Work: Alarm Responses Flashcards
Given a Autoclave High Pressure (Alarm High) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform Immediate Actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0610 Section 1.10
1.10 (CTS-010) Autoclave High Pressure (Alarm High)
Description Pressure is monitored in the CTS Autoclave (BPCS) to detect a DUF6 leak or a ruptured Cylinder.
Setpoint 1.03 bar (14.9 psig)
Trigger PI0_1511 (AU-151) - ≥1.03 bar
A. Automatic Actions
- TIC0_1511 (AU-151 – HY0_1511A), Autoclave Temperature Controllers, goes to Manual and 0%.
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
[3] Monitor Autoclave Temperature and Pressure.
Note: Autoclave Heating Elements shall be de-energized before the pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
[4] Ensure Autoclave Heating Elements are de-energized before Autoclave pressure exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
C. Probable Cause
- DUF6 leak in Autoclave
- Cylinder rupture in Autoclave
- Bad instrumentation
Given a VAP Room CTS UF6/Uo2F2 Leak Detection (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operators Immediate Actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0610 Section 1.1
1.1 (CTS-001) VAP Room CTS UF6 / UO2F2 Leak Detection (Alarm Urgent)
Description Detects a DUF6 release and provides a signal to the ISS to secure DUF6 flow from the Cylinders in the CTS Autoclaves and CER. Also, sends a signal to BPCS to de-energize CTS Autoclave heaters and secure DUF6 flow from the Cylinders in the CTS Autoclaves and CER.
Setpoint N/A
Trigger CTS-AAH-1000 (CTS-AS-1000 = OFF)
A. Automatic Actions
- VA0_1502, CTS CER DUF6 Header Isolation Valve, closes. (ISS Interlock I-1.0)
- VA0_1515 and VA0_1525, CTS Header Isolation Valves, close. (ISS Interlock I-1.0)
- TIC0_1511 and TIC0_1521, Autoclave Temperature Controllers, go to Manual and 0%. (BPCS)
- VA0_1512 and VA0_1522, CTS Header Nitrogen Purge Valves, open. (BPCS)
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify the following:
a. Shift Supervision
b. FBP Emergency Services by dialing 911 using an office phone or 740-897-2444 using a cell phone.
This alarm indicates a possible UF6 release with corresponding UF6 exposure hazard. Personnel shall not enter the area without FM permission.
[3] Make PA announcement to evacuate Vaporization Room.
[4] Notify ES&H of possible DUF6 leak in Vaporization Room.
C. Probable Cause
- UF6/UO2F2 leak
- Detector failure
Given a DUF6 Header High Pressure (Alarm High) alarm, the Control Room Operators will perform Immediate Actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0610 Section 1.20
1.20 (CTS-020) DUF6 Header High Pressure (Alarm High)
Description Pressure is monitored (BPCS) on the DUF6 header inside the Autoclave to determine the Cylinder pressure.
Setpoint 5.17 bar (75 psig)
Trigger PI0_1512 - ≥5.17 bar (AU-151)
A. Automatic Actions
- TIC0_1511 (AU-151 – HY0_1511A = OFF), Autoclave Temperature Controllers, goes to Manual and 0%.
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
[3] Investigate cause.
Note: Autoclave Heating Elements shall be de-energized before the pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
[4] Ensure Autoclave Heating Elements are de-energized before Autoclave pressure exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
C. Probable Cause
- High Autoclave Temperature
- Bad instrumentation
Given a DUF6 header high pressure (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0611, section 1.8
1.8 (VAP-008) DUF6 Header High Pressure (Alarm Urgent)
Description DUF6 Header piping is monitored for increasing pressure (BPCS).
Setpoint 5.17 bar (75 psig)
Trigger (AU-101 LINE 2) 2-VAP-PI-1012 ≥5.17 bar
A. Automatic Actions
- X-2-VAP TIC-1011 = MAN 0% (X-2-VAP-HY-1011 = OFF)
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
C. Probable Cause
- TIC failed high
- Blockage in the piping
- Temperature to high
Given a DUF6 Cylinder High Temperature (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0611, section 1.14
1.14 (VAP-014) DUF6 Cylinder High Temperature (Alarm Urgent)
Description Cylinder Temperatures are controlled by reverse acting temperature loops, with independent thermocouples for over-temperature shutoff.
