Work And Education Flashcards
Do an (English) course
فعل Do برای course استفاده می شود
Take/Do exam
امتحان دادن
Do homework
NOT make homework
NOT do homeworks
Take a message
پیام گذاشتن
Plug in a DVD
برق زدن DVD
حرف اضافه in
Attend nursery school
رفتن به مهدکودک
How they are getting on?
What progress are they make
Making himself understood
Saying things in a way people understand.
Pick sth up
Learn without trying
Has a good ear for language
Is good at hearing,repeating and understanding
Do/write essay
نوشتن انشا
Get a place at university
قبول شدن در دانشگاه
You have to get good grades in your final school exams to get aplace at many universities.
Study/do a degree
رشته تحصیلی تحصیلی را خواندن
Traffic warden
پلیس راهنمایی و رانندگی
Physical education
Rub sth out
پاک کردن(با پاک کن)
Turn up
بلند کردن صدا
State education
آموزش دولتی
State school
مدرسه دولتی
Vocational training
مهارت های شغلی
Break up
پایان ترم
Go back to school
بازگشت به مدرسه
Stay behind
Stay in a place when others left
در صف تنبیه کردن
Example:pupils sometimes had to stay behind and write an essay
Example:older pupils can often dress the way they want as long as they’re reasonably smart.
Smart: well dressed and not too casual!
Wide vocabulary
دایره لغات گسترده
Increase vocabulary
افزایش دایره لغات
Certificate مدرک است و qualification عنوان مهارت
Run day-to- day bussiness
انجام فعالیت های کاری روزانه
Set up a bussiness
NOT start
My income is about 25000
I earn/make about 25000 a year.
حقوق من ۲۵۰۰۰ دلاره
حقوق کارمندی و کارگر تخصصی
حقوق کارگر روزمزد- مزد
Nine to five job
ساعت کار نرمال ۹ تا ۵
Do/work overtime
اضافه کار
Time off
Minimum wage
حداقل حقوق
Go on/ do training course
گذراندن دوره
Gave somebody a good pay rise
افزایش حقوق
Quit my job
Get fed up with job
از کار سیر شدن
Company sacked me
Gave me the sack
اخراج کردن
Out of work
Show visitors round the factory
چرخاندن بازدیدکنندگان در کارخانه
On top of that
از همه بدتر
Revise for the exam
دوره کردن برای امتحان
Retake an exam
امتحان مجددا دادن
Get through the coursebook
پایان رساندن کتاب
Do some exam preparation
کسب آمادگی برای امتحان
استاد دانشگاه
The arts
علوم انسانی
Post graduate
فوق لیسانس
In charge of
مسئول بودن
سر و کار داشتن-شامل بودن
Break down
(Phrasal verb)
1 if a car or machine breaks down, it stops working
-The car broke down just north of Paris.
2 to fail or stop working in a successful way
-Negotiations broke down after only two days
4 break something ↔ down to change or remove something that prevents people from working together and having a successful relationship with each other
6 to be unable to stop yourself crying, especially in public
- She broke down in tears when she heard the news.
کار نکردن
عمل جراحی
Police force
نیروی انتظامی
Fire brigade
آتش نشانی
Load of work (informal)
Lot of work
When something is damaged or broken, we often use repair or fix
Example: I need someone to fix/repair the computer.
With small pieces of equipment we can also use mend; with clothes we often use mend:
Example: could you fix/repair/mend my watch?
General practitioners
پزشک عمومی
Operate on
عمل کردن (جراحی) روی
Work (uncountable)
I have a lot of work to do
زمانی که advice به حالت فعل و سوم شخص s بگیرد به s تبدیل می شود Example 1: she advises me Not She advices me
Example 2:
She gives me advice
She gave me advise
A great deal
A lot
A company that has achieved a great deal in a shot period of time.
Growing demand
تقاضای در حال افزایش
Take over
تحت کنترل گرفتن
Their company was token over by JS Morgan.
Take up the position
Started in the job
Head quarters
دفتر مرکزی
شور وعلاقه
Shops and organizations have customers
Lawyers,accountants,etc. Have clients
Rise by
Fell from … to …
افزایش به
کاهش از … به …
Rise/go up /increase slightly
Rise/go up /increase gradually
Rise/go up /increase sharply
Stay the same
افزایش جزئی
افزایش تدریجی( آرام و در بازه طولانی)
افزایش شدید( سریع و با مقدار زیاد)
ثابت ماندن
Make a profit/loss
سود کردن/ضرر کردن
With inflation expected to rise, there are growing fears that interest rates could go up by as much as 2% next year.
