Working Across Teams Flashcards
noun : a group focused on one thing and doing things similarly

*When corporations cultivate ——-s, they are wasting their human capital. *
*Some countries have a real ——–, and everyone behaves very similarly.*
- monoculture
noun : tiny details, small and often not important details

küçük detay, önemsiz ayrıntılar
*Members should be wary of getting too “deep in the weeds” dealing with ——- that would be more suitably dealt with in a single-function team.*
*The —– of planning travel takes up so much of my attention that I can forget to be excited.*
- minutiae
verb : to be made of; to make up

oluşturmak, meydana getirmek
*These teams —– individuals from various functional areas within a corporation—marketing, legal, engineering, and design, for example. *
*Children under the age of ten —— roughly 20% of the city’s population.*
- comprise
verb : to imagine

öngörmek, tahmin etmek, önceden kestirmek
*When a marketer entirely comprehends how the product functions, she can —– a more pertinent marketing campaign.*
*The empty field didn’t look like much, but the architect ——d a whole neighborhood there.*
- envision
verb : to organize something with many parts

titizlikle düzenlemek; başarmak için özenle yapmak
*These teams should be thoughtfully ——d to include at least one member from each team participating in a project.*
*The CEO ——-d a large deal with another bank.*
- orchestrate
adjective : most important Trust is of paramount importance.

en önemli/üstün/yüce
*Her family was —— to her success.*
- paramount
verb : to make something sound bigger or more important than it is

mübalağa etmek, abartmak
*The value of a cross-functional team cannot be ——d.*
*The team was upset to find that the new employee had ——d his abilities.*
- overstate
adjective : all the same

türdeş, aynı cinsten, homojen
*In many ventures, teams are ——-.*
*The group was relatively —–; most people were very similar in the way they thought and acted.*
- homogeneous
noun : a good investment or bet

*The —– —— is on organizing across team boundaries. *
*He hadn’t played the game before, so he followed the —– —–, betting where more experienced people did.*
- smart money
adjective : difficult to understand; puzzling

zihin bulandıran, şaşırtan, afallatan, şaşırtıcı
*Cross-functional teams are sometimes ——- to manage.*
*The children couldn’t solve the —— math problem.*
- perplexing
adjective : separated from other people or things:

*Working in a big company, you became very —- and it was easy to lose touch with the real world.*
*These —— groups seldom have an opportunity to interact with one another.*
- siloed
adverb : not often

nadiren, seyrek, pek az
*We —– go out in the evenings.*
*These siloed groups —- have an opportunity to interact with one another.*
- seldom
verb : GROW : to prepare land and grow crops on it
toprağı işlemek, ekip biçmek, sürüp ekmek
*This shrub is ——d in Europe as a herb used in cooking.*
DEVELOP : to try to develop or improve something
bir şeyi geliştirmek, ilerletmek
*She has ——-d an image as a tough negotiator.*
*When corporations ——- monocultures, they are wasting their human capital. *
—–ion noun : ekim, yetiştirme

- cultivate
adjective : relating directly to a subject

doğrudan bir konuyla bağlantılı/alakalı/ilgili; ilişkili, ilişkin
*a ——- question*
*When a marketer entirely comprehends how a product functions, she can envision a more —— marketing campaign. *
- pertinent
adjective : QUIET : quiet because you are thinking about something
düşünceli, düşünceye dalmış
*You look ——-.*
KIND : B2 kind and always thinking about how you can help other people
düşünceli, anlayışlı, nazik, saygılı
*Thank you for the card - it was very ——- of you.*
———ly adverb : düşüncelere dalmış bir şekilde
*She gazed thoughtfully into the distance.*
*These teams should be ——–ly orchestrated to include at least one member from each team participating in a project.*
———ness noun : düşünceli olma durumu

- thoughtful