Workbook words Flashcards
To make sb feel that they don’t belong in a particular group
To alienate
When sb is made to feel that they don’t belong in a particular group
Sth that makes sb feel that they don’t belong in a particular group
The feeling that you don’t belong in a particular group
A connection or relationship between people or organizations
To keep changing your mind or what you are doing (idiom)
Chop and change
To discover the facts about sth; to calculate sth exactly
Near, in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily (idiom)
Close at hand
To return to the situation you were in at the beginning, because yuo made no progress (idiom)
Back to square one
The feeling of being no longer satisfied with your situation, organization, etc. and therefore not loyal to it
To increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of sb/sth
To enhance
To prevent sb/sth from taking part in sth or entering place
To exclude (from)
Prevented from taking part in sth or entering place
The act of preventing sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth
Only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to 1 partclr person or group
To cause sth to happen or exist (idiom)
To give rise to
To become more and more successful (idiom)
To go from strength to strength
To be closely connected such that one thing causes one another
To go hand in hand
Language that produces pictures in the minds of people reading or listening
When sth is surprising because there’s a reason which may have prevented it
In spite of
The state of being alone or lonely
To move violently because of a sudden shock (idiom)
To jump out of one’s skin
To improve the way in which sth is developing (idiom)
To make great strides
To be honest and open about sth; to not hesitate to do sth (idiom)
To make no bones about
The process or result of making sb feel as if they’re not important or can’t influence; the act of putting sb in aposition in which they have no power
To change the rules for sth, or conditions under which it is done, so it becomes more difficult for sb (idiom)
To move the goalposts
To try to improve your performance, work, behaviour (idiom)
To pull your socks up
A friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well
The fact of doing or saying the same thing many times
To repair a building, work of art, etc. so that it looks as it did originally
To restore
To make sth happen
To result in
To reverse
To change sth completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before
To revert
To return to a former state; start doing sth again that you used to do in the past
To separate people in different races, religions or sexes and treat them in a different way
To segregate into
Separated by race, religion or sex and treated in a different way
The act of policy of separating people of different races, religions or sexes and treat them in a different way
To have an important influence on the way that sb/sth develops
To shape
Used to say that sth has happened because of sb/sth
Thanks to
Used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong
That said
A change that sb/sth causes in sb/sth else; a result
The effect of
The effect that sb/sth has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that sth works or develops
The influence of
Used to introduce the logical result of sth that has just been mentioned
To completely change the appearance or character of sth, especially so that it is better
To transform
To pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improve
To turn the corner
To cause large changes and confusion in a person’s life
To turn upside down
Used to add a point that is even more important
What’s more
Used to compare or contrast two facts
During the time that sth is happening; used to contrast two things
Rather; to a small degree
A bit / a little
A formal statement that sb is forgiven for what she/he has done wrong
To state formally that sb isn’t guilty or responsible for sth
To decide and state oficially that sb is not guilty for a crime
Acquit (of charges)
An official decision in court that sb is not guilty for a crime
In a way that’s angry and threatening
At all times; on every ocacasion
Once a year
At an exact point in time/that
At the/that moment
Completely confused by sth strange or difficult to understand
In a way that almost does not happen or exist
Confused or unable to think normally, because is too tired, drunk or hit
Confused because of too many oportunities to choose from
To allow sb/sth tell you what to do (idiom)
To bow down to
To resist or oppose the general direction in in which a situation is changing or developing (idiom)
Buck the trend
To refuse to admit that a problem exists or refuse to deal with it (idiom)
To bury your head in the sand
In a way that shows you are not excited, nervous or upset
In a way that is easy to see or hear
Worried or feeling concern about sth
To admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal
A statement that a person makes to admit that they are guilty of a crime; the act of making such a statement
To decide and state officially in court that sb is guilty of a crime
Convict (of robbery / arson, etc.)
The act of finding sb guilty of a crime in court; the fact of having been found guilty
Causing feelings or impressions associated with a particular place
Creating mood and atmosphere
Happening, done or produced every day
Unable to think clearly especially because of a shock or because you were hit on the head
To say or write sth in support of sb/sth that has been criticized
The person in a trial that is accused of commiting a crime
To keep sb in an official place, such as a police station / prison / hospital, and preventing them from leaving
Detain (for)
In a way that causes or shows sadness
Unable to recognize where you are or should go
Extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly
Used to emphasize sth unexpected or surprising
In, to or at every place; all places
To officially state that sb is not responsible for sth that they have been blamed for
Exonerate (from / of)
Nervous and/or confused, especially because you have a lot to do or in a hurry
To use an example or action done by sb else as a guide to copy (idiom)
Follow sb’s lead
Giving signs of things that will happen in the future
Foreshadowing events
By good luck
To be or do sth different from what is normal or natural (idiom)
Go against the grain
To be relaxed and not worry about what you should do (idiom)
Go with the flow
In a way that shows that you want more money, power, food, etc. than you really need.
Almost no; almost not; almost none
Very quickly, because you are in a hurry, especially when this has bad results
Used to express what you hope will happen
Without delay
In an annoyed or irritated way, especially because u have to wait a long time`
To show or suggest that sb is involved in sth bad or criminal
In a way that shows you cannot believe sth
To ofc charge sb with a crime
A written statement accusing sb of a crime
Taking a part in sth; being part of sth or connected with sth
To risk harming or destroying sth
In a dangerous position or situation and likely to be lost or harmed (idiom)
(In) jeopardy
Exactly, simply only
By good luck
In a relaxed and normal way; in a way that you would expect
A short distance from sb/sth; not far away
Almost; not quite; not completely
Nobody or nothing except; in no other situation, place, etc.
To punish sb for breaking a rule or law by making them suffer a disadvantage
A punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract
An urgent emotional request
To state in court that you are guilty or not of crime
Existing or happening now
Right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules
To ofc charge sb with a crime in court
A person / organization that prosecutes sb in court, together with lawyers, etc.
Not long ago
To a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to sth else
To let sb/sth come out of place where they have been kept
To release (on bail)
To send sb away from a court to wait for their trial which will take place at later date
Remand (in custody)
Having the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth, meaning that you may be blamed if sth goes wrong
Showing the qualities and features that make people different from each other
Revealing character
In a serious way
To encourage sb to do sth or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth (idiom)
To spur (sb) into action
To try harder in order to benefit from an opportunity or deal with a situation (idiom)
Step up to the mark
Confused, unable to answer a question or solve a problem
Quickly and unexpectedly
Quickly; after a very short time
To decide and act on your own without waiting for sb to tell what to do (idiom)
Take (the) initiative
To make a statement that sth happened or that sth is true, usually in court
A formal written or spoken statement saying what you know to be true, usually in court
To pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it
Turn a blind eye
In the way that is usual or normal; most often
Carefully, because you think there may be a danger or problem or you do not trust sb/sth