The Oversold Open Office Flashcards
verb : to design or invent something such as a system, plan, or piece of equipment

tasarlamak/tasarımını yapmak, icat etmek
In the 1950s, a team of designers from Hamburg, Germany, —–d a novel office layout for knowledge workers.
- devise
noun : B1 a book that tells a story about imaginary people and events
Have you read any good —–s lately?
adjective : yeni, yeni çıkmış
In the 1950s, a team of designers from Hamburg, Germany, devised a —– office layout for knowledge workers.

- novel
verb : ENCOURAGE : to encourage a particular feeling, situation, or idea to develop
(fikir, durum, his) gelişmesine yardımcı olmak
The growth of the Internet could —- economic development worldwide.
The concept was that openness would —– creative work and facilitate the flow of ideas.
CHILD : to look after a child as part of your family for a time, without becoming their legal parent
(çocuğu) öz babası gibi beslemek, büyütmek

- foster
noun : honesty about your thoughts and feelings

açıklık , açık yüreklilik, dürüstlük,
I appreciated his ——-.
The concept was that —— would foster creative work and facilitate the flow of ideas.
- openness
noun : the act of saying or writing unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people to have a bad opinion of them:

iftira, yerleme, kötüleme,
Despite the recent —— of “cubicle farms,” reform seems unlikely.
Participants were asked whether they had experienced discrimination or —— because of their race or religion.
- vilification
verb : to get off track; to lose one’s focus

yoldan çıkmak, planladığı gibi olmamak
Millennials are just as likely to be —–ed as anyone else.
Meetings with Jack are always long because he ——s them with stories about his weekend.
- derail
verb : to state as fact

ifade etmek, …mış/miş gibi olmak/yapmak
Supporters —– that open offices promote collaboration and spur interaction.
He —-s to be a prince, but it seems unlikely.
- purport
noun : to the ——- of sth : causing damage to something
zararına, ziyanına
He was working very long hours, to the —— of his health.
——-al adjective : zararlı
Open offices can be ——-al to people’s physical health.

- detriment
verb : to lose something because it falls off
yaprak/deri/saç vs. Dökülmek
A lot of trees —– their leaves in the autumn.
to get rid of something that you do not want or need
atmak; …dan/den kurtulmak
A lot of companies are —-ding jobs.
—— tears : to cry
göz yaşı dökmek/akıtmak, ağlamak
—– blood : to kill or injure someone
kan dökmek, cana kıymak, öldürmek, yaralamak

- shed
adjective : extremely enthusiastic
çok gayretli aşırı düşkün, çok istekli
——–ly adverb : hevesli bir şekilde
Despite how ——ly they have been adopted, research shows that open offices may be detrimental to employees.

- zealous
noun UK : WORK : the activity of working together to create or achieve the same thing, or a product of this
işbirliği, ortaklık, katılma
The show was a result of ——- between several museums.
Although supporters purport that open offices promote ——– and spur interaction, studies reveal that workers actually feel alienated from their colleagues and resentful of their own plight.

- collaboration
verb : LOSE SUPPORT : to make someone stop supporting and liking you
başkalaştırmak, aralarını açmak, uzak durmasını sağlamak
Although supporters purport that open offices promote collaboration and spur interaction, studies reveal that workers actually feel ——-d from their colleagues and resentful of their own plight.
NOT INCLUDE : to make someone feel that they are different and do not belong to a group
başka olduğuna ve bir gruba ait olmadıklarına birini ikna etmek, inandırmak
Disagreements can ——- teenagers from their families.
——ion noun : yabancılaşma

- alienate
adjective : angry and upset about a situation that you think is unfair
içerlemiş, kızgın, buruk
He was bitterly ——- of his brother’s success.
Although supporters purport that open offices promote collaboration and spur interaction, studies reveal that workers actually feel alienated from their colleagues and —— of their own plight.
——–ly adverb : kızgın bir şekilde
——-ness noun : kızgınlık

- resentful
verb : REMOVE : If soil, stone, etc erodes or is eroded, it is gradually damaged and removed by the sea, rain, or wind.
(toprak, kaya) deniz/yağmur/rüzgâr ile aşınmak/yok olmak/kaybolmak
The coastline is slowly being —-d by the sea.
DESTROY : to gradually destroy a good quality or situation
yavaş yavaş yok etmek/aşındırmak/kaybolmak
Reports of corruption have —-d people’s confidence in the police.
erosion noun : erozyon
soil ——-ion

- erode
adjective : EFFECT : not affected by something
etkilenmez, tesir altında kalmaz, dayanıklı
Millennials often believe that they are ——– to distraction because they have grown up multitasking, but they are just as likely to be derailed as anyone else.
LIQUID : ————- material does not let liquid into or through it.
su vb. geçirmez
—— rock

- impervious
phrase - noun : to have an influence on something or a relationship to something

… ile ilgili olmak, üzerinde etkisi olmak
What you decide now could —– – considerable —— – your future.
Interestingly, whether employees are introverts or extroverts —- no —– – whether they will struggle to focus.
- have a bearing on sth
verb : to put furniture into a room or building

dayayıp döşemek
They have —-ed the room very simply.
Traditional offices — some measure of seclusion and control, which are fundamental determinants of one’s psychological well-being.
- furnish
noun : If somoene is in seclusion, they are alone, away from other people.

yalnızlık, inziva, gözlerden uzak olma
He lived in —– for the rest of his life.
Traditional offices furnish some measure of —— and control, which are fundamental determinants of one’s psychological well-being.
- seclusion
noun : A2 objects such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into a room or building

People who can’t alter the lighting, regulate the thermostat to a comfortable temperature, or rearrange the —– are less likely to feel satisfied in their work.
- furniture
noun : QUALITY : the quality or level of ability of someone or something
bir şeyin, birisinin yetenek seviyesi veya kalitesi; kalibresi
The —– of applicants was very high.
Additionally, if workers feel constantly observed, the —– of their work suffers.
MEASUREMENT : the measurement across the inside of a gun, or across a bullet
mermi veya silah kalibresi, ölçüsü

- calibre
adjective : not wanting to do something
isteksiz, gönülsüz, kerhen
Many victims of crime are —– to go to the police.
Businesses are —– to invest in the infrastructure required to transition to an office plan that allows for more privacy.
—–ce noun : a feeling of not wanting to do something
isteksizlik, gönülsüzlük
a —–ce to accept changes
——ly adverb : isteksizce

- reluctant
noun : the basic systems, such as transport and communication, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively

The country’s —— is in ruins.
Businesses are reluctant to invest in the ——- required to transition to an office plan that allows for more privacy.
- infrastructure
noun : PROMISE : B2 a promise or firm decision to do something
sadakat, bağlılık, kararlılık
Players must make a —— to daily training.
ACTIVITY : B2 something that you must do that takes your time
iş, görev, eylem, sorumluluk
I’ve got too many ——–s at the moment.
I can’t take on any more ———s.

- commitment
verb : to force someone to do something

zorlamak, cebir uygulamak, zorla yaptırmak
He felt ——led to resign from his job.
A high-profile corporation making a public commitment to worker privacy may be the only factor that could —— others to reconsider their position.
- compel