Workshop Technology Flashcards
What is laying out?
Laying out is the process of scribing or marking centre points of circles, arcs, or straight lines on metals to indicate:
* The shape of the object
* and the position of the holes to be drilled.
What effects does the quality of the layout have on the end product?
The accuracy of the finished products depends greatly on the accuracy of the layout.
From which surface should the layout be made?
Layouts should be made from a baseline or finished surface
To ensure an accurate layout, dimensions, and proper location of holes.
What does the layout drawing not show?
The drawing does not show how much material must be removed from the surface of the casting or workpiece; it merely shows which surfaces are to be finished.
What are the two types of layouts?
The two types of layouts are:
• Basic or semi-precision
• Precision
What is a basic layout?
Semi-precision/basic layouts are not as accurate as precision layouts. It involves the use of basic measuring and layout tools.
What tools are used to make a basic layout?
A ruler or surface gauge can be used to make a basic layout.
What is a precision layout?
Precision layouts are more accurate than semi-precision layouts. It involves the use of more accurate equipment, measuring and layout tools.
What tools are used to make a precision layout?
The vernier height gauge can be used to make a precision layout.
When should precision layouts be used and when should semi-precision layouts be used?
Time should NEVER be spent on making a precise layout if the part does not have to be precise. The layout should be basic/semi-precise if workpiece requirements permit it.
What is a layout solution?
Layout solutions are coated on the surface of metals to make layout lines visible. Layout solutions/dyes are quick drying and produce a background for sharp, clear-cut lines.
What must be done to the surface of the workpiece before a layout solution can be applied?
The surface must be clean and free of grease.
What tools are typically used to apply layout solutions?
They are applied with a cloth, brush or sprayed.
What layout solutions are used for a)steel workpieces and b)casting and hot-rolled steel?
a)For a steel workpiece, copper sulfate is used as a layout solution b)and for casting and hot rolled steel chalk is used.
What are 5 reasons that granite layout tables and plates are considered better than cast iron ones?
Granite layout tables and plates are considered better than cast-iron ones because they:
• Do not become burred
o A burr is a raised edge or small piece of material that remains attached to a workpiece after a modification process.
• Do not rust
• Are not affected by temperature change
• Do not have internal stresses and therefore will not wary or distort
• Are nonmagnetic
• Can be used for checking near grinding machines since abrasive particles will not be embedded in the surface
• Are cheaper than similar-sized cast-iron plate
When using a layout table what are 5 measures that should be taken?
When using a layout table:
• Ensure the working surface is clean
• Cover the plate or table when it’s not in use
• Carefully place the work on the surface plate, NEVER drop a workpiece onto the plate
• Use parallels under the workpiece whenever possible
• Never hammer or punch any layout on a surface plate
• Remove burrs from cast-iron plates and always protect their surfaces with a thin film of oil and a cover whenever they are not in use
What is a scriber and what is it used for?
A scriber has a hardened steel point or points and is used in conjunction with a combination square, rule, or straight edge to draw straight lines.
What is an end bent scriber and what is it used for?
An end bent (angled tip) scriber allows marking lines in hard-to-reach places.
What must be done to ensure that the scriber makes clear layout lines?
The scriber point must always be sharp to make clear layout lines.
What is a divider and what is it used for?
Dividers are used for scribing arcs, radii and circles on a layout, measuring distances between two points, and transferring or comparing measurements directly from a rule.
What are the two types of dividers?
The two kinds of dividers are:
• Wing dividers
• And spring dividers
What is a wing-type divider?
A wing-type divider has a steel bar that separates the legs, a lock nut for setting a rough measurement, and an adjustment screw for fine adjustments. Some wing-type dividers can have one removable leg so that a pencil may be inserted.
What sizes is the wing-type divider available?
The wing-type divider is available in 6, 8 and 12-inch lengths.
What is a spring divider?
A spring divider consists of two sharp points at the end of straight legs, held apart by a spring and adjusted by means of a spring and nut.