Setpoint 110°C
Trigger (AU-101 LINE 2) 2-VAP-TI-1012 ≥110°C
A. Automatic Actions
- Temperature shut-off for affected Autoclave only
AU-101 LINE 2 2-VAP-TIC-1011 MANUAL at 0%
- HY-1011A = OFF
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
Note: Autoclave Heating Elements shall be de-energized before the pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
[3] Monitor Autoclave Temperature and Pressure AND Ensure Autoclave Heating Elements are de-energized before pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
C. Probable Cause
- Temperature Controller failed high
Given a DUF6 autoclave high pressure (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0611, section 1.38
1.38 (VAP-038) Autoclave High Pressure (Alarm High)
Description Pressure is monitored in the Autoclave to detect a DUF6 leak or a ruptured Cylinder.
Setpoint 1.03 bar (14.9 psig)
Trigger (AU-101 LINE 2) 2-VAP-PI-1011 ≥1.03 bar
A. Automatic Actions
- Temperature shut-off for affected Autoclave only
AU-101 LINE 2 2-VAP-TIC-1011 MANUAL at 0%
- HY-1011A = OFF
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur.
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
Note: Autoclave Heating Elements shall be de-energized before the pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
[3] Monitor Autoclave Temperature and Pressure AND Ensure Autoclave Heating Elements are de-energized before pressure in an Autoclave exceeds 10.3 Bar gauge (150 psig).
C. Probable Cause
- DUF6 leak in Autoclave
- Cylinder rupture in Autoclave
Given a DUF6 Low Nitrogen Supply Pressure (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0612, section 1.7
*DUF6 Shutoff Interlocks for each line.
1.7 (CON-007) Low Nitrogen Supply Pressure (Alarm Urgent)
Description Nitrogen is required to heat the Conversion Unit to the operating range and is required for Conversion processing. A signal is sent to BPCS on low pressure.
Setpoint 4.0 bar (58 PSIG)
Trigger PI100N1_Sig ≤4.0 bar
A. Automatic Actions
- DUF6 Shutoff of Lines 1 & 2 & 3
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur. (See Attachments A and B)
[2] Close Hydrogen Supply Valve CON-VA-100HS1.
[3] Notify FM or designee.
[4] Ensure VA1-1012, VA1-1022, VA0-1512, VA0-1522, VA2-1012, VA2-1022, VA3-1012 and VA3-1022 are OPEN.
[5] IF directed by FM or designee, THEN Refer to DUF6-X-AOP-0005, Recovery from DUF6 Shutoff for recovery actions.
[6] Investigate the cause.
C. Probable Cause
- Failure of the Nitrogen production facility
- A large Nitrogen leak in the system
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
Given a DUF6 Low Nitrogen Flow alarm (CON-074), the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0612, section 1.75
1.75 (CON-075) Low Nitrogen Flow Alarm
Description A signal is sent to BPCS on Low Nitrogen Gas Flow to the Fluidizing Gas Heater.
Setpoint 85 SCMH
Trigger FI2-2022 ≤85 SCMH
A. Automatic Actions
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Close X-2-CON-VA-100H2 (Conversion Unit Manual Hydrogen Isolation Valve) for associated Conversion Unit (X-2-CON-VA-100H2 for CU-203).
[2] Notify FM or designee.
[3] Investigate the cause.
[4] IF directed by FM or designee, THEN Refer to DUF6-X-AOP-0005, Recovery from DUF6 Shutoff for recovery actions.
C. Probable Cause
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
- A problem with HE2-202 Fluidizing Gas Heater
Given a DUF6 CU-203 HF Leak (ISS Trouble Alarm), Operations personnel will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0612, section 1.305
1.305 (CON-351) CU-203 HF Leak (ISS Trouble Alarm)
Description Detects a general failure of the HF detector on Line 2 Conversion Unit CU-203 and provides a signal to the ISS (Interlock 1-2A).
Setpoint None
Trigger ASH2-2001 = OFF [ISS]
A. Automatic Actions
None - ISS Interlock 1-2A Alarm Only
B. Immediate Actions
Note: This alarm requires entering LCO 3.3.1, CONDITION A.
[1] Notify the following:
- Site ERO by dialing 911 using a DUF6 office phone or 740-897-2444 using a cell phone
- FM or designee
No re-entry to the area without Incident Commander and/or FM approval.
