Workbook 9 Flashcards
Caminar a paso relajado
To Amble, walk in a slow relaxed way
Lo contrario de brisk( brioso, energetico
Slovenly gait : andares remolones, descuidados
Aliviar, paliar, calmar
Alleviate/6’livieit, make something less severe or serious
Atragantarse de tanto llenarse
Choked: atragantado, obstruido
Esparcido, por muchos sitios
Scattered: the village is very scattered
Dotted: the landscape was dotted with cactus
Draw up
Pasarse y parar por qlgun sitio
Drop by
Spend time in a relaxed way
While away
Serpentear, culebrear
Wind up: terminar, acabar en un sitio(sentido negativo)
Wind a baby: hacer eructar a un bebe
Acogedor, comodo
Cramped, they were all cramped together(apiñados
Con corrientes de aire, ventoso/ draughty
Gris, sombrio, gloomy
Overgrown, una planta descuidada, trepadora demasiado
He’s just an overgrown schoolboy, laughing at his own rude jokes
Persona que no se comporta como un adulto niño grande
Andrajoso, raido, hecho jirones
Thatched cottage
Casita con techo de paja
Travel to work,
Hacer cola