Wordskills unit 31 Flashcards
If sth …, its future is uncertain
Hang in the balance
(of two people or groups) be involved in a dispute or argument to which there is no obvious solution.
be locked in battle/ dispute, etc
SYN be at loggerheads
used to say that sb should not do sth because it will cause problems
can ill afford (to do) sth
If an action or decision …, it allows a lot of things to happen that weren’t previously possible
open the floodgates (to sth)
a great and urgent need for sth
a crying need for sth
make sb/sth available for a particular purpose
free (sb/sth) up
having ideas that are different from other people’s
out of step (with sb)
refuse to change your opinion
stand firm
continue doing sth in a determined way
press on (with sth) SYN press ahead (with sth)
(of two people or groups) be widely separated in interests and ideas
be poles apart
reach partial agreement with sb, or give sb part of what they want
meet sb halfway
an argument that continues over a long period of time
a running battle
(of a member or members of a group) stop supporting the group of which you are a member
break ranks
If you …, you join together closely to defend yourselves, especially when being criticized by others
close ranks
agree with sb and support them in an argument
side with sb
be in a position where people can criticize or blame you
be in the firing line
INF force yourself to do sth difficult or unpleasant that you have been avoiding
bite the bullet
INF continue to have a particular opinion about sth even though others are saying that you are wrong
stick to your guns
try to do sth that will probably fail
fight a losing battle
be involved with two different or opposing groups
have/ keep a foot in both camps