[2] Make a PA announcement to evacuate the area.
[3] Notify Maintenance there is a failed HF detector on Line 2 CU-203.
[4] Establish alternate HF monitoring in the affected area in accordance with IH Program Requirements.
DUF6-X-TSR-002, LCO 3.3.1
C. Probable Cause
- Faulty Detector
Given a High H2 Supply Pressure Alarm (Alarm High), the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0612, section 1.310
1.310 (CON-356) High H2 Supply Pressure (Alarm High)
Description Hydrogen must be provided at the specified rate to meet DUF6 processing rates. A signal is sent to BPCS on high pressure in the conversion building.
Setpoint 5.0 bar
Trigger PI100DA sig
A. Automatic Actions
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Notify shift supervision.
[2] Investigate the cause.
C. Probable Cause
- Failure of an H2 pressure regulator. The HDS pressure regulating system is not functioning properly.
- Failure of the pressure transmitter.
Given a DUF6 Condenser Room HF Leak (ISS) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0614, section 1.5
1.5 (HFR-005) Condenser Room HF Leak (ISS)
Description Detects an HF vapor release and provides a signal to the ISS. (Interlock I-5A).
Setpoint N/A
Trigger HFR-ASH-5021 = OFF [ISS]
A. Automatic Actions
- NONE ([ISS I-5A] No Interlock – Alarm Only)
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure the following are closed as indicated on BPCS (all conversion lines shut down):
- VAP-VAn-1015 (AU-101)
- VAP-VAn-1025 (AU-102)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1515 (AU-151)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1525 (AU-152)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1502 (CTS CER DUF6 Header Isolation Valve)
[2] Ensure VA1-1012, VA1-1022, VA-1512, VA-1522, VA-1503, VA2-1012, VA2-1022, VA3-1012, and VA3-1022 are OPEN for all cylinders that were feeding.
[3] Initiate an off-normal shutdown of all conversion lines per DUF6-X-OPS-n212, as directed by the Facility Manager.
[4] Notify Shift Supervision.
[5] IF the alarm is unanticipated, THEN Call site ERO by dialing 911 using an MCS office phone or 897-2444 using a cell phone.
No re-entry to the area is permitted without Incident Commander and/or Facility Manager permission.
[6] Make the following PA announcement: “We have a Condenser Room HF Alarm. All unauthorized personnel evacuate the Condenser Room.”
[7] Notify ES&H there is a possible HF release in the Condenser Room.
C. Probable Cause
- HF release
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
Given a DUF6 Scrubber Room HF Leak (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0614, section 1.9
1.9 (HFR-009) Scrubber Room HF Leak (Alarm Urgent)
Description Detects an HF vapor release and provides a signal to BPCS.
Setpoint N/A
Trigger AAH-5062 = ALARM [ISS]
A. Automatic Actions
- 1-VA-505D, 2-VA-505D, 3-VA-505D = CLOSE.
- HVA-FN-068 = OFF, HVA-FN-069 = OFF, HVA-FN-070 = OFF, HVA-FN-071 = OFF, HVA-FN-072 = OFF, HVA-FN-073 =OFF
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions have occurred.
[2] Ensure the following are closed as indicated on BPCS (all conversion lines shut down):
- VAP-VAn-1015 (AU-101)
- VAP-VAn-1025 (AU-102)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1515 (AU-151)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1525 (AU-152)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1502 (CTS CER DUF6 Header Isolation Valve)
[3] Ensure VA1-1012, VA1-1022, VA-1512, VA-1522, VA-1503, VA2-1012, VA2-1022, VA3-1012, and VA3-1022 are OPEN for all cylinders that were feeding.
[4] Initiate an off-normal shutdown of all conversion lines per DUF6-X-OPS-n212, as directed by the Facility Manager.
[5] Notify Shift Supervision.
[6] IF the alarm is unanticipated, THEN Call site ERO by dialing 911 using an MCS office phone or 897-2444 using a cell phone.
No re-entry to the area is permitted without Incident Commander and/or Facility Manager permission.
[7] Make the following PA announcement: “We have a Scrubber Room HF Alarm. All unauthorized personnel evacuate the Scrubber Room.”
[8] Notify ES&H there is a possible HF release in the Scrubber Room.
