Workshop Week 4 Flashcards
Why is confidentiality important?
- duty to preserve secrecy of info disclosed or obtained
Ethical issues:
Integrity - profession of psychology - integrity of person disclosing - their rights
Respect - for clients dignity and autonomy
Utilitarian - facilitates trust in therapeutic relationship and promotes open and effect communication
Beneficent - breaches best interests of client
Which general principle does confidentiality fall under?
A: Respect for the
rights and dignity of people and peoples
- Psychologists regard people as intrinsically valuable and respect
their rights, including the right to autonomy and justice. - Psychologists engage in conduct which promotes equity and the
protection of people’s human rights, legal rights, and moral
rights. - They respect the dignity of all people and peoples.
What does it say about confidentiality in the Code?
A.5 Confidentiality
safeguard the confidentiality of information obtained during their provision of psych services:
a. make provisions for maintaining confidentiality in the collection, recording, accessing, storage, dissemination, and disposal of information
b. take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of information after they leave specific work setting, or cease to provide psychological services
What does the code say about disclosure?
Disclose only under the following circumstances:
a. consent of client
b. legal obligation to do so
c. immediate and specified risk of harm to identified person that can be averted only by disclosing information . or
d. when consulting colleagues, or in course of supervision or professional training. as long as
i. conceals identity
ii. obtains clients consent, gives prior notice to recipients to maintain privacy, obtains undertaking from recipients that they will preserve the clients privacy
What does code say about informing client about limits to confidentiality?
A.5.3 - inform clients at OUTSET - and as regularly thereafter as is reasonably necessary of:
a. limits to confidentiality
foreseeable uses of the info
b. generated in the course of the relationship
What does the Code say about the type of info disclosed?
A.5.4 - disclose only to info necessary to achieve the purpose of the disclosure and only to people required to have info
What does the Code say about using info for a purpose other than the primary purpose it was collected?
only do so with:
a. consent of the client
b. if info is de-identified and used in course of duly approved research
c. when use is required and authorised by or under law
Privacy has many facets:
- an ethical obligation
- a professional duty
- legal requirement
Confidentiality and privacy are strongly endorsed in the Code but not:
Whats the difference between confidentiality and privacy?
Confidentiality - based on type of relationship that exists between client and service provider
Privacy - more likely to be employed to protect certain types of information
Considerable overlap between confidentiality and privacy
What could happen if privacy was breached?
being disciplined or legal action being taken
What does the Code say about Privacy?
A. 4 Privacy
a. collecting only info relevant to service being provided.
b. not requiring supervisees or trainees to disclose personal info, unless self-disclosure if a normal expectation of a given training procedure and informed consent has been obtained from participants prior to training
How many principles does the Privacy Act have?
- Open and transparent management of personal information
- Anonymity and pseudonymity
- Collection of solicited personal information
- Dealing with unsolicited personal information
- Notification of the collection of personal information
- Use or disclosure of personal information
- Direct marketing
- Cross-border disclosure of personal information
- Adoption, use or disclosure of government related identifiers
- Quality of personal information
- Security of personal information
- Access to personal information
- Correction of personal information
Freedom information Act gives clients a right to their information which is consistent with:
A.6 Release of information to clients
In the Code
What are examples of mental incapability:
presentations that impact on cognitive ability and safety such as:
- intellectual impairment
- very low BMI eating disorders
- florid psychosis
- active suicidal intent