Words And Word Formation Processes Flashcards
Word formation
The investigation and description of process and rule-governed formation of new complex words on the basis of already existing linguistic resources.
Deals with the description of the structure of both nonce words and neologisms
A pattern is productive if it is repeatedly used in language to produce further instances of the same type
The stringing together of two or more free morphemes to one complex free morpheme, the compound
Morphological material added to a given form
An originally older and more complex expression gives rise to the formation of a new stem. The original expression is then analysed synchronically as a derivation on the basis of a new stem and a productive suffix
Neoclassical items
Forms in which lexemes of latin or greek origin are combined to form new combinations that are not attested in the original languages
The invention of totally new terms, e.g. Taking trade names for a companys product as general terms