Work, achievements and limitations of UN Flashcards
What is the nickname of “United Nations peacekeeping forces”
Blue Helmets
How many peacekeeping operations are completed by UN from 1948 to 2000 ?
Referring to the achievements and limitations in peacekeeping, answer the following questions.
1. 1953
2. Explain how UN contributed to long-lasting peace by using the example of Yugoslav Civil War.
3. They have won international recognition.
Referring to the achievements and limitations in peacekeeping, answer the following questions.
1.Explain the limitations of UN in peacekeeping by using the example of South Africa
2.Explain how UN fails to maintain international peace by using the example of large-scale military conflicts
- Ignore condemnation
- Upheld apartheid
- Permanent vetoed sanctions
- Public pressure, stalemate, ceasefire order
- lack strong armed force
- incidents (driven away, held hostage 挾持人質)
- undermine prestige
With reference to the achievements and limitations on the work of poverty achievement, answer the following question.
Q1. Spell the full name of IMF
Q2. Explain the function of IMF
Q3. When was World Bank established ?
Q4. Explain the function of World Bank
Q5. When was Food and Agriculture Organization established ?
Q6. Explain three functions of FAO.
Q1: International Monetary Fund (1944)
- Global monetary system
- Loans
Q3: 1944
- Interest-free loans and advice
Q5: 1945
- Promote sustainable, living standard, eradicate poverty
With reference to the achievements in poverty reduction, answer the following questions:
Q1. Explain how the work of UN increase agricultural productivity. (4 marks)
Q2. Which trateies laid down the common goals of global sustainable development in 1994 ?
Q3. Infer one achievement of UN in poverty reduction from (2).
- Improve quantity and quality (2Q)
- Entry World Market
- Increase national income
- Vicious cycle
Q2: International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (179)
Q3: International Conference, treaties, Global cooperation
Identify the meeting according to the description below.
- 113 countries attended the first meeting in 1972, they agree to strengthen cooperation in environmental protection
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Identify the meeting according to the description below.
- It is established in 1972, it formulate guidelines to promote enviromental protection and sustainable development
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Identify the meeting according to the description below.
- The major industrial countries signed the Kyoto Conference in 1997. It required the more developed countries to cut down emissions of carbon dioxide
Kyoto Conference
Explain the limitations of Kyoto Protocol by using the following keywords
(per capita, LDCs, no mechanism, enforcement)
- Some more developed countries argued that the target in the Kyoto Protocol not based on carbon emission per capita
- Some MDCs displeased with its failure to limit emission of LDCs
- There is no mechanism to punish signatories that violate the treaties
- Lack of authority to enforce the treatues
According to the following description, identify the treaty.
- It was the dirst large-scale international conference on environmental coopreation.
- Conference were held every ten years to achieve long-term cooperation
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Explain the achievement of UN work in environmental protection.
- Treaties
- Global awareness
- Government department
Identify the organization by reading the following description.
- It was established in 1948, its work included overseeing global hygiene and eradicating disease
World Health Organization
Identify the organization by reading the following description.
- It is a specialized agency that established in 1996
- It is responsible in releasing data about AIDS and monitoring the trend
- Held activities to raise public concern for AIDS and preventive awareness
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Identify the organization/ treaty/ meeting according to the following description.
- Greatly improved medical services in Southeast Asia
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Identify the organization/ treaty/ meeting according to the following description.
- It helped to control spread of epidemics.
- For example, following a global campaign led by WHO, smallpox was eliminated in 1980
Smallpox Eradication Programme (SEP)
Explain one limitation of UN work in improvement in medicine and hygiene by using the keywords below.
(services, eliminated, economic development)
- LDCs lacked basic medical services
- Diseases eliminated still exist
- UN assistance mostly was spent on econ development, rather improve medic/ hyg
Explain one limitation of UN work in improvement in medicine and hygiene by using the keywords below.
( coopreation, neglect, expensive (2 factors))
- prevention and treatment of specific disease
- Epidemics in some regions may be neglected
- Patent system and market demand cause the medicines/ treatments to be too edpensive or short in supply.
Identify the following organization/ treaty/ conference according to the description below.
- It is a specialized agency since 1947
- Its main work included standardizing telecommunication and strengthening the cooperation in telecommunication
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Identify the following organ by the description.
- It was established in 1957
- Its main work included formulating nuclear safety standards and helping member states develop nuclear energy
International Atomic Energy Aagency (IAEA)
Identify the following organ by using the description.
- It was established in 1992
- It carried out scientific research and especially gave advice on the use of technology to LDCs
Commision on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
Identify two international agreements by using the description below.
- They were established in 1992, MDCs agreed to provide technical assistance to LDCs for developing renewable energies
- Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Explain the achievements in technological advancement by using the keywords below and with one concrete example.
(life, level, ITU)
- improve global technological level and quality of life
- The conferences held by ITU provided a platform for exchanging telecommunications technology
Explain the limitations in technological advancement by using the keywords below
(MDCs, interests, LDCs, rely, imbalance)
- MDCs refuse to transfer their technology to safeguard their interests
- LDCs technological advancement is stagnant, they rely on imported foreign technology
- This imbalance cannot changed by the efforts of UN
Identify the treaty according to the description below.
- It was signed in 1968
- It depends on voluntary compliance by the signatories
- UN encourage peaceful use of technology, some countries still used nuclear technologies to produce nuclear weapons
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons