Environment (2-Idioms and phrases) Flashcards
sich zuziehen, erkranken an
When the boy was ten, he contracted a rare disease.
das empfindliche Gleichgewicht zerstören
In many places of the world the delicate balance between flora and fauna has been upset.
in Gang setzen
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development has set a stricter legislation in motion.
ein Geschäft machen
At the conference bargains were struck between the rich and the poor countries.
in Kraft setzen
The success of the summit depends on how well the resolutions are put into force.
geplant sein für
A major conference in population is scheduled for next year.
zahlen müssen
Farmers are charged less for their water supply than domestic consumers.
stufenweise aus dem Verkehr ziehen
Developing contries have more time to phase out CFC production.
sich entgehen lassen
Friends of the Earth are warning that Britain risks missing out on a European market for renewable energy.
wohl tun werden
The government is set to raise the tax on petrol.
auf Widerstand seitens… stoßen
Plans of the government to compel electricity companies to buy expensive atomic energy were strongly resisted by the European Commission.
Years after the Chernobyl accident hundreds of British farms were still subject to strict anti-radiation rules.
ein Verbot aufheben
The Ministry of Agriculture lifted the ban on the import of beef from France.