Workplace Hazards Flashcards
What is occupational health?
-It is a public health discipline
-Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of
the highest degree of physical, mental, and social well-being
of workers in all occupations by preventing departures from
health, controlling risks, and the adaptation of work to
people, and people to their jobs.
Occupational health focuses on what?
Focus on interaction between the
person or groups of people and the
work environment
Core activities of Occupational health?
Core activities are the prevention,
recognition, diagnosis, treatment
and social management of a work
related health condition
Ramazzini is the father of?
Industrial medicine
Mines and Works Act, 27 of 1956, and the Occupational
Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 78 of1973
These Acts provide for
the control of the work environment in the mines,
risk or fitness examinations relating to miners’ fitness for
underground work,
and for benefit examinations for occupational disease
For the Non-mining industry, there is an act called?
Workmen’s Compensation Act No 25 of 1914
industrial accidents and occupational diseases
Posthumous benefits
Cyanide rash, lead, and mercury poisoning
1941, 15 occupational diseases including silicosis
1918: Factories Act later replaced by Factories, Machinery and
Building Work Act, 22 of1941,
Inclusion of working hours, control of machinery, accidents
the investigation by the labor inspectorate
1975: Erasmus Commission of Inquiry
Occurrence of occupational diseases which were found to be
widespread and prevalent
Statutory protection of health at work which was fragmented,
incomplete and outdated
Occupational health services which were limited in non-mining
1995: Leon Commission
TB, silicosis, asbestosis, Noise-induced hearing loss
• 1995: Mine Health and Safety Act 1993
Why do we focus on Occupational Health?
Most classes of agents pose their greatest threat in work settings
Exposures are the greatest in the workplace
Exposures are more frequent, more concentrated, and of longer
Workplace permits “easy” ?means of assessing groups of exposed
What are the disciplines of occupational health?
Occupational Medicine
Occupational Hygiene
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Toxicology O How chemical exposures result in occupational
related diseases and injuries
Ergonomics O The science of adapting machines and the working
environment to the physical, psychological, and social attributes of
the worker
Occupational Hygiene
‘The discipline of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and
controlling health hazards in the working environment with the
objective of protecting worker health and well- being and
safeguarding the community at large.
What does Occupational hygiene look at?
Occupational Hygiene: 1.Occupational Hygiene 2.Occupational Medicine Work activity Exposure Disease
What is a hazard?
A hazard is a situation or a condition that can potentially cause an
injury or illness in workers or damage to property.
An uncontrolled hazard may vary in severity from no effect to
human death.
Hazard categories
Physical hazards Chemical hazards Psychosocial hazards Biological hazards Ergonomics
Physical hazards
Temperature extremes Noise Radiation Height Lifting weights
Chemical hazards
Solvents , heavy metals , paints
Psychosocial hazards
Sexual harassment
Biological hazards
Virus, Bacteria. Parasites
Identifying hazards in the workplace
You do a risk assessment:
Review the workplace
Understand the scope of the work in a factory
Examine the process on the work floor
Identify and observe hazards on the work floor
Observe controls in place / the lack thereof
Hierarchy of controls [controlling the workplace hazards]
From permanent[collective process] to Temporary [Individual process]
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering
- Administrative
- Personal protection