Interest rate
نرخ بهره
With inflation expected to rise, there are growing fears that interest rates could go up by as much as 2% next year.
In a row
پشت سر هم و بدون توقف
Figures published yesterday show that trade between the two countries has now risen for the fifth year in a row.
Figures: ارقام
رکود اقتصادی
Value of pound fell slightly against the dollar yesterday, the news that sales rose in the last quarter has raised hopes that we may be coming out of recession.
پرداخت قسط
Comprehensive school
دوره راهنمایی UK
Grammer school
مدرسه راهنمایی(BRE)
مدرسه ابتدایی(AME)
Gain admission
پذیرش گرفتن
Fee-paying school
مدرسه با شهریه
Sitting an exam
امتحان دادن
Six-form college
معادل دبیرستان
Take/do/sit an exam
امتحان دادن
Resit an exam
دوباره امتحان دادن
End-of-year exam
امتحان نهایی
Do well the exam
خوب کار کردن برای امتحان
Skip classes
پیچاندن کلاس(informal)
Learning management system
سیستم مدیریت یادگیری
Virtual learning environment
محیط یادگیری مجازی
Distance learning
آموزش از راه دور
Blended learning
آموزش ترکیبی(حضوری و از راه دور)
Submit work
Send/give their work to the teacher
Pass an exam
پاس کردن امتحان Example : I pass all my exams and gratuated in 2010 NOT I succeeded at/in my exams.
تلفظ: ماجول
Day care center(AME)
مهد کودک
School-learning age
سن پایان تحصیل
واحد درسی
Example :
Complete some credits
پایان نامه کارشناسی و ارشد
پایان نامه دکترا Phd
محوطه دانشگاه
Lecture theatre(formal) Lecture hall
اتاق کنفرانس
a class at a university or college for a small group of students and a teacher to study or discuss a particular subject
-a Shakespeare seminar
تبادل نظر در گروه های کوچک ؟
معلم خصوصی
جلسات آموزشی
Live on campus
زندگی کردن در خوابگاه دانشگاه
Halls of residence
Entry requirements
مدارک مورد نیاز برای ثبت نام
Tuition fee
Student union
انجمن دانشجویی
تلفظ انگلیسی: دایرکتور
تلفظ آمریکایی: دیرکتور
مدیر اجرایی
مدیر، سرپرست
Public relations officer
افسر روابط عمومی
Union representative
نماینده اتحادیه(کارگری)
Get to work (Not job)depends on where you live Wish me luck in my new job(Not work)
Get/find work
پیدا کردن کار
What d’you do for a living?
I’m in publishing / banking
کارت چیه؟
تو انتشارات/بانک کار می کنم
Make a living
زندگی راحت و حقوق کافی داشتن
It’s hard to make a living as a freelance writer.
Take on sth
به عهده گرفتن کار
She’s not prepared to take on that job.
To do shift work
To work shifts
شیفت (دوشیفته، صبح و بعد از ظهر)
To be on flexi-time
ساعت کار شناور
To work nine-to-five
ساعات کار عادی
To go/be on strike
To get the sack (informal)
اخراج شدن
To be fired(formal)
اخراج شدن
More formal than ‘get the sack’ often used in direct speech
To be made redundant (BRE)
تعدیل شدن
To be laid of (informal)
تعدیل شدن
More informal than ‘made redundant’
To be on /take maternity leave
مرخصی مادری
To be on /take paternity leave
مرخصی پدری
To be on/take sick leave
مرخصی استعلاجی
Civil servant Designer Judge
\ | /
\ | /
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Scientist-+ + ——-Lecturer
+ Professions +
Banker—-+ +—— Ambassador
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
/ |
/ |
Physiotherapist Economist
قاضی طراح کارمند دولت
\ | /
\ | /
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Scientist-+ +-University teacher
+ Professions +
Banker—-+ +-[chief diplomat or
+ + + + + + + + + + + + person represen-
/ | ing his/her gover-
/ | nment abroad]
[Person who treats [Expert in financial
muscle injury by matters]
rubbing and moving
injured areas]
Professions: [Jobs that require considerable training and/or qualifications]
Fire fighter Designer Carpenter
\ | /
\ | /
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Trades +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
/ |
/ |
Child minder Plumber
[Person skilled
Fire fighter Designer at making
\ | / things
\ | / with wood]
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Trades +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
/ \
/ \
Child minder Plumber
[Person looking after [Person who works with
other’s children in her the supply and connect
own home while parents -ions of water pipes]
are at work]
Trades :[Skilled manual jobs requiring on-the-job and other training]
To take early retirement
بازخرید- بازنشستگی زود هنگام
To be workaholic
معتاد به کار
To be promoted
ارتقا یافتن
Put forward
(Phrasal verb)
to suggest a plan, proposal, idea etc for other people to consider or discuss
SYN: propose
-They put forward a number of suggestions.
