Workshop Week 5 Flashcards
What are the DEPHOG principles?
Equitability (even-handedness)
What is a foundational quality of our principles in client care?
What does dignity involve?
we treat each individual as a worthwhile end not as a means to an end
What does equitability involve?
- scales of justice suggest balance
- interdependence demands equality of obligations
- fair judgement between well-informed equals
What does Prudence involve?
- make choices that make situation no worse and hopefully improve it
“first do no harm”
What does Honestly involve?
- being straightforward and truthful
- personal quality not purely situational
What does Openness involve?
- things are conveyed in a candid way
- when cannot reveal, can be openness about the reason for non-disclosure - Openness is balanced with privacy
What does Goodwill involve?
- sense of greater good
- altruism
Is one principle enough?
Goal is ethical reasoning - weighing various foreseeable consequences of various courses of action
What are the components of the ethical maturity?
ethical sensitivity: reflect at depth
ethical discernment: using reason
ethical implementation: blocks and supports
ethical conversation: reasons, connecting to principles
ethical peace: living with decision, support network, learning and letting go
ethical growth and development of moral character
Characteristics of Sociopaths include?
- superficial charm
- manipulative
- promiscuous sexual
behaviour - implulsivity
Characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder include?
- high maintenance
- roller coaster moods
- insatiable needs,
emptiness - few internal anchors
- aggression towards self
and others
Cautious about boundary violation, what begins as a small boundary violation can become a:
“slippery slope”
Nancy McWilliam’s distinctions of boundary crossing VS boundary violations can be a good guide. For example:
Boundary crossing (self disclosure, non- sexual touching)
Boundary violations (sexual behaviour, exploit client)
What do to when managing seductive bahaviour from client?
- ignore if time-limited
- if more intrusive, stronger response may be necessary
- examine own behaviour - could you be giving wrong impression?
- clarify in a face saving way for client