Main File System Locations Flashcards
log files and dynamic content
user’s home directory where personal files stored
where Linux kernel and supporting files stored
optional sw used by 3rd party sw vendors. Enterprise env makes extensive use of this location
temp storage that acts like RAM
when percentage of ram is full the kernel
will move less used data to swap
swap partition
on its own
swap file (similar to page file on windows)
much slower performance than using dedicate partition
swap size older
rule of thumb from 1.5 to 2.0x size of available ram
now swap size
no less than 50% of available RAM
directory that contains all of your hardware that is attached to your system.
first hard drive
and that could be either a SCSI device or a SDA device that’s connected to your computer.
The A indicates that it is the first drive that is connected to your computer.
At least the first drive that the kernel can recognize.
this is the first partition of the sda drive.
when you take a partition of a disk or an entire disk for that matter and you mount it to a specific directory.
mount point
can be used to mount partitions to dirs or show all existing mounts without any options
mnt cmd
used to show all blockd devices on a system and their names
lsblk cmd
can be used to list out partition info on the specified disk
fdisk -l/dev/diskname
shows a summary of the swap usage on a system and is the same info that can be
found in /proc/swaps
swapon –summary