پیشنهاد دادن
طراحی خاص
Started, perhaps with a special event to mark the beginning.
Roll out
(Phrasal Verb)
1 roll something ↔ out to make food that you are preparing flat and thin by pushing a rolling pin over it
- Roll out the dough on a floured surface
2 roll something ↔ out to make a new product available for people to buy or use
SYN: launch
-The company expects to roll out the new software in September.
ابداع کردن- برای اولین بار ساختن
It’s all about sb/sth
used to say who or what is important in a situation
چیزی که مهم است…
- It’s all about personal service and customer care.
- It’s all about money, and who’s got the most
Market research
مطالعات بازار
Finding out beforehand what people want or need
از قبل- پیشین
Order book
لیست سفارشات
Going forward
در آینده
We sold 200 instruments last year.
>We didn’t know if the instruments would sell
They are launching a new range
>The new range will roll out next year.
In business English, some verbs which usually need an object can often be used without an object or with the real object acting as the subject.
With object:
They are rolling out a new range.
> The new range will roll out next year.
Same as to sentences in front side of flash card.
Chief Executive officer
A large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a single organization.
Do business
حرف اضافه Do
انجام فعالیت اقتصادی
-A lot of firms are keen to do business in Japan.
Build contacts
ایجاد ارتباط
Make a profit
سود کردن
Stiff competition
رقابت سخت
Get feedback
Countable or uncountable?
اگر معنی فعالیت بدهد غیر قابل شمارش
-we hope to do more business in Asia next year.
اگر معنی شرکت بدهد قابل شمارش
-New businesses are launched on the Internet everyday.
- to force something into a small space
- Jill crammed her clothes into the bag. - to prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information quickly
- She’s been cramming hard all week
- چپاندن،با شتاب یاد گرفتن
Do some revision
Learnt (off) by heart
از بر کردن
when you learn something by repeating it many times, without thinking about it carefully or without understanding it
Learning purely by repetition
-In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by rote.
-the rote learning of facts
حفظ کردن
something such as a poem or a sentence that you use to help you remember a rule, a name etc
-The incense is a perfect mnemonic for Zanzibar.
تلفظ: نمانیک
کلمه یا نمادی که چیزی را به خاطر می آورد
Bury yourself in …
to give all your attention to something
-After the divorce, she buried herself in her work.
-غرق شدن در (کار، فعالیت،…)
In a very focused way
مجدانه، شدید
involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time
-a one-week intensive course in English
-شدید، پر قوت
Know the subject inside out
to know something in great detail
-She knows her subject inside out.
Know it completely
کامل دانستن
1. Composition ——————— 2. Essay ——————— 3. Assignment ——————— 4. Project ——————— 5. Portfolio ——————— 6. Dissertation ——————— 7. Thesis
۱.نوشته-انشای کوتاه ۵۰ تا ۱۰۰ کلمه
2. Longer than composition,more serious, hundreds or thousands words
۳.بلندتر از essay،بخشی از یک درس شامل هزاران کلمه
۴.مانند assignment با تاکید بیشتر روی نوشته ها و موضوعات دانشجو
۵.مجموعه ای از کارهای جدا مثلا شامل نقشه ها و نوشته ها و …
۶.نوشته بلند، بر اساس تحقیق شامل ۱۰ تا ۱۵ هزار کلمه برای گرفتن درجه یا دیپلم -پایان نامه
۷.یک نوشته خیلی بلند، اصیل،بر اساس تحقیقات بین ۸۰ تا ۱۰۰هزار کلمه برای درجات بالاتر PHD
Mind map
Diagram that lays out ideas for a topic and how they are connected together.
