Words_24.8 Flashcards
get a nip or tuck
a medical operation in which skin is removed or made tighter to make somebody look younger or more attractive, especially a facelift
a person who tries to help other people but who does it in a way that is annoying
Members of the church are not just a bunch of do-gooders.
a bush with shiny leaves and large white or yellow flowers with a sweet smell, also called gardenias
known for= renowned for=earn the title of
In the gardening world, the Gardenia has earned the title of one of the most fragrant flowers around, and this comes as no surprise.
acidic: having a very bitter sharp taste
Some fruit juices are very acidic.
Be ready to grow it under the proper conditions like acidic, well-drained soil, morning sun and afternoon shade, and proper fertilization.
take delicate care of your liver
Like it or not, garlic contains lots of substances that are good for your liver. It’s rich in selenium, which enhances the effects of antioxidants and detoxifies your body.
etoxify (something) to remove harmful substances or poisons from something; to become free from harmful substances
She recommends bitter greens to cleanse and detoxify the body.
green leaf vegetables
take in moderation
cognitive resilience
social stereotypes
keep faith in ….
a yellow powder made from the root of an Asian plant, used in cooking as a spice, especially in curry
a man who has sex with a lot of women
too concerned about having things exactly as you want them; hard to please
fussy parents
She’s such a fussy eater.
fine-tune something to make very small changes to something so that it is as good as it can possibly be
a model or a copy of something, often the same size as it, that is used for testing, or for showing people what the real thing will look like
He was looking at a mock-up of the following day’s front page.
stickler (for something) a person who thinks that a particular quality or type of behaviour is very important and expects other people to think and behave in the same way
a stickler for punctuality
a confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve
The role of clouds is one of the big conundrums of climatology.