Workbook 12 Flashcards
Deal cards
Repartir cartas
Shuffle cards
Barajar cartas
Sobre la marcha
On the go,
On the fly
At the drop of a hat
On the spot , en el acto, inmediatamente
In next to no time /inmediatamente, tout de suite(tambien se dice frances)
In two twos/ en un santiamen, in the twinkling of an eye
On the double, at the double /sobre la marcha, inmediatamente
In less than no time / en menos de nada
At once
Plural con “s”de palabras terminadas en “o”
Memo,mosquito, photo, studio, volcano,zoo
Plural con -oes
Hero, mosquito , potato, volcano
Plural con -ves
Wolf, half, loaf, shelf, thief, roof/pudiendo tambien ROOFS
The audience was/were in tears
Physics is fun, maths is boring
The government is/are setting up a scheme to ensure the unemployed Have enough work opportunities
Measles is highly infectious, and people with the illness are advised to stay at home
His earnings are 50 a week, w hich isn’t enough to feed a family of ten
The police have asked the public to make sure all personal belongings are removed while premises aresearched.(el sitio, edificio, terreno esta siendo registrado)
Premises: edificio, terreno (asi, en plural)
The press has/have a responsability to ensure that news is reported accurately
Hacer cosquillas
Rellenar, reponer
Rajarse, agrietarse, resquebrajarse
The whip cracked
El latigo resonó
Escaldar, sumergir en agua hirviendo
Dispersarse, despertigarse
Comedor de fuego
Fire eater