First draft
First, rough version
Write Sth up
(Phrasal verb)
to write a report, article etc using notes that you made earlier
- I have to write up my report before the meeting.
- نوشتن، پاک نویس کردن
when someone uses another person’s words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own
-The journal accused the professor of plagiarism.
-دزدی معنوی
(Bre)= offense
an illegal action or a crime
-His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt.
Plagiarism form
فرم ادعای مالکیت معنوی
Hand Sth in
(Phrasal verb)
to give something to someone in authority
- Tom has handed in his resignation.
- Did you hand your homework in on time?
- تحویل دادن،تقدیم کردن
to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you
-We wish to acknowledge the support of the university.
Give details of
one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts
Dealing with people is the most important aspect of my work.
Alcoholism affects all aspects of family life.
Carry out research
Less formal is do research
Inter-library loan
System where libraries exchange books/journals with one another.
Open educational resources
Online materials
Drop out
phrasal verb
- to no longer do an activity or belong to a group
- The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out. - to leave a school or university before your course has finished
- Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
ترک کردن، ترک تحصیل کردن
- having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job
- Dawn is well qualified for her new role.
discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a long time and in which people express different opinions
- the gun-control debate in the US
- The new drug has become the subject of heated debate within the medical profession.
finally, after everything else has been done or considered
- در نهایت
- Ultimately, the decision rests with the child’s parents.
equality of opportunity
فرصت برابر
-All education systems may ultimately be judged in terms of equality of opportunity
in terms of something
if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event
- از لحاظ
- Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty.
- It’s a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.
refer to somebody/something
phrasal verb
1 to mention or speak about someone or something
- We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
- Although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.
Selective schooling
آموزش انتخابی( با آزمون ورودی)
-This is often referred to in the debates over selective versus comprehensive schooling
Comprehensive schooling
آموزش رایگان
-This is often referred to in the debates over selective versus comprehensive schooling
نخبه گرایی
When you favour a small, privileged group
Elitism is the belief or notion that individuals who form an elite—a select group of people perceived as having an intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience—are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others.
inherent (in)
a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it
-I’m afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system.
-Every business has its own inherent risks.
having advantages because of your wealth, social position etc
- ممتاز
- Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.
- Only the privileged few can afford private education.
League table
a list in which people, teams, or organizations are shown in order of their success or quality
-The government’s school league tables are published today.
to make a situation, attitude etc, especially a bad one, continue to exist for a long time
- ماندگار کردن(بار منفی)
- an education system that perpetuates the divisions in our society
used for saying that something is certain to happen and cannot be avoided
- به ناچار
- The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions.
Raising of standards
ارتقا استانداردها
one of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other
-رده، ردیف
two-tiered= having two, three etc levels or layers
-a three-tiered wedding cake
1. formal to notice, see, or recognize something
-That morning, he perceived a change in Franca’s mood
-دیدن،متوجه شدن،ملاحظه کردن
2. to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way
-Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive
-دریافتن، درک کردن،فهمیدن
(Adj.) ≠ worse off 1. having more money than someone else or than you had before -She’ll be about £50 a week better off -ثروتمندتر،بهتر 2. happier, improved, more successful etc -I think she’s better off without him -بهتر
موسساتی که کمک های خوبی دریافت می کنند.
Endowment :
- a sum of money given to a college, hospital etc to provide it with an income, or the act of giving this money
- وقف - a natural quality or ability that someone has
- موهبت
- to make someone feel very unhappy
- The thought of taking the exam again depressed him. - to prevent an economy from being as active and successful as it usually is
- راکد کردن
- Several factors combined to depress the American economy - (formal) to press something down, especially a part of a machine
In everyday English, people usually say they push (down) or press (down) a button rather than depress it]
-Depress the clutch fully. - (formal) to reduce the value of prices or wages
- High interest rates may depress share prices
having a lot of money, or enough money to have a good standard of living
-ثروتمند، برخوردار
an amount of money given to someone so that they can study at a university or college
Tertiary education
education at a college, university etc
The three Rs
reading, writing, and arithmetic, considered as the basic things that children must learn in school
the state of being able to read and write
-سواد خواندن و نوشتن
the ability to do calculations and understand simple mathematics
-حساب ساده
the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject
SYN: Syllabus
-سیلابس، مفاد درسی
a plan that states exactly what students at a school or college should learn in a particular subject
SYN: Curriculum
Mature students
آموزش بزرگسالان
Special needs education
آموزش دانش آموزان خاص
-an attempt to tackle the problem of bullying in schools
مدیر (Bre)
instructions on how people should do or deal with something
something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing
- study in the library as there are too many distractions at home.
