legacy should be encouraged
6) Limited funds have to be used effectively/not enough funding for all sports
7) Better to increase chances of winning medals in target sports/tax payers need value for money/no compromise approach appears to be successful/reward successful sports
8) Encourages sports to invest money correctly/accountability/ encourages sporting organisations to have high quality resources/good Whole Sport Plans/administrators or equiv
9) Encourages sporting organisations/governing bodies to work together/ share resources
10) Funding is a privilege not a right
Explain the social factors and the support programmes in the UK that encourage the development of elite athletes and increase the chance of winning medals. (14 marks)
A. Status of sport/level of media coverage
B. Equal opportunities policies/anti-discrimination policies
C. School/university experience
D. Club network/access to clubs
E. Parental/family/peer support
F. Socio-economic status/social class
G. (Funding) – private/scholarships/sponsorships or equiv/Sport Aid
H. (Funding) – public/lottery/local authority or equiv.
I. Sport England – coordinated development of grass roots/
J. UK Sport coordinates development of elite sport/provide support
K. Co-ordinated approach of sports organisations/work together (UK
Sport, Sport England, NGBs, EIS, BOA, Sports Coach UK, UKSI)
L. Whole Sport Plans
M. Highqualityfacilities
N. High quality coaching
O. Talent identification programmes/TIPs/examples of TIPs, eg Girls
for Gold, Pitch to Podium
P. Levels of structured competition
Q. Progression routes/district to county to region or equiv/LTAD
R. Research and development programmes
S. Sports science/biomechanics/sports psychology/nutritional advice/
strength and conditioning
T. Sports medicine/physiotherapy
U. World Class Performance Pathway/Programme
V. (explanation of WCPP) Talent – Development - Podium
W. Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme/TASS/Athlete Personal
X. Performance Lifestyle/ACE programme
Suggest reasons why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has allowed professional performers to compete at the Olympic Games in recent years. (3 marks)
A. Many traditional amateur sports are now professional
B. Blurring of America ateur and professional status in many sports/difficult
to make clear distinction between ‘true’ amateur and others
C. Olympic Ideal maintained/correct sporting ethics
D. No prize/appearance money awarded
E. Amateurs can still compete
F. Higher standard of competition
G. Greater spectator/media interest
H. High levels of income/media rights/ticket prices
What are the characteristics of an effective talent identification programme? 3 marks
A. Widespread testing programme/equal opportunities/testing at different age groups/schools
B. Knowledgeable/high quality scouts/high quality coaches able to spot talent
C. Physiological/psychological/skills testing/high quality testing facilities
D. Database for comparison
E. Co-ordinated ap proach between organisations
F. Structured competition/progression routes/representative structure/
development squads
Explain other strategies that UK Sport has implemented to develop elite performers.
(4 marks)
