World affairs (2-Idioms and phrases) Flashcards
Staatskunst, Politik
The fight against poverty and injustice must become a key issue in world politics.
Verfahrensweise, Taktik, Politik
The fight against excessive inflation in the western world was fought with “monetarist” policies and a sharp rise in world interest rates.
jdm. Geld leihen
The bankers were eager to lend the money to Third World countries.
Geld ausleihen
Developing countries have to pay low interest rates when they borrow money from foreign banks.
Zinsen tragen
to earn (bear) interest - The oil producers put their dollars into the banks of the rich countries where they expected the money to earn interest.
seine Schulden begleichen
The government of the developing country announced that it could not meet its debts.
die Hauptlast tragen
It is a reality today that children all over the world are bearing the brunt of the crisis of powerty, famine, and war.
eine Bedrohung darstellen
It is known that the threat posed by disease and malnutrition can be known.
zur Welt bringen, gebären
Women in the Third World often bear more than ten children.
die Kluft verbreiten
Now an economic and technological colonialism is widening the gap between rich and poor.
kurzen Prozess machen mit
The World Bank’s report makes short shrift of the notion that economic development can solve the population problem.
zu gewaltsamen Mitteln greifen
There is a great likelihood that people will resort to force if their basic needs are neglected.
Zuflucht suchen
Through the ages people have been forced to leave their country and seek refuge, especially from political and religios persecution.
den Druck verstärken
The US government is stepping up pressure on the conflicting parties to negotiate a peace settlement.