- Demands for equality were seen as a distraction from more serious issues.
- حواس پرتی
Passion for
- a very strong feeling of sexual love
- her passion for a married man - a very strong liking for something
- his passion for football
1 a genuine feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel
-The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled.
Fast-paced working environment
محیط کاری پر سرعت
فرصت شغلی
Available job
a question you ask in order to get information
-We’re getting a lot of inquiries about our new London–Rio service.
No previous experience is necessary as full training will be given.
تجربه مشابه قبلی نیاز نیست چون همه آموزش های مورد نیاز داده خواهد شد.
a job, especially an important one in a large organization
-applied for the post and was asked to attend an interview.
Career prospects
چشم انداز شغلی
Leadership qualities
The ability to lead group
توانمندی هدایت گروه
Competitive salary
حقوق رقابتی( نسبت به مشاغل مشابه)
Benefits package
All extra benefits that a company offers
an amount of money paid regularly by the government or company to someone who does not work anymore, for example because they have reached the age when people stop working or because they are ill
-At what age can you start drawing your pension?
Healthcare plan
بیمه سلامت
Subsidised meals
Partly paid for by the company
یارانه ای
Stand out
Phrasal verb
1 ) to be very easy to see or notice
-She always stood out in a crowd.
2 ) to be much better than other similar people or things
- بهتر بودن از دیگران
- That day still stands out as the greatest day in my life.
- Three of the cars we tested stood out among the rest.
In support of
approval and encouragement for a person or group of people, or their ideas, plans etc
- در حمایت
doing something yourself rather than just talking about it or telling other people to do it
- chance to get some hands-on experience of the job
- He has a very hands-on approach to management.
- عملی، مستقیم
dealing directly with customers
- customer-facing staff
- customer-facing roles
Team player
A person who is good at working with others
Managerial experience
Experience of managing other people
Yours faithfully
Use when you do not know The name of the person you are writing to
Relevant to
directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered
- Relevant documents were presented in court.
- We received all the relevant information.
- What experience do you have that is relevant to this position?
- مرتبط با
Suitability for
the degree to which something or someone has the right qualities for a particular purpose
-There’s no doubt about Christine’s suitability for the job.
Carry out
to do something that needs to be organized and planned
-We need to carry out more research.
In written English, people often use conduct when writing about research, experiments etc, because this sounds more formal than carry out:
They conducted experiments to test this theory.]
-انجام دادن
to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc
-We’re having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.
-استخدام کردن
Criteria (plural)
a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something
- the criteria we use to select candidates
- Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college.
- ملاک
Selected from a larger group
Trial run
an occasion when you test a new method or system to see if it works well
OR a practice of something new
-This year is something of a trial run for the new service.
- تمرینی
Boost your confidence
Improve or increase
a group of people with skills or specialist knowledge who have been chosen to give advice or opinions on a particular subject
- A panel of experts has looked at the proposal.
- There will be at least three senior doctors on the panel.
Line manager
a manager in a company who is responsible for the main activities of production, sales etc
Speak up
Speak more loudly and clearly
Firm handshake
دست محکم
talk somebody through something
Phrasal verb
to help someone understand a process, method etc by explaining it to them carefully before they use it
- Trevor talked me through loading the software.
- can you talk us through your CV?
someone who is being trained for a job
-The trainees start next week.
First impression
تاثیر اولیه
Professional development
Training given to employees to increase their knowledge or skills
- آموزش ضمن خدمت
- I’d like to ask about opportunities for professional development.
- within the company
New recruits
people who have just joined
جدید الاستخدام
Take on
To agree to do some work or be responsible for something
- Don’t take on too much work- the extra cash isn’t worth it.
- به عهده گرفتن
Fill the post
Find someone to the job
more than a little, but much less than very
- The house had a fairly large garden.
- we’re looking to fill the post fairly quickly.
Notice period
Time you need to work in your job after you have officially told the company you are leaving.
Very pleased and happy
-We are delighted to offer you the position of trainee programmer.
An ideal fit for
Very suitable for
-we believe your qualifications and experience will be an ideal fit for the job.
to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details
- The new president outlined plans to deal with crime, drugs, and education.