In what sizes are spring dividers available?
Spring dividers are available from 3 to 12 inches.
What are trammels and what are they used for?
A trammel consists of a beam on which two sliding or adjustable heads with scriber points are mounted. Trammels are used for large circles and arcs.
What are the two types of callipers?
The two kinds of callipers are:
• Hermaphrodite
• Spring
What is a hermaphrodite calliper?
A hermaphrodite calliper has one curved leg and one straight leg, which contains a scriber point. It is used for laying out lines parallel to an edge and locating the centre of a round or irregular-shaped stock.
What is a spring caliper and what is it is used for?
A spring calliper is a calliper which has legs fastened together with a spring and pivot used
What are the two types of spring callipers?
The two kinds of spring callipers are:
• Inside
• Outside
How do you set a hermaphrodite calliper to a size?
To set the calliper to a size place the bent leg on the end of the rule and adjust the other leg until the scriber point is at the desired graduation.
What must be done when scribing parallel lines with a hermaphrodite calliper?
To scribe parallel lines always ensure to hold the scriber at 90˚ to the edge of the workpiece.
What is an engineer’s try-square and what is it used for?
An engineer’s try-square is made up of a beam and a blade. It is used to lay out lines at right angles (90˚) to a machine edge. Squares are used to test the accuracy of surfaces that must be square or to set up work for machining.
What tools does a combination set consist of?
The combination set consists of:
* A steel rule,
* Square head
* Bevel protractor
* and a centre head.
What is the purpose of the steel rule in the combination set?
Steel Rule
The steel rule is fitted to the other three parts. It is primarily used for accurate measurement, it can also be used as a guide for laying out lines, and if rigid enough, for cutting.
What is the squarehead in the combination set used for?
The square head is used to layout angles at 45˚ and 90˚ and parallel to the edge lines.
What is the bevel protractor in the combination set used for?
The bevel protractor is used to lay out and check various angles (0˚ to 180˚). Its accuracy is ± 0.5˚ (30’).
What is the centre head in the combination set used for?
The centre head forms centres of ends of round, square, and octagonal stock
What is a surface gauge and what is it used for?
A surface gauge consists of a base, a spindle which can be set at any angle and a scriber which can also be set at any angle and at any height from the base maximum up to the length of the spindle. The surface gauge is used on surface plates to scribe parallel lines. Some surface gauges have a V-groove machined in the base, which allows them to be used on cylindrical work.
What are the two types of layout punches?
The two types of centre punches are:
• Centre Punch
• Prick Punch
What is a prick punch and what is it used for?
A prick punch has a 30˚ to 60˚ point. It is used to permanently mark the location of layout lines.
What is a centre punch and what is it used for?
A centre punch has a 90˚ point. It is used to mark the location of centres of holes.
What is the difference between an automatic and handheld punch?
An automatic punch has a built-in spring which makes dimples n the workpiece without the use of a hammer. Handheld layout punches on the other hand are required to be struck with a hammer.
What is a ball-pein/engineer’s hammer?
The ball-pein hammer is a type of hammer used in metalworking. It has two heads, one flat and the other, called the peen, rounded. Small sizes are used for centre punching, riveting, and bending and larger sizes are used for forging.
What are some layout accessories?
Some layout accessories are:
* Angle Plate And Toolmaker Clamp
* Parallels
* V-blocks
* Keyseat Rules And Keyset Clamps
What is an angle plate and toolmaker clamp used for?
An angle plate and toolmaker clamp is used when lines are required on the face of the plate. These accessories make it possible to scribe intersecting 90˚ lines accurately.
What are parallels are what are they used for?
Parallels are used to raise a workpiece and maintain work surfaces parallel to the top of the surface plate
What are V-blocks and what are they used for?
V-blocks are precision metalworking jigs used to hold round work for layout and inspection.
What are keyseats and keyset clamps and what are they used for?
Keyseat rules and keyset clamps are used to draw parallel lines parallel to the axis of the shaft.