A. Co-ordinated approach with NGBs/four home unions or named sporting organisation
B. Provide centres of excellence/UKSI/English Institute of Sport or equiv.
C. World Class Performance
D. (Operates at 3 levels) Talent – Development – Podium
E. (World Class Events) – major events hosted in UK
F. (Research and Innovation) –
develops new technology for training
and equipment
G. (People Development) – develops high quality coaches/leaders/
organisers or equiv
H. (Ideals) – develops partnerships with other countries
I. Sports Science/Sports Medicine/Performance Lifestyle/Athlete
Career Education
J. (Equality) – promotes equal access/fairplay/high standards of
conduct/doping controls
K. (International Influence) – developing links with international
L. (International Development/International Leadership Programme) –
promoting sport in other countries to improve participation
M. Distributing/usesNationalLotteryfunding/AthletePersonalAwards
Explain the support structures for elite performers provided by the National Institutes of Excellence, such as the English institute of sport (4 marks)
1) regional or satellite centres
2) high quality facilities/coaches
3) sports science support- biomechanics, s and c, physiology, psychology
4) sports medicine- physiotherapy
5) performance lifestyle
6) research and innovation
How can a National Governing Body ensure that they help develop elite performers? (5 marks)
1) TIPs
2) attract funding/athlete personal rewards
3) distribute funding
4) liaise with other organisations/ sport England/ sports coach
5) World class performance
6) high quality facilities
7) provide sport science/ medical support
8) promote role models/ media coverage
9) equal opportunities policy
Why do some national governments provide financial support for their elite performers? (5 marks)
1) Improved standards
2) increased status of the country
3) role models/ increased participation
4) role models
5) increased health of the nation
6) more integration of multi cultural groups
7) allow all individuals to fulfil their potential
Discuss the suggestion that too much money is spent on the development of elite performers at the expense of grass roots sport (5 marks)
1) public have no control over spending
2) better to increase access to faculties
3) development of community schemes
4) money could be used for other areas
5) money used to develop coaches
6) success is expensive
7) individuals have the right to fulfil their potential
8) alternative route for employment
9) role models produced if successful
10) national pride
11) better faculties available for mass participation
The negative effects of Hosting world games
1) terrorism
2) disruption of normal life
3) legacy of unused facilities
4) legacy of poor Olympics
5) intrusion of private life
Following the success of Team GB Cyclists winning 14 medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Brough Scott of the Daily Telegraph wrote: Their feats will not only change the way their sport is perceived back home, they will actually change our society.’Discuss this statement with particular reference to the successful performers, the governing body and society (14 marks)
Benefits addressing points such as: General Points
A. Increase in coverage/public awareness
B. Increase in participation/grass roots take-up/elite
C. Increase funding/economic benefits/sponsorship/
media/gate receipts or eq.
D. Increase in public support/good will factor/ strong position
for future event bid/shop window effect
E. Role model/fame/alternative career pathway after finishing competing
F. Creation of winning mentality/high confidence for the future/high self efficacy/increase personal pride
G. Continued ‘professional’ set-up/increased support structures/improve coaching standards/ or eq
Governing Bodies
H. New clubs established/talent ID scheme/ development schemes/taster days
I. Increase in coach/official recruitment/volunteers
J. Increase spectators at events
K. Interest from other sports/exchange of ideas/ transferable
skills to other sports eg Pitch to Podium
L. Increase national pride/feel good factor/bring the community together/social integration
M. Health benefits
N. Legacy of new facilities
Drawbacks addressing points such as: General Points
O. High expectations
P. Time commitment/over commitment sponsors/ media, etc/dependency on sponsorship deals
Q. Intrusion into private life
R. Pressure to perform if injured/positive deviancy/overtraining
S. Possible change of attitude/negative deviancy/doping
Governing Bodies
T. Inability to meet demand/not enough clubs/ coaches/competitions
U. Loss of control over events due to sponsors/ media
V. Struggle to keep high quality coaches/support staff in the
W. Lack of facilities/cycle routes etc
X. Extra funding may not be available to meet demands
Discuss the suggestion that the increased use of technology to help officials make the correct decision has improved the sporting event. (7 marks)
A. Ensure correct decisions are made/fair competition/less controversy/players more confident in decisions
B. Helps officials communicate with each other
C. Less pressure on official to make the final judgement/less
post-match criticism
D. Timing/measurement accurate
E. Creates excitement in crowd waiting for decision/allows
players to officially challenge decisions
F. Officials using technology can still be wrong/technology can’t be used for everything/officials are an integral part of the sporting contest/over reliance on technology/lose respect of official’s decision being final
G. Specific technology used must be accurate/high level of reliability
H. Changes the nature of the sport
I. Cost limits use of technology at events/not consistent for all
players or spectators
J. Breaks in play can be disruptive for spectators if too long
Outline and explain the structure of the World Class Performance Pathway. (3 marks)
A. Organised by UK Sport
B. Podium – supporting athletes chance of winning medal at the
next Olympic/ Paralympic Games (ie a maximum of four years
away from the podium)
C. Development – comprising of athletes whose performances
have suggested that they have realistic medal winning capabilities for 2012 and newly funded sports that are demonstrating the ability to be competitive by 2012/next 4 – 6 years
D. Talent – designed to support the identification and confirmation of athletes who have the potential to progress through the World Class pathway with the help of targeted investment
Explain the support structures for elite performers provided by the National Institutes of
Excellence, such as the English Institute of Sport. (4 marks)
A. Regional or satellite centres/hubs
B. High quality facilities/coaches
C. (Sports science support) – biomechanics/ strength and conditioning/psychology/talent
identification/physiology/performance analysis/ nutrition
D. (Sports medicine) – physiotherapy/soft tissue therapy
E. Performance lifestyle/ Athlete Advisors/ ACE
F. Research and innovation
G. Athlete Zone
In today’s society the majority of people have access to a variety of sporting activities.
Explain how the leisure opportunities for the working classes improved during the 19th
century in terms of provision.
(7 marks)
A. (Increased time) Factory Reform Acts/more time available/shorter working hours/Saturday half day/Wednesday early closing/Bank Holidays/ machine time
B. (More money) increased wages/broken time payments/ access to professional sport
C. Factory owners established clubs/facilities
D. Churches/Youth Movements established clubs/teams/scouts/Boys Brigade/facilities or eq.
E. Public provision/parks/public baths/Municipal Reform Act/Government provision
F. Philanthropists provided new facilities/libraries/ working men’s clubs or eq./Muscular Christianity/social reform
G. Better communication links/trains easier to visit areas/matches/events
H. New towns developed eg seaside resorts/ countryside
I. New sports developed/rational sports/structured sport/codified
J. National Governing body established/formation of leagues and cup competitions/regular competition
K. (Social class changes) more working class allowed access to previously restricted competition/lifting of Manual Labour
Clause/ Middle class encouraged working class sport
L. Increased opportunity for spectatorism
M. Increased media coverage/newspapers led to greater knowledge and awareness
How does ‘Sportscoach UK’ fulfil its aim of improving the standard of coaching
available to elite performers? (3 marks)
A. UKCoachingFramework/UKCoachingCertificate/
UK Coaching Award
B. UKCoachingNetwork/regionalorlocalnetworks
C. Workwithotherorganisations(onemustbenamed)
Governing Bodies/Sport England/Sports Wales/ Sport Northern Ireland/Sport Scotland/DCMS/UK Sport/Youth Sports Trust/National Skills Academy/ Skills Active/Association for PE
D. Coachwise/1st4Sport
E. Sellcoachingmanuals/video/databases
F. Provide workshops/seminars
G. Coaching Edge magazine
H. UKCentreforCoachingExcellence
I. Funding research projects
J. Provide interactive website with coaching advice
K. JohnLewisPartnership
What are the characteristics of an effective talent identification programme?
(3 marks)
A. Widespread testing programme/equal opportunities/testing at different age groups/schools
B. Knowledgeable/high quality scouts/high quality coaches able to spot talent
C. Physiological/psychological/skills testing/high quality testing facilities
D. Database for comparison
E. Co-ordinated approach between organisations
F. Structured competition/progression routes/representative structure/
development squads
Explain other strategies that UK Sport has implemented to develop elite performers.
(4 marks)
A. Co-ordinated approach with NGBs/four home unions or named sporting organisation
B. Provide centres of excellence/UKSI/English Institute of Sport
C. World Class Performance Programme/Pathway
D. (Operates at 3 levels) Talent – Development – Podium
E. (World Class Events) – major events hosted in UK
F. (Research and Innovation) – develops new technology for training
and equipment
G. (People Development) – develops high quality coaches/leaders/
H. (Ideals) – develops partnerships with other countries
I. Sports Science/Sports Medicine/Performance Lifestyle/Athlete
Career Education
J. (Equality) – promotes equal access/fairplay/high standards of
conduct/doping controls
K. (International Influence) – developing links with international
L. (International Development/International Leadership Programme) –
promoting sport in other countries to improve participation
M. Distributing/usesNationalLotteryfunding/AthletePersonalAwards
Explain the social factors and the support programmes in the UK that encourage the development of elite athletes and increase the chance of winning medals. (14 marks)
A. Status of sport/level of media coverage
B. Equal opportunities policies/anti-discrimination policies
C. School/university experience
D. Club network/access to clubs
E. Parental/family/peer support
F. Socio-economic status/social class
G. (Funding) – private/scholarships/sponsorships or equiv/Sport Aid
H. (Funding) – public/lottery/local authority or equiv.
I. Sport England – coordinated development of grass roots/
J. UK Sport coordinates development of elite sport/provide support
K. Co-ordinated approach of sports organisations/work together (UK
Sport, Sport England, NGBs, EIS, BOA, Sports Coach UK, UKSI)
L. Whole Sport Plans
M. Highqualityfacilities
N. High quality coaching
O. Talent identification programmes/TIPs/examples of TIPs, eg Girls
for Gold, Pitch to Podium
P. Levels of structured competition
Q. Progression routes/district to county to region or equiv/LTAD
R. Research and development programmes
S. Sports science/biomechanics/sports psychology/nutritional advice/
strength and conditioning
T. Sports medicine/physiotherapy
U. World Class Performance Pathway/Programme
V. (explanation of WCPP) Talent – Development - Podium
W. Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme/TASS/Athlete Personal
X. Performance Lifestyle/ACE programme
Suggest reasons why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has allowed professional performers to compete at the Olympic Games in recent years. (3 marks)
A. Many traditional amateur sports are now professional
B. Blurring of amateur and professional status in many sports/difficult
to make clear distinction between ‘true’ amateur and others
C. Olympic Ideal maintained/correct sporting ethics
D. No prize/appearance money awarded
E. Amateurscanstillcompete
F. Higher standard of competition
G. Greater spectator/media interest
H. High levels of income/media rights/ticket prices
Suggest reasons why not all sports or groups of performers, such as women, will benefit from success at the Olympic Games.
[4 marks]
A. Not the same amount of media coverage for all sports/groups
B. Fewer role models/high profile performers
C. Lower status of sport/difficult to compete against traditional sports/more
successful sports
D. Different funding levels/less sponsorship/lack of Government funding
E. Lack of access to clubs/facilities
F. Sporting organisations unable to cope with demand
G. Provision in schools/National Curriculum/extra-curricular activities/poor
club-school links
H. Cultural barriers/discrimination/stereotyping/sexism
I. Lack of control/decision making by other groups
Discuss the suggestion that funding should be equal for all sports and not based on performance at major championships. (4 marks)
A. All sports need funding for development/increase chance of success/ fair funding
B. Helps to promote less familiar/popular sports
C. Widens the foundation/participation pyramid/increase grass roots
D. Provides alternative options for participation/everyone has the right to
develop their potential in chosen sport
E. London Olympic legacy should be encouraged
F. Limited funds have to be used effectively/not enough funding for all sports
G. Better to increase chances of winning medals in target sports/tax payers need value for money/no compromise approach appears to be successful/reward successful sports
H. Encourages sports to invest money correctly/accountability/ encourages sporting organisations to have high quality resources/good Whole Sport Plans/administrators or equiv
I. Encourages sporting organisations/governing bodies to work together/ share resources
J. Funding is a privilege not a right
What is the role and purpose of national Institutes of Sport?
[3 marks]
A. designed to foster the talents of Britain’s elite athletes/medal count
B. Sports science/sportsmedicine/supportappliedphysiology/ biomechanics/medical consultation/ medical screening/nutritional advice
C. Workinmulti-disciplinary teams to develop athletes/support coaches and Performance Directors
D. The Performance Lifestyleprogrammes/careerandeducation advice/ACE
E. Olympic&Paralympicsports/somenon-Olympicsportseg Premier League football
F. Address issues of under-represented groups / some community focus
G. Work with: [need at least 1 example] NGB/sport partners / UK Sport/Sport England or equivalent named organisation