- please review the attached document outlining your salary and benefits.
- طرحی کلی را نشان دادن
Paid leave
Time off you are paid for,such as holiday or parental leave
Reporting structure
Company structure and who you report to
Opposite number
Someone who has the same job in another similar organization
- a meeting with her opposite number at the department of health.
- همتا
Working relationship
Way of communicating and working together
Working together to achieve shared goals
when you work together with another person or group to achieve something, especially in science or art
-The company is building the centre in collaboration with the Institute of Offshore Engineering.
More formal equivalent of opposite number
someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place
-Belgian officials are discussing this with their French counterparts.
-having a counterpart like philip in another branch is a great support.
Getting to grips
to begin to understand or deal with
-she quickly established a good rapport with everyone.
take the initiative
ابتکار به خرج دادن
make decisions without being told what to do
- She likes us to take the initiative
- why don’t you take the initiative and ask him out?
بر اساس سلسله مراتب
has a structure with important and less important people
-The company is very hierarchical
pecking order
system where some people have the right to get benefits/promotions before others
سلسله مراتب
-nobody wants to be at the bottom of the pecking order
an agreement where two people each share the same job
-I do a job-share with a woman called Rose, which suits us as we each have childcare responsibilities.
A policy of sharing desks in an office, so people sit at whichever desk is free on a particular day
-My office uses a hot-desking system, so I sit in a different place every day
colleagues you are friendly with (especially in non-professional occupations); informal
- I socialise with my workmates outside of work, but we try not to talk shop on those occasions.
talk shop
talk about work; informal
کسل کننده
ordinary, not interesting
-I do fairly mundane tasks
- The mundane task of setting the table can be fun on holidays.
گاه و بیگاه
meet a deadline
have something finished by a fixed day or time
- Everyone’s working extremely hard to meet the deadline
- Occasionally I have to meet a deadline or they need someone to volunteer for something
offer to do something without being asked or told to do it
making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well
encouraging new ideas or new thinking
جذاب، هیجان انگیز
-Occasionally I have to meet a deadline or they need someone to volunteer for something. Then the job is more rewarding and stimulating
-a stimulating discussion of world politics
amount of work I have to do
the same thing is repeated every day
- The job’s mechanical and repetitive
knock off
Phrasal verb
finishing work; informal
- All I ever think about is knocking off at three o’clock
خسته کننده، یکنواخت
boring because it never changes
- a little boy who wet his bed with monotonous regularity
Opp. —> challenging
very exciting, which everyone admires
مسحور کننده، جذاب،هیجان انگیز
Attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success
- she led an exciting and glamorous life
do not enable one to have a normal social life
- I have a pretty glamorous job. I’m a pilot. But the hours are irregular and anti-social
stuck behind a desk
sitting at a desk all day; informal
long-haul flights
پروازهای طولانی
extremely boring
-I’m not stuck behind a desk, but long-haul flights can be a bit mind-numbing
tight schedules
very strict or severely limited timetables
-We work to very tight schedules
stuck in a rut
stuck/trapped in a job they can’t escape from
گیر افتادن
- I feel sorry for people who are stuck in a rut
dead-end job
Job with no prospects of promotion
کار بی ثمر
person whose job involves practical work with scientific or electrical equipment
went in with
Go in with somebody
formed a business partnership with
To join with someone else to start a business or organization
- worked for a software company, and later I went in with a friend and we formed our own software company
- ellie’s going in with a friend who’s just started a café
job satisfaction
a feeling that your job is worth doing and fulfils you
run-of-the-mill job
ordinary, not special or exciting job
short-term financial reward
immediate money gained
روحیه، دل گرمی
-Staff morale has been very low since the company announced a freeze on pay rises
job stability
ثبات شغلی
developing or changing very quickly
-After working in the fast-moving fashion industry for six years, Sam has decided to look for a career with a better work–life balance
work–life balance
the amount of time spent working compared to the amount of time spent doing things you enjoy
continuously developing
-Daniel’s job in a dynamic new company is often challenging but exciting
demotivated in
feeling less enthusiastic about work
بی انگیزه شدن در
-Chloe is demotivated in her current job following recent changes in the finance sector
looking to work in
seeking a career in
به دنبال شغلی بودن
-She is looking to work in / seeking a career in something more creative, like markéting
Note: we say look to, meaning consider or plan, NOT look for
maternity/paternity/adoption leave
time away from work to prepare for and look after a new baby / adopted child
Perk / extra benefits
Informal / formal
extra things apart from salary, e.g. a car, health insurance
-What perks (informal) / (extra) benefits (formal) do you get in your job?
holiday entitlement
number of days you have the right to take as holiday
مرخصی استحقاقی
-What’s your holiday entitlement? I get four weeks a year
-Do you get regular salary increments each year?
performance-related pay rise
افزایش حقوق ناشی از عملکرد
Annual bonus
جایزه سالانه
extra money paid once a year, usually based on good performance
overworked and underpaid
often said together as an informal, humorous fixed expression
-Most people think they are overworked and underpaid
voluntary / compulsory redundancies
تعدیل داوطلبانه/اجباری
people losing their jobs, by offering to do so / having no choice
-Because of the recession, the company announced that there would have to be voluntary / compulsory redundancies
skeleton staff
حداقل میزان کارکنان
the minimum number of workers needed to keep operating
-During the strike, the airport managed to continue running with a skeleton staff of volunteers
interview panel
هیئت مصاحبه کننده، تیم مصاحبه کننده
-The people on the interview panel at the last job I applied for were so unfriendly that I got very nervous
فروش تلفنی
cold calling
phoning people who have not requested a call in order to try to sell them something
hard sell
attempt to sell something by being very forceful or persuasive
پشتکار داشتن، استقامت کردن
ترغیب کردن
part with their money
spend money
-he became quite skilled at persuading customers to part with their money5
کالا، اجناس
products that are bought and sold
-He then moved into a job on a TV shopping channel, where he specialised in selling merchandise for the leisure market
leisure market
بازار سرگرمی
hasn’t looked back
پیشرفت کردن
has moved forward successfully
-He did so well at this that he set up his own sportswear company and hasn’t looked back8 since. Hi
purchasing power
قدرت خرید
shop around
If you shop around, you try different companies or shops to see which offers best value.
if a shop stocks a particular product, it keeps a supply of it to sell
keeps a supply of it = keeps it in stock
trade something up
Phrasal verb
opp. = trade down
بهتر کردن،ارتقا دادن دارایی
to replace something you own with something better, or buy a better type of thing than before
-It also encourages existing home owners to trade up to larger accommodation
brand loyalty
confidence in that particular make and a tendency always to choose it
وفاداری به برند
loss leader
کالای با ضرر فروخته شده( زیر قیمت)
a product that is sold at a very low price in order to attract customers into a shop
-Just think of it as a loss leader and keep your fingers crossed. 3.
قیمت گذاری کردن
niche market
بازار هدف
-If a company finds a niche market, it finds a specialised group of customers with particular interests that that company can meet.
come/go under the hammer
حراج گذاشته شدن
sale of goods or property where people make gradually increasing bids and the item is then sold to the highest bidder
-If an item is said to come/go under the hammer, it is sold at an auction
پیشنهاد قیمت
- They put in a bid for the house
- the person who places the highest bid
پیشنهاد دهنده
-Tina started her own software development business, which turned out to be very lucrative
خشمگین، ناراحت
red tape
bureaucracy (negative)
-The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.
formal offer
-a larger company contacted her with a proposition
خریدن شرکت، در اختیار گرفتن شرکت
agreement in which one company takes control of another one (compare with merger, in which two companies join together to become one company)
-However, she got increasingly irritated by all the red tape involved in the administration of a business and when a larger company contacted her with a proposition, suggesting a takeover, she was interested
reach a compromise
رسیدن به تفاهم
come to an agreement in which both sides reduce their demands a little
hammer out a deal
به توافق رسیدن(در توافق کاری پس از مذاکرات در مورد جزئیات)
talk in detail until a business agreement is made
swallowed up
(Phrasal verb)
زیرمجموعه شرکت بزرگتری شدن
taken over by a larger company
-Hundreds of small companies have been swallowed up by these huge multinationals.
یکی از معانی: جمع کردن پول
-Tina was sad that her company had been swallowed up but she has used the money raised by the sale of her capital assets to invest in a business start-up
capital assets
دارایی های سرمایه ای
buildings and machines owned by a company
invest in
سرمایه گذاری کردن در
کار جدید
holiday property letting agency
آژانس اجاره املاک تفریحی
a business organising the rental of holiday houses and flats
ادغام( چند شرکت)
-a proposed merger between two of the largest software companies