C. Probable Cause
- HF leak
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
Given a DUF6 Condenser Room HF Leak (Alarm Urgent) alarm, the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0614, section 1.14
1.14 (HFR-014) Condenser Room HF Leak (Alarm Urgent)
Description Detects an HF vapor release and provides a signal to BPCS.
Setpoint 3.00 PPM
Trigger AAH-5021 = ALARM [ISS]
A. Automatic Actions
- HVA-FN-074 = OFF, HVA-FN-075 = OFF, HVA-FN-076 = OFF, HVA-FN-077 = OFF, HVA-FN-078 = OFF, HVA-FN-079 =OFF
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions have occurred.
[2] Ensure the following are closed as indicated on BPCS (all conversion lines shut down):
- VAP-VAn-1015 (AU-101)
- VAP-VAn-1025 (AU-102)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1515 (AU-151)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1525 (AU-152)
- X-0-CTS-VA-1502 (CTS CER DUF6 Header Isolation Valve)
[3] Ensure VA1-1012, VA1-1022, VA-1512, VA-1522, VA-1503, VA2-1012, VA2-1022, VA3-1012, and VA3-1022 are OPEN for all cylinders that were feeding.
[4] Initiate an off-normal shutdown of all conversion lines per DUF6-X-OPS-n212, as directed by the Facility Manager.
[5] Notify Shift Supervision.
[6] IF the alarm is unanticipated, THEN Call site ERO by dialing 911 using an MCS office phone or 897-2444 using a cell phone.
No re-entry to the area is permitted without Incident Commander and/or Facility Manager permission.
[7] Make the following PA announcement: “We have a Condenser Room HF Alarm. All unauthorized personnel evacuate the Condenser Room.”
[8] Notify ES&H of a Condenser room HF leak.
C. Probable Cause
- HF leak
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
Given a DUF6 2-CD-502 Condenser High Temp (Alarm Urgent), the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0614, section 1.25
*DUF6 Isolation Interlocks and Reaction Gas Shutoff Interlock
1.25 (HFR-025) 2-CD-502 Condenser High Temp (Alarm Urgent)
Description The Condenser is designed to condense the bulk of the HF and steam from the off-gas stream. The Condenser outlet is monitored and a signal is sent to BPCS. This is a Process Interlock that impacts DUF6 processing.
Setpoint 50°C
Trigger X-2-HFR-TI-5021 ≥ 50°C
A. Automatic Actions
- Cu-203 DUF6 Isolation and CU-203 Reaction Gas Shutoff
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Ensure all Automatic Actions occur. (See Attachment A and C)
[2] Notify Shift Supervision.
[3] IF directed by Shift Supervision, THEN Refer to DUF6-X-AOP-0002, Recovery from DUF6 Isolation for recovery actions.
[4] IF directed by Shift Supervision, THEN Refer to DUF6-X-AOP-0005, Recovery from DUF6 Shutoff for recovery actions.
[5] Investigate the cause.
C. Probable Cause
- Reduced CCW flow
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
Given a X-n-HFR-TK-505 High Level (Alarm High), the Control Room Operator will perform immediate actions in accordance with DUF6-X-OPS-0614, section 1.92, 1.93, 1.94 and X-OA-19-003 as needed
*Different actions for Lines 1,2,3
1.92 (HFR-092) 1-HFR-TK-505 High Level (Alarm High)
Description HF Receiver Tank high level is monitored (BPCS) to protect against overfilling the HF Receiver Tank.
Setpoint 186 CM (73 inches)
Trigger X-1-HFR-LI-5051 ≥ 186 CM
A. Automatic Actions
B. Immediate Actions
[1] Notify Shift Supervision.
[2] Ensure Lines 2 and 3 Receiver tanks are not pumping.
[3] Ensure 1-HFR-VA-505D is OPEN.
[4] Ensure 1-HFR-PP-505A/B and 1-HFR-VA-5051 are in AUTO.
[5] Ensure 1-HFR-PP-505A/B amperage.
[6] Ensure a tank in HFS is designated as Primary.
[7] IF needed, THEN Switch HF Receiver pumps per DUF6-X-OPS-1400, HF Recovery (Line 1).
C. Probable Cause
- 1-HFR-PP-505A and/or 505B has tripped
- Increased flow of HF
- Spurious Alarm - Instrument failure or Signal Transmitter failure
- Tank is not being emptied fast enough