worksheet 2 Flashcards
what is relative dating
determining dates of geological units in relative sense (this comes before this… and this comes after this…)
what is absolute/numerical datng
provides actual date of how old rock/feature is
what is magnetic dating
dating of rock using reversals of Earth’s magnetic field to help determine age of rocks
what is radiometric dating
a strategy to determine the absolute age of rock using the ratios unstable isotopes in minerals and organic matter
what isotopes are good for absolate dating?
U-Pb (Uranium Lead), Rb-Sr (Rubidium-Strontium), Th-K (Thorium-Potassium) and K-Ar (Potassium-Argon)
can we use radiocarbon dating for old rocks?
no bc short half life so really only works for things ~<50,000 years old
what isotopes have really long half lives?
U-Pb or K-Ar
what is the equation for the number of remaining radioactive atoms when using radiocarbon dating?
N=N_0 e^(−λt)
N_0 is number of original radioactive atoms
λ is nuclide decay constant
λ= ln (2) / t^½
t^½ is the half life
what is the age equation and when is it used?
used for all dating when you do not have carbon
t= 1/λ * ln ( 1+ D / P )
D –> daughter isotopes
P –> parent isotopes
λ= ln (2) / t^½
what are possible assumptions made in radiometric dating?
- no other factors altered amount of parent & daughter isotopes
- no daughter isotopes existed at time zero
- decay constant is actually a constant and doesn’t vary throughout time
- parent and daughter isotopes can be accurately measured
what is the principle of superposition
in an undeformed sequence, the oldest rock is at the bottom and the youngest is at the top
what is the principle of originally horizontally
layers of sediment are deposited more or less horizontally
what is the principle of cross cutting relationships?
if a feature crosses multiple layers then it was formed after the features that it crosses
what is principle of faunal succession
fossil species succeed each other in a definitive recognizable order. one the species goes extinct, it will not appear as a fossil in a different time period
what are unconformities
surface that represents break in rock record due to deposition stopping and allowing erosion to occur and then deposition occurs again
what is an angular unconformity
when the underlying older rocks and the overlying younger rocks show angle to one another. the rocks below were tilted/folder and then there was weathering and then new rocks were deposited
what is a disconformity
when the older rocks and the younger rocks are parallel but the contact plane (where they touch) is an erosional surface
what is a nonconformity
when the underlying rocks are igneous or metamorphic (unstratified) and the overlying younger rocks are sedimentary (so they are stratified)
what is biostratigraphy
using fauna and fossils to determine relative age of layer order and combine that with stratigraphic units
how can biostratigraphy help us determine relative age
we can use the presence of absence of certain fossils and combine with the principle of faunal succession