Working with kernel modules Flashcards
is the core framework of the operating system typically known as the GNU/Linux operating system
Linux kernel
portion pertains to all of the tools
such as your bash commands, your different types of shells,
and other utilities that you can use on the system.
The side of that title pertains to the Linux kernel itself that provides a way for the rest of the system to operate with its hardware that’s connected to it, all the memories such as the hard disk and the RAM that’s plugged into the system, the networking capabilities of the computer, and of course itself, and what we mean by itself is the kernel’s ability to communicate with these various subsystems.
The Linux kernel known as a
monolithic kernel.
monolithic kernel.
it handles all memory management and hardware device interactions by itself. Also, extra functionality can be loaded and unloaded dynamically through kernel modules and it ensures that the system will not need to be rebooted into a different kernel image for added functionality.
if you need to bring in a new driver you dont need to reboot the whole system
just use the driver
The monolithic kernel has the ability
to dynamically load and unload new kernel drivers.
In your line of work as a Linux systems administrator,
most often, when you deal with kernel modules, they’re going to be third-party drivers that come from other companies.
to get some basic information about our kernel that we are currently running and by itself, it just shows us that we are running Linux,which makes sense because this is a Linux operating system.
uname command
we can see that we are running a 64-bit kernel on this computer.
uname -m
option to print out all of the system information about our current Linux kernel. And here, we can see the operating system, the hostname of the server, the kernel release version,
the build time of the kernel, the machine architecture, the CPU type, and the operating system label itself.
let’s take a look at the kernel modules that are loaded with our kernel. And here, we can see every kernel module that is currently in use on our computer. Over on the left we have the name of the kernel module itself, size of how much memory that kernel module is using followed by another column that lists out all of the other kernel modules that the kernel module on the left is being used by.
parport kernel module is being used by 2 other kernel modules,
the ppdev kernel module and the parport_pc module.
We can get some further information about a particular kernel module
modinfo command
We can also remove a kernel module
modprobe command
unload a kernel module, we use the modprobe command, followed by the -r to remove the kernel module and then the name of the kernel module itself.
modprobe -r
if your remove a kernel module and want to add the kernel module back, all we have to do is “?” . What this command will do is load the kernel module for us along with any other kernel modules that are dependent upon this kernel module itself.
run the modprobe command again and then the name of the kernel module
kernel module that actually is used by your kernel to know how to work with your computer’s file system.