Works Progress - Flash Cards - Level 1
How do you record site progress?
Utiling site audit pro, photographs and note taking - compairing works completed against the programme.
How do you ensure programme and quality is monitored on site?
Review programme at each site visit, ensure contractor is working to programme and raise questions if not. Monitor on site quality against specifications, riase issue if not completed correctly.
How is the standurds of work defined on a project?
Through specifications or drawings defining the work to be completed, materials to be used. NBS common arrnagement of works sections confirming materials and workmasnhip requirments.
What is provided with a specification?
Design details, manfactuere information, fixing requirments, standurds of workmanship.
How do you monitor materials and workmanship on a project?
Site isnpections, reffering to specification details.
How does monitoring wors reduce loss of time and expense?
Kepps record of progress if requested later on in a claim, allows concerns to be raised early so that issues can be resolved before the project is too far progressed.
What is a COW?
Inspects the workmanship, quality and safety of the work on a site and reports back to CA or client.
What is the difference between a CA and COW?
CA ensures contract is followed, COW reviews progress, quality and workmanship on site.
What is a programme?
A programme describes the sequence in which tasks must be carried out so that a project can be completed on time. It details a critical path for the works.
What is the critical path?
Critical path is the formed of several sequential tasks and represents the longest sequence of tasks that must be completed in a specific order to complete a project.
How do you ensure quality on site?
Site visits, progress meetings. Specific works of interest I would request the contractor tells me when the install si to be so I can attend. Ensure relevent quality clauses have been followed. Review programme to attend site at key stages.
If you suspect work has not been compelted correctly and it was concealed, what would you do?
Look at undertaking opening up works, inform cleint of risks to payment if it is found to be correctly installed.
What contractural mechanisnms are their to ensure quality?
Contract documents, specifications, NBS for materials and worksmanship. JCT contract provisions for materials, good and workmanship - CA’s opnion on whether it has been carried out to the expected standurd.
What to do if you suspect something isn’t in compliance with the specification?
Request information form contractor, opening up works, contract instruction to put the works right.
What certficataion scemes are there for works?
FENSA for domestic windows and doors, BBA which check BR requirments and others.
What documents would you be looking for to assure materials were a high standard?
BBA certification – British board of agreement. CE Marking – European Conformity marking. UKCA – UK equivalent to CE. BSI Kite Mark – British standards institution.
Provide an example of a product that you would see a BBA certification on?
Lavant primary, Bauder roofing system, each product has a BBA certificate to show quality and reassurance following robust testing and assessment through BBA.
Provide an example of a product that you would see a CE marking on?
Children’s Home, Isover acoustic partition roll, European conformity marking to set standards.
Provide an example of a product that you would see a UKCA marking on?
Children’s Home, Isover acoustic partition roll, UK conformity marking to set standards.
Provide an example of a product that you would see a BSI Kite Mark on?
HDP, glazing systems toughened or laminated or Childrens Home Saint-Gobain, BSI approved company for quality and energy management.