Words in HW Flashcards
Extant adj
still existing, not destroyed or lost
Dishevelled adj
untidy, disarranged
Congenial adj
agreeable, suitable
Undercut v
weaken, undermine
Censorious adj
Mettlesome adj
spirited, courageous
Lackluster adj
dull, lacking enthusiasm, brilliance, vitality
Chronic adj
constant, habitual, continuing for a long time
Tout v
describe or advertise boastfully; publicize or promote
Denigrate v
To speak damagingly of; to defame
Imperturbability n
Incapable of being agitated or upset; calm
Culpability n
Guilt or blame that’s deserved
Reproof n
An expression of censure or rebuke
Poised adj
Being in balance; self-assured, dignified
Coalesce v
To grow/come together as one; to unite in one mass/community
Immutable adj
Falter v
To hesitate or waver; to stumble;
Canvass v
To solicit votes, subscriptions/ To examine carefully, discuss, debate
Contingency n
A possible outcome but not likely to happen in the future
Unanimous adj
complete agreement
Attune v
To bring into harmony; to adjust
Inimical adj
Unfavorable/ Unfriendly/ Harmful
Circumvent v
To avoid by artfulness and deception/ To go around
Forsake v
To quite, leave, abandon To renounce ( a habit of life)