Words set six Flashcards
Brackish meaning
Slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries.
Use brackish in a sentence
Noun: The brackishness of the water made it unsuitable for drinking.
Adjective: The fish thrive in brackish water where the river meets the sea.
Salacious meaning
Having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters.
Reconnoitring meaning
To make a military observation of (a region).
Use salacious in a sentence
Noun: The salaciousness of the magazine led to its ban in several countries.
Adjective: The tabloid published a salacious story about the celebrity.
Adverb: He spoke salaciously, making everyone uncomfortable.
Use reconnoitring in a sentence
Noun: The soldiers were sent on a reconnaissance mission.
Adjective: The reconnoitring party moved stealthily through the forest.
Verbal: Reconnoitre
Olorgesailie meaning
A prehistoric site in Kenya noted for its archaeological and paleontological significance.
Use Olorgesailie in a sentence
Noun: Olorgesailie provides important insights into early human life.
Magnanimous meaning
Very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful.
Use magnanimous in a sentence
Noun: His magnanimity in forgiving his opponent was widely praised.
Adjective: She showed a magnanimous spirit by helping her competitors.
Adverb: He magnanimously accepted the apology.
Jingoistic meaning
Characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy.
Use jingoistic in a sentence
Noun: His speeches were full of jingoism, promoting an aggressive foreign policy.
Adjective: The jingoistic rhetoric fuelled nationalistic fervour.
Adverb: The senator spoke jingoistically (less commonly used), urging for a military intervention.
Sanguine meaning
Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Use sanguine in a sentence
Noun: Despite the challenges, his sanguineness kept the team motivated.
Adjective: She remains sanguine about the company’s future despite the recent setbacks.
Adverb: He spoke sanguinely about their chances of success.
Iconoclastic meaning
Criticizing or attacking cherished beliefs or institutions.
Use iconoclastic in a sentence
Noun: The iconoclasm of the artist shocked the conservative community.
Adjective: His iconoclastic views challenged the traditional norms of society.
Adverb: She iconoclastically dismissed the long-held beliefs of the organization.
Fetid meaning
Smelling extremely unpleasant.
Use fetid in a sentence
Noun: The fetidness of the swamp was overwhelming.
Adjective: The fetid odour from the garbage made it hard to breathe.
Adverb: The air was fetidly heavy with the smell of decay.
Disinter meaning
To dig up (something that has been buried, especially a corpse).
Use disinter in a sentence
Noun: The disinterment of the remains was carried out by forensic experts.
Adjective: The disinterred artifacts revealed much about the ancient civilization.
Adverb: The archaeologists decided to disinter the ancient burial site to learn more about the civilization that